Teddy Roosevelt
Number of words: 4332 - Number of pages: 16.... Platt's first suggested appointee. After making his point, however, Roosevelt tried to work with the Republican boss to the extent of not abandoning his own principals. Platt for his part could not toss the war hero out on his ear in 1900, but at the same time, he wanted to find a way to gracefully get Roosevelt out of his hair. Platt's opportunity to get rid of Roosevelt came with the approach of the presidential election of 1900. McKinley was discretely looking for a new running mate to replace Hobart in the upcoming election. It was fairly obvious that the Democrats would choose William .....
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Number of words: 335 - Number of pages: 2.... that black holes should not be completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear.
During his work in Cambridge, Stephen s held the chair as Lucasian professor of mathematics which was once held by Newton.
still clearly insists that what we think of as real time has a beginning at the Big Bang, some ten to twenty billion years ago. And no one who knows much of anything about the universe is debating that issue. The evidence for the Big Bang event is conclusive, possibly irrefutable. Time as we understand it has a beginning.
I believe that the univer .....
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Halloween: A Groundbreaking Film
Number of words: 1362 - Number of pages: 5.... single-shot introduction that takes place on Halloween night, 1963. A young Michael Myers watches as his older sister, Judith, sneaks upstairs for a quickie with a guy from school. After the boyfriend has departed, Michael takes a knife out of the kitchen drawer, ascends the staircase, and stabs Judith to death. The entire sequence employs the subjective point- of-view, an approach that writer/director John Carpenter returns to repeatedly throughout the movie. Only after the deed is done, do we learn that Michael is only a child. The bulk of the movie takes place fifteen years later. Mic .....
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British Invasion
Number of words: 478 - Number of pages: 2.... his own virginity in the drug world. In typical Oasis fashion, Matthews was dismissed with swear words and the raising of a certain finger.
Perhaps the biggest difference between the two bands is their music and fan base. Oasis is known for literally playing at maximum level, while Matthews has a mellower and almost soothing concert sound level. He also has a very limited stage with little lighting as compared to Oasis’ dazzling effects that seem to pulse with the music. These flashing lights seem to activate the rowdy crowd found at the typical Oasis show. The model fan is .....
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Hurricane Georges
Number of words: 1990 - Number of pages: 8.... and 1947 flooded the city
killing about 200 and 47
people. The current hurricane protection system was
approved by Congress in 1965 after
Hurricane Betsy killed 81 people in southern Louisiana.
Hundreds of millions of dollars
has produced what may be the world's most elaborate flood
protection system, said Jim
Addison, chief of public affairs for the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers' New Orleans
District, which builds and monitors the levees. The levees
along the south shore of Lake
Pontchartrain and other key areas are designed to protect
the city from a fast-moving
h .....
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English And French Relations I
Number of words: 895 - Number of pages: 4.... behind by comparison. In 1905, while Laurier tried to implement dual educational systems in Saskatchewan and Alberta, Clifford Sifton essentially forced Laurier to abandon it because Sifton desired to make Canada an English nation. Sifton's "white mans Canada" offended French, Blacks Asians, and others alike. French Canadians began to feel that Quebec was the only place their language and culture would be tolerated. The stage was set for unrest and discontentment in the future.
With the onset of World War I, French and English Canadians learned about their different priorities, and loya .....
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Archetypes In Waterworld
Number of words: 365 - Number of pages: 2.... engulfs the whole world. Archetypally, this holds a demonic meaning, and in Waterworld the characters are constantly trying to overcome it. The sun also makes it very hot, giving the characters a thirst which cannot be quenched, as there is no water. Furthermore, any vegetation is extremely valuable because it gives the people vital nutrients, which they need to survive.
Many other archetypes also appear in the film. For example, the mariners ship is a place of safety for the mariner and his companions. Therefore it has a positive archetypal meaning and is important to the story. In add .....
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Crittenden Compromise
Number of words: 1811 - Number of pages: 7.... A major issue that was being tossed around during compromise talks was the 36°30' line, established by the Missouri Compromise in 1820. This compromise said that Maine would be admitted to the Union as a free state as long as Missouri would be admitted as a slave state, and that the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of this line would be free, and south of it would be slave. The restoration of this line for the remaining territories, and also guaranteeing the protection of slavery south of this line were major components of the Crittenden Plan.
South Carolina was perhaps the most ag .....
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How Social Tensions Led To Wit
Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4.... have been accused due to evidence of strange events, or their mysterious character. Perfect models of this characteristic would be Hugh and Mary Parsons.
Mary and Hugh Parsons lived in Springfield, Massachusetts. In chapter 2 of Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth Century New England, the introduction clearly conveys that relationships within the Parson family were filled with problems.
With the town’s houses built so close to each other, it could be assumed that neighbors were able to hear every argument and fight that took place within the Parson household. In the Puritan community, the ki .....
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Causes Of The Civil War 3
Number of words: 1709 - Number of pages: 7.... powers to the individual states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good banking and currency system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South felt these were .....
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