Kosovo History
Number of words: 798 - Number of pages: 3.... that NATO might take with regard to the developing Kosovo Crisis. This led to consideration of a large number of possible options.
On 13 October 1998, following a deterioration of the situation, the NATO Council authorised Activation Orders for air strikes. This move was designed to support diplomatic efforts to make the Milosevic regime withdraw forces from Kosovo, cooperate in bringing an end to the violence and facilitate the return of refugees to their homes. At the last moment, following further diplomatic initiatives including visits to Belgrade by NATO's Secretary General Solana, US .....
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War In The Falklands
Number of words: 711 - Number of pages: 3.... really knew who owned the Falkland Islands. Some thought
Spain, Argentina thought they owned it, and Britain thought they owned it. No
agreements could be made.
The war of the Falklands was a perfect opportunity to unleash
state of the art weapons on the opponents.
Later, after the first invasions, some messages went out over the radios.
The first ones told people of a small invasion, then they began broadcasting
from live sights, complete with gun fire in the background.
There were a lot of battles that went on between the British and
the Argentineans .....
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Importance Of The Renaissance Period For European Overseas Exploration
Number of words: 297 - Number of pages: 2.... Europe are technological advancements in cartography, printing, and navigational devices for ships.
The word Renaissance means “rebirth of knowledge”. during the Renaissance, many Arabic thoughts were reborn, such as mathematics, geometry, and algebra. So were sciences such as chemistry and astronomy. Many of these ideas led to technological advancements in Europe like the Astrolabe, Sextant, and even new forms of shipbuilding such as the caravel, invented in 1470. In 1454, Johannes Gutenburg perfected the printing press. This led to the fast spread of ideas and thoughts. The printi .....
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Israeli Occupation Of South
Number of words: 2568 - Number of pages: 10.... in Athens. For the next ten years there were numerous small terrorist acts from both countries.
Then in March 1978, Israel launched the first of four major attacks on southern Lebanon. The attacks have set up an Israeli zone of occupation, a “security zone”, in southern Lebanon that is still present today. The Israeli occupation and the attack on southern Lebanon has never been legitimately justified.
The first major Israeli incursion into south Lebanon came on March 14, 1978. The military action was named “Operation Litany”. The Israeli army attacked PLO positions that were in sout .....
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The Actions Of The Puritans Were Hypocritical
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2.... Many Puritans choose to go to the New World. In the New World they felt they could practice religious.
The Puritans did not like other religions. They were very strict in there religious beliefs. Those who wanted to be a member of the government had to be a member of the Puritan religion. And that included the right to vote. You had to be male, own property, and part of the Puritan religion. The Puritans considered religious desinners and people who disagreed with them a threat. Religious beliefs were strictly enforced. Desinners such as Thomas Hooker and Roger Willams were forced to l .....
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Egyptain Foreign Policy In Reg
Number of words: 3598 - Number of pages: 14.... such as the US pushed them into conflict?
In 1948, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was read by David Ben-Gurion in Tel Aviv. The Egyptians, like most of the Arab states saw this as a creation of a Western State, backed by the British Empire, and thus an imperialistic entity in the Arab homeland. Considering the past 20 years of the Egyptian state, and of most of the Arab nations, was a continual conflict again imperial powers, the Egyptian were naturally weary and afraid of any new imperialistic powers developing in the Middle East. In September 1947, the League .....
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Immigrants 2
Number of words: 1326 - Number of pages: 5.... in many other ways from previous immigration. Until 1897, 90 percent of all overseas immigrants had come from Protestant northern and western Europe. But for the first time, Catholic and Jewish immigrants outnumbered Protestants, and still other arrivals were Muslims, Buddhists, or Greek or Russian Orthodox church members.
Fleeing such hardships as poverty, religious persecution, and political unrest in their homelands, immigrants journeyed to the United States in search of freedom and opportunity. The immigrants came partly because Europe seemed to be running out of room. The pop .....
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The Holocaust
Number of words: 1487 - Number of pages: 6.... later, the Jews slowly began to loose their rights. For example, Jewish children were expelled from German schools simply because of their religious beliefs. After that, people were beginning to be sent to ghettos. Ghettos were places where the Jews were isolated from other people. There were usually walls or fences to keep them in their own place, because they were basically rejected from society.
After spending some time in the ghettos, they were transported by cargo trains to what was called a concentration camp. It was basically like a prison, they had no rights, they were worked like sla .....
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Germany 2
Number of words: 996 - Number of pages: 4.... as an investment target. They cite increasing preference by German companies
to locate new manufacturing facilities in foreign countries rather than in
Germany, to be closer to the markets, and to avoid Germany’s high tax rates,
high wage cost, rigid labor structures, and extensive regulations. For similar
reasons foreign investment in Germany has been lagging for years.
Germany is one of the world’s leading industrial nations. Western
Germany is among the world’s largest and technologically advanced producers
of iron, steel, coal, cement, chemicals, machinery, v .....
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Michelangelo 2
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4.... the Ducal tombs had been designed. Lorenzo (the magnificent) and his brother Giuliano lie disregarded on a cassone or chest, opposite the altar. Michelangelo designed the tombs for Lorenzo de Medici Duke of urbino and Guiliano de Medici Duke of Nermours. The two complex tombs were conceived as representing opposite types: Lorenzo, the contemplative, introspective personality; the Giuliano, the active, extroverted one he put magnificent nude representations of dawn and dusk beneath the seated Lorenzo, day and night beneath Giuliano. Work on the Medici tombs continued long after michelango .....
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