Chinese Culture
Number of words: 846 - Number of pages: 4.... different from North American’s style, since the North Americans like to live alone when they are getting old. It is very dangerous for the old people, if there is any accident happened. Nobody can help them if the old people live alone.
The elder Chinese people are not willing to spend their final years living in an old people’s home. Chinese have great respect to the old generations. They will not let their parents or grandparents live alone in another environment for the final years. They will live with the old people because they could like to look after them. This is quite .....
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The Atomic Bomb And Its Effects On Post-World War II
Number of words: 4514 - Number of pages: 17.... Over the course of the next forty years, these two bombings, and the nuclear arms race that followed them, would come to have a direct or indirect effect on almost every man, woman and child on this Earth, including people in the United States. The atomic bomb would penetrate every fabric of American existence. From our politics to our educational system. Our industry and our art. Historians have gone so far as to call this period in our history the "atomic age" for the way it has shaped and guided world politics, relations and culture.
The entire history behind the bomb itself is ro .....
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Chinese Communist Influences
Number of words: 1984 - Number of pages: 8.... and a common set of
ethical and social values, known as Confucianism. Traditional china
had neither the knowledge nor the power that would have been necessary
to cope with the superior science, technology, economic organization,
and military force that expanding West brought to bear on it. The
general sense of national weakness and humiliation was rendered still
keener by a unique phenomenon, the modernization of Japan and its rise
to great power status. Japan's success threw China's failure into
sharp remission.
The Japanese performance contributed to the .....
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The War Between The States
Number of words: 3671 - Number of pages: 14.... William Gilbert in 1828, would
complete the family, making seven children in all. Young Charles' roots
ran deep into the soil of the lowcountry. His Whilden ancestors had
settled in the Charleston area in the 1690's, and an ancestor on his
mother's side, the Rev. William Screven, had arrived in South Carolina
even earlier, establishing the First Baptist Church of Charleston in 1683,
today the oldest church in the Southern Baptist Convention. Like many
Southerners who came of age in the late antebellum period, Charles Whilden
took pride in his ancestors' role in the American Revolution, espe .....
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The Classical World
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... the
circumference of the Earth by using geometry. Developed by Archimedes, the
Archimedes Principle contributes greatly to the field of science. The principle
states that "a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal the weight
of the fluid displaced by the body."2 The Archimedes Principle influenced the
development of the boat and submarine. The Classical World also contributed to
the field of literature.
Literature has come a long way from the Classical World since its
development by many authors and playwrights of this time period. Homer, author
of The Iliad and The .....
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“Economic Issues, Not Religion Determined The Development English Colonies In North America.”
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... with their work and were close to rebelling, slaves from Africa were brought to this colony. Economics was important in establishing the Virginia colony.
In Maryland, an owner/leader took the ownership of the land. The whole area was given to Lord Baltimore. Under him, there was talk of joint stock companies, monopolies and distribution of the farmland. Even though it would seem as if the statement would be perfectly relevant to Maryland, there were religion issues facing Lord Baltimore. He and other settlers were Catholic, but there were also Protestants living in Maryland. To .....
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Causes Of World War I
Number of words: 2801 - Number of pages: 11.... very helpful to know
what was the opinion of the contemporaries about the causes of the
Great War. In the reprint of the article "What Started the War", from
August 17, 1915 issue of The Clock magazine published on the Internet
the author writes: "It is thought that this war that is been ongoing
for over a year, began with the assassination of the Archduke Francis
Ferdinand. However, many other reasons led to this war, some occurring
as far back the late 1800's. Nationalism, militarism, imperialism, and
the system of alliances were four main factors that pressed the great .....
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The Fall Of The Roman Empire Could Be Linked To Many Different Aspects: Army, Citizens, Barbarianism
Number of words: 1600 - Number of pages: 6.... was
never capable of re-stabilizing the Empire after the invasions. For instance,
Constantine created a “substantial field force where he recruited many regiments
from Germany. He greatly increased the German generals” (1). “Aurelius also
introduced the German element into the Empire. He established a precedent for
settling Germanic peoples, barbarians to the Romans, in Roman territory to try
secure peace”(2). He felt the only way to preserve the Empire was to host all
those who wished to live within its territory.
These German units under Roman commanders did not easily fall to the .....
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La Amistad
Number of words: 1521 - Number of pages: 6.... goal: to return to Africa.
Without the navigational skills to guide them home, the Africans are forced to rely on the two surviving members of the crew. But they are tricked. After two months on a ragged course up the eastern seaboard, an American naval ship off the coast of Connecticut captures the Amistad and the Africans were charged with murder and piracy.
In the beginning, the Africans are championed by abolitionists Theodore Joadson (played by Morgan Freeman) and Lewis Tappan (played by Stellan Skarsgard), and a young real estate attorney named Roger Baldwin (played by Matthew McCona .....
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Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... In October of 1913 a man named John R. Lee, recruited from the Kiem Mills to reform the company’s wage structure, developed an ingenious job-ladder system.
This innovative system allowed increased wages for the upper crust portion of the working core. These elite workers had incentives to work their way from the $2.34 minimum to over $4.00 a day. This was a wage increase of 13%! This system was developed to increase labor turnover and create a more stable and committed workforce.
This wage increase was copiously overshadowed by the increase to $5.00 a day just three months later. This .....
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