Atomic Bomb 5
Number of words: 1504 - Number of pages: 6.... to expand, Japan posed a serious threat to the allies.
During the war, one of the most brilliant scientists in history, Albert Einstein, hypothesized that if the true power of the atom were released in a weapon, the results would be devastating. This was soon confirmed by a large portion of the scientific community. Whoever possessed such a weapon would be in complete power. Many government officials felt that such a weapon could put an end to the war. For this reason, in 1942, the United States decided to pursue the atomic bomb. Later that year, Franklin D. Roosevelt began the Manhatta .....
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The Condition Of African Americans In The 1920’s Compared To Amory Blaine
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... My thesis is reached by relating African Americans to Amory in order to prove how good he had things and how he still was unappreciative and somewhat selfish. According to the editor of the African American Encyclopedia, Michael W. Williams, “an average black child completed grammar school (eight years) having spent about fifty-eight months in the classroom, while a white child had spent sixty-six months in the classroom” (Williams 509). The primary reasoning behind this was that black children were needed to do the labor of white-controlled tenant farmers and sharecroppers. The A .....
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African American Women
Number of words: 855 - Number of pages: 4.... lower mark than I did… he spit out that word…"(232) here I saw the meaning of the word that I saw, the only meaning I knew. A derogatory remark used to demean an African American person. Then as I read into the story more I saw another meaning, "…the word was always applied to a man who had distinguished himself… that brought approval for his strength, intelligence, or drive."(233) Here the word was used as praise. For the first time I could see through an African American person's eyes and understand what they understood. I also saw other meanings for the word such as "my nigger" .....
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Film 2
Number of words: 600 - Number of pages: 3.... Kapur did an excellent job portraying the many different phases in the Queen’s life. From her carefree days before her rein where she wore long flowing and light dresses, to that of her rebirth as the “Virgin Queen.” In her last phase she dons the most elaborate attire, huge and stiff dresses with high neck lines. She even cuts most of her hair off and painst herself white as a display of her personal sacrifice and commitment to her subjects alone. Towards the movie’s beginning we see Elizabeth being interogated on treason charges. From a God’s Eye view she is seated alone .....
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The Kosovo Conflict
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... and Metohija, during the Serbian insurrections in the so-called Belgrade Pashaluk (administrative-territorial unit), there was a terror without justification, marked with the obvious plan of the extermination and exile of the Serbs from the entire Old Serbia. During the 1850s and the 1860s, the genocide against the Serbian people was confirmed by a great number of documents, of grievances to the Turkish administration against the crimes of the Albanians and in the reports of the European consuls (Bitolj, Skoplje, Prizren, Prishtina).
Our group believes that kosovo should have a presidentia .....
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Early America
Number of words: 618 - Number of pages: 3.... new writers to tell. Some of the new writers included John Smith; he only spent two in a half years in America. Jonathan Edward's, he thought that a revolution would create a world of literature. He was the first major writer to be educated and lived his whole life in the New World. When he was eleven he wrote science essays on insects. Then when he was thirteen we went to Yale for religious experience. He wrote Sinners in the Hands of an angry God and still is one of the most famous literary monuments to the "great Awakenings" The first book published in America was the Bay Psalm Book; it .....
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The Constitution: Discord And Tension In 1850
Number of words: 2819 - Number of pages: 11.... into two houses? In one house (the Senate) each state, regardless of population, would have the same number of representatives. In the other house (the House of Representatives) each member would represent the same number of people. ‘Quite appropriately this came to be called the Great Compromise. Other major compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one ki .....
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Ford Car Company
Number of words: 831 - Number of pages: 4.... use of the assembly line. This photo shows the depth of the plant, being able to manufacture all components of the cars without having to ship parts to or from other locations in the country.
The next collection of photographs is of the exterior of the Rouge plant. These photos were obtained from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. These pictures are of the Rouge during the switch of all production, from the Highland Park plant, to the Rouge. It was also the time that the Model A was beginning production.
This collection shows examples of four exterior views of the plant, allude .....
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Sociological Perspective From The Blues Brothers
Number of words: 958 - Number of pages: 4.... Their clothes of black pants, black shoes, black tie and hat, and a plain white shirt. The outfit is not complete without their black sunglasses. Some would not consider this a type of specialized dress but the Blues brothers have not changed this outfit for countless years. Their clothing separates them from the norms of society and reflects their blunt
behavior. A semiotic viewpoint could leave you with endless possibilities for the reasoning behind their dress. To prove that they are responsible, willing to conform, or businesslike. The meaning behind the message is hard to .....
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The Cuban Missile Crisis
Number of words: 2625 - Number of pages: 10.... de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) on the coast of Cuba. Castro's army quickly stopped the exiles that hoped to find local support. Ninety of the invader's were killed and twelve hundred captured. This failure was a big embarrassment to the Kennedy administration.
As of 1962 the Soviet Union was loosing a desperate arms race, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived an idea of placing intermediate-range cruise missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double their strategic arsenal as well as act as a deterrent to a potential U.S. attack. Ever since the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, Fidel C .....
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