The Greeks' Contribution To Western Civilization
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... though
slavery is not permitted now it used to be. It was then based on race,
which was totally unfair to the African Americans. This is just one
country effected by Greek democracy.
Many great philosophers that influenced European philosophers were
from Greece. One example is Socrates. Socrates was one of the strongest
critics of the Sophists. One reason is because he believed that definite
standards did exist for truth and justice. However, he tried to convince
other Greeks to question themselves and their moral character. He believed
that, "there is only one good, knowledge: and on .....
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Number of words: 1554 - Number of pages: 6.... still stand as their builders planned. Many of the once upright stones lie on their sides. Religious fanatics, who felt threatened by the mysteries posed by Stonehenge, knocked over many of the standing stones. They toppled some of the huge stones, which then split into pieces; they buried others.
Other stones were "quarried" over the centuries as free building material and hauled away. Even into this century, visitors have come with hammers to carry away a chip of stone with them.
III. Only in recent years have the stones been protected from the huge amounts of people that see the .....
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The Aztec Indians
Number of words: 541 - Number of pages: 2.... finished. They called it Tenochtitlan. In the the capital city aqueducts (piping) were constructed, bridges were built, and chinapas were made. Chinapas were little islands formed by pilled up mud. On these chinapas Aztecs grew corn, beans, chili peppers, squash, tomatoes, and tobacco. Tenochtitlan (the capital city) was covered in giant religious statues in order to pay their respects to the gods. In the Aztec religion numerous gods controlled an Aztec’s daily life. Some of these gods include: Uitzilpochtli (the sun god), Coyolxauhqui (the moon goddess), Tlaloc (the rain god), and Quetzalc .....
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American Involvement In The Cuban Revolution
Number of words: 1050 - Number of pages: 4.... there was no social militancy in the working
class ranks, and the people found order preferable to disarray. Batista
could no longer legitimize his regime . Failure in the elections of 1954
showed the discontent of the people, and failure in communications with the
United States illustrated its discontent. Finally, opposing forces
confronted Batista's power: there were street protests, confrontations
with the police, assault, sabotage, and urban violence. This began the
revolution in Cuba.
America, with its stubborn ideas and misjudgements of character, forced
Castro to turn .....
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Stalin And The Soviet Union
Number of words: 8381 - Number of pages: 31.... his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy. While employed as an accountant in T’bilisi, Stalin spread Marxist propaganda among railway workers on behalf of the local Social Democratic organization. After moving to the seaport of Bat’umi, where he organized a large workers’ demonstration in 1902, Stalin was hunted down and arrested by the imperial police. A year later he was sentenced to exile in the Russian region of Siberia. He soon managed to escape, however, and was back in Georgia by early 1904.
When the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) spl .....
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Change Within Western Society From Roman Times To The Time O
Number of words: 1889 - Number of pages: 7.... The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire declared that Rome had at last experienced a "period the history of the world during which the condition of the human race was most happy and prosperous." At this time, he continues, "the empire of Rome comprehended the fairest part of the earth and the most civilized portion of mankind." This favorable state of affairs he attributed to the Romans' genius for law and order, their cultivation of tolerance and justice, and their capacity for wise government (Fleming, 95-96).
Such feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction that were present during t .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 891 - Number of pages: 4.... that he will not betray his honor and loyalty to Rome.
That evening, there are strange and unusual natural occurrences--the weather is very strange and violent and fire falls from the sky. Most of the people believe that the weather is a bad omen, but Cassius disagrees. He uses the unusual weather to reason that it is only for evil men (such as Caesar) who need to be afraid. The plotting against Caesar continues.
Act II:
Brutus is convinced by Cassius that it is for the good of Rome that Caesar be killed. Some of the other conspirators want to kill friends of Caesar's, but Brutus feels t .....
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The Vietnam War
Number of words: 2695 - Number of pages: 10.... the United Stated soldiers returned to be called "baby killers", and were often spat upon. With the complexities of war already long overdrawn because of the length of the war it is no wonder the returning solders often left home confused and returned home insane. Through an examination of , in particular an event know as the My Lai Massacre, and the people involved with both, it can be proven that when the threshold for violence of a person is met or exceeded, the resulting psychological scarring becomes the most prominent reason for war being hell.
Although officially, the Vietnam Conflict .....
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China's Influence On Korea
Number of words: 460 - Number of pages: 2.... learning of China..
Under the Shilla dynasty, Korea became a tributary state, acknowledging
Chinese overlordship but preserving its independence. Koreans also adopted
the Confucian emphasis on the family as the foundation of the state.
Although Koreans adapted and modified Chinese ideas. For example, they
adapted the Chinese civil service examination to reflect their own system
of inherited ranks. In China, even a peasant could win political influence
by passing the exam. In Korea, only aristocrats were permitted to take the
During the Koryo age, Buddhism reached its greatest .....
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Causes Of The The French Revolution
Number of words: 1906 - Number of pages: 7.... French Revolution Maximilien Robespierre became power hungry and lost
control. His own men mutinized against him and executed him. Bonapart was
also captured and briefly imprisoned because he was a member of
Robspierre's faction. Napoleon was freed just two months later.In 1795 a
revolt began in Paris over a new constitution that was presented by the
National Convention, the National Convention was name the of the new
government that had taken power in France. Napoleon received orders from
Frances military leader to defend the convention, and control the situation.
Upon his arrival Napoleon .....
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