Charles V
Number of words: 406 - Number of pages: 2.... king. But, he would have to wait until 1530 to become the Holy Roman Emperor. Charles was going through a lot and he soon started feeling the pressures of his obligations and to add to his pressures, he would soon be going into war with France, a big competitor and persistent enemy.
went through many wars, but his most were with France. The Valois kings fought the emperor for the leadership of Europe in general and for the domination of Italy in particular. Though in 1525 Charles’s army defeated and captured Francis I of France at the Battle of Pavia in Italy it was thought that th .....
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Communistic Society
Number of words: 714 - Number of pages: 3.... and class struggle would cease to exist.
Government, social structure, and economic development were three important aspects of . Communists believed that the present should dominate the past, contrary to previous modes of thinking under which the past dominated the present. A person’s social standing would not be affected by his ancestors as they were prior to Marx’s time. According to Marx, under Communist Government, the State, or government, was to play a more direct and involved role in society than it previously had. Government was to control all private property and means of .....
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Ludwig Van Beethoven The Incessant Sound Of A Fallen Tree
Number of words: 1570 - Number of pages: 6.... zone as tons of falling wood rushed earthward. Notwithstanding the magnitude of this event and the obvious lasting effects that resulted, I still wondered if “the falling tree had made a sound?”
When the life of Ludwig van Beethoven first encroached upon my path, much the same sensation was experienced. No doubt I had heard of the composer’s name, but then so had I foreknowledge of trees, both fallen as well as standing ones. However, what of this particular composer. Had I ever entertained conversation with him? Had I known of his particular work, achievements, or failures? What .....
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Rahotep And Nefret
Number of words: 943 - Number of pages: 4.... seated statues, the stone between their arms and their body has not been cut away. This is intentional; it is supposed to convey a sense of power and prevent breakage. The two figures also exhibit frontality, an attribute shared by the vast majority of three-dimensional Egyptian art. They are both facing perfectly straight ahead and are not looking at each other or to the side.
Both Rahotep and Nefert are roughly the same size and are seated in almost identical high-backed chairs with footrests. Rahotep wears a very plain kilt and a small amulet around his neck. He has close-cropp .....
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Castro Rise The Power
Number of words: 1603 - Number of pages: 6.... of the men
perished during the initial landing, but a small group including Fidel
Castro and an Argentinian Marxist Ernesto "Che" Guevara, survived and went
into the mountains. During the next two years, Castro and Guevara fought the
Batista army continuously in small guerrilla wars. They called themselves
the Twenty-sixth of July Movement, after the earlier unsuccessful raid on
the Moncada barracks. Their group gained in numbers and popularity among
Cubans as the desire for political change in Cuba increased. Castro promised
sweeping changes including free elections, non- .....
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Higher Love In The Symposium A
Number of words: 1221 - Number of pages: 5.... he or she has encountered. This can best be seen when analyzing Plato’s Symposium and Augustine’s Confessions; because their visions of love were of different branches, their opinions on the value of love differ greatly. Plato’s understanding of the concept of love leaned towards the branch of Eros, while Augustine’s love was more Ludus based.
In Saint Augustine’s pubescent age he resigned himself to the urgings of the flesh, as he speaks about in Book II of Confessions. All too quickly he plunged deeply into the pleasures of fornication, and nobody was able to save him from thi .....
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Kingdom Of Benin
Number of words: 349 - Number of pages: 2.... was in the
hands of the Europeans.
One of the richest arts that originated in Africa are some of the hand
cast bronzes that came out of the kingdom of Benin. These became known as
the Benin Bronzes. The casting of brass was strictly a royal art and
anyone found casting brass without royal permission was faced with
execution. Whenever a king or a major figure died, a beautiful
commemorative head was cast out of bronze in his honor. These heads were
displayed at shrines found all throughout the royal palace. Also found in
the royal palace were eight wall-sized bronze plaques. Each plaque .....
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Effectiveness Of The Articles
Number of words: 399 - Number of pages: 2.... it had, all of the power was in the hands of the states. The thirteen states acted like thirteen separate nations as they, for the most part, functioned as they pleased.
Document G reveals the discontent of the people in the ineffectiveness of their national government under the Articles of Confederation. John Jay (Secretary of Foreign Affairs and great international negotiator), expresses this discontent of the people through a letter of concern to George Washington. He foreshadowed some sort of revolt, crisis, or revolution and expressed his feeling of uneasiness and the need for chan .....
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Before 1640, Parliament Was No
Number of words: 1206 - Number of pages: 5.... vast opposition against the Crown. With two contradicting ideals, Elizabeth and her prerogatives over the "matters of state" (religion, foreign policy, marriage, succession and finance) in which Parliament couldn't discuss without her consent. Parliament having the contradictory view that it was their privilege and right to discuss these matters. The era of Elizabeth is a chronological chart of parliamentary opposition. 1566, a petition from Parliament over her marriage, Elizabeth ordered them to stop this debate because it was a "matters of state", Wentworth reacted to this by sayin .....
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Georg Handel
Number of words: 302 - Number of pages: 2.... 1710, Handel composed 100 chamber cantatas while living in Italy. Some of these cantatas were composed while Handel was employed as a household musician to Marchese Francisco Maria di Ruspoli during a sixth month span in 1707. These cantatas were composed for meetings of the Arcadian Academy.
In 1710 Handel became the director of music for the elector of Hanover. Handel then took a position in 1718 as the director of music for the duke of Chandos. During this whole time span Handel had composed many operas and cantatas. Unfortunately, Handel started having trouble with his vision in 1 .....
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