Kubrick Lives
Number of words: 1150 - Number of pages: 5.... The first of these two films, 2001, was created like a symphony. It had an overture at the beginning, a musical intermission, and an epilogue at the end. The classical work of Richard Strauss, “Also Spach Zarathustra”, supplies the most recognizable and moving main title theme of the film. The use of this music as well as other classical works including the frolicky “Blue Danube” by Johann Strauss gives the film a flowing quality that it wouldn’t normally have. Most of the music is light in nature, which contradicts the mystery that is unfolding in space. The beautiful imager .....
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The American Revolution
Number of words: 1314 - Number of pages: 5.... several influential measures were the Mercantile system, the stamp tax, and the Intolerable acts.
“The British Empire was erected on the then-popular theory of mercantilism, which held that colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country.” (Bailey 92) The Mercantile system was certainly not a new idea, it was already used by French and Spanish as a way of profiting more from their colonies. The Mercantile system was a way of ensuring that England exported more than it imported. The colonies would supply the raw materials and to England, which would turn them in to finished .....
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Colombus Case Extrapolated To
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... of the facts that take place in certain situations; therefore, the power to convince becomes a reality to the decision takers. Columbus convinced the Spanish sovereigns through an elaborate plan to win much more than they could lose and also negotiated with them to get a tenth of the profits and be named Viceroy of the new lands. Organization leaders should take advantage of risk taking in fields, which are unexplored by competitors. The Negotiation factor also becomes an interesting matter for managers in risk taking, that has to be considered carefully in order to succeed.
"Columbus w .....
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Israel 3
Number of words: 1547 - Number of pages: 6.... want to limit the role of religion. 77% of non-jews are Arab Muslims. 13% of non-jews are Arab Cristians, mostly Greek Catholic and Greek Orthodox. Most of the remaining 10% are Druses, an Arabic speaking group who follow a religion that formed out of Islam. A few are Baha'is of other small religious groups.
The natonal Israeli government is democratic rebublic with a parliament-cabinet form of government. There is no written constitution. Instead there are "basic laws" passed by the Knesset, the Israeli parliament. The national government devides the country into 6 districs, and 14 subdist .....
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Cooperative Pursuit
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... lighting has unquestionably altered the average
household and will increase your farm productivity. With electricity it is
possible to make use of the entire day not just the daylight hours.
thereby increasing your farm production by being able to work at a steady
pace for a longer period of time. Imagine not having to blow out or
relight candles, with the flip of a switch you automatically lighted the
entire house. Electric lighting is not only one of the most common
conveniences, it is the most practical.
Modern day heating compared to the burning of wood or coal is a
very w .....
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Bacon’s Rebellion
Number of words: 2846 - Number of pages: 11.... where six parts of seaven at least are poore Endebted
Discontented and Armed”.
He states that of all the people in Virginia the majority of people are poor and has no land that is sufficient. They
have no money not to consider that most of them owe people money, for example in the case of indentured servants that are
poor and owe work to there masters and freed indentured servants who have not gotten their land they were promised. This is
enough to discontent and frustrate, these people driving the to take violent action. However it also suggests that one part of
this group had enough la .....
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Jeanne La Pucelle (Joan The Ma
Number of words: 595 - Number of pages: 3.... almost half of
France including Paris. When Joan told him of her visions of the Saints
he was doubtful so he set up two tests for her. In the first he
disguised himself as a courtier, but she pointed him out immediately.
For the second test he asked her what he prayed to God for the night
before she arrived; she told him exactly. Some of the clergy believed
her to be Satanic, but Joan was approved. Charles fitted her with armor
and gave her command of the military. Soon after she set out to free
Orleans from a brutal siege. The other French commanders hesitantly
followed orders .....
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Huge Franciscus
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... medicine, Dr. Franciscus’ feels miserable. He cannot accept the fact that she died after he had a chance to fix what was wrong.
Dr. Franciscus likes to get his work done correctly and quickly with the absence of any bond with his patients. He moves from patient to patient “ . . . without affection for the patients. He does not want to be touched by them.” (p140). He would continue in his work in a steady fashion if not for Imelda. Hugh “ . . . must have been awed by the sight of this girl.” (p143). With the small act of concealment, he was determined to fix her lip. He alr .....
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Causes Of The Holocaust
Number of words: 1032 - Number of pages: 4.... to France, Belgium, and Denmark. France got German coal mines and Gdansk, now a city in Poland, became a "free city." Poland gained most of Western Prussia and Germany's Rhineland was demilitarized, although allied troops occupied it for fifteen years after the war. The Treaty also solely held Germany responsible for the War in a "war guilt" cause, which greatly upset the Germans. When the German government saw the treaty, they heavily opposed it!, however they had to accept it. Germany's new republican government ratified it in 1919. Germany's defeat in the war and the provisions .....
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Civil War 7
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... slavery. After this was done the
government could elect congressmen and participate in national politics. His
plan was known to be lenient; many had opposed it.
Unfortunately President Lincoln did not live to carry out all of his
plans. A Democrat was elected into office and took over. The new president
was Andrew Johnson. His plan was as much mild as Lincoln’s. Johnson
wanted to restore power to the Southern states as quickly as possible. Under
his plan a majority of the voters had to pledge loyalty to the United States and
the 13th amendment had to be ratified. Sou .....
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