Industrial Revloution
Number of words: 714 - Number of pages: 3.... increasingly routine and specialized. Industrial production became heavily dependent upon the intensive use of capital—physical plant and equipment produced for the express purpose of increasing efficiency. A reliance on tools and machinery allowed individual workers to produce more goods than before, and the advantages of experience with a particular task, tool, or piece of equipment reinforced the trend toward specialization.
The growth of specialization and the application of capital to industrial production created new class distinctions. New social and vocational classes emerged that .....
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Aristotle 2
Number of words: 1146 - Number of pages: 5.... has to drive himself home. His choice of how much to drink lies between two vices: sobriety and drunkenness. Although neither may be his intention for the evening, it is obvious that the less erroneous of the two is sobriety. “So much, then, makes it plain that the intermediate state is in all things to be praised, but that we must incline sometimes towards the excess, sometimes towards the deficiency; for so shall we most easily hit the mean and what is right” (Aristotle 387).
Aristotle defines virtue (also known as excellence) of humankind as living in accordance with rea .....
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Saddam, Iraq, And The Gulf War
Number of words: 3445 - Number of pages: 13.... given
to the
American people to justify military action were given before most
of our
wars, not every war has been popular. Ever since the Revolutionary
War up
until the Vietnam War, and even through to the Gulf War, public
support has
sequentially increased or decreased. For example, less than
half of the early
colonists backed America’s war of independence.1 According
to historians,
more than one third wanted to maintain their status of
colonists.2 During the
Spanish-American War, such a strong anti-war mood
was being expressed by the
American people, the Democratic party made
condemnin .....
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Life In Ancient Greece 2
Number of words: 429 - Number of pages: 2.... from smoky charcoal braziers. Furniture was simple and sparse, usually consisting of wooden chairs, tables, and beds.
Food was simple too; they grew olives, grapes, figs, and some grains, like wheat and barley, and kept goats to provide milk and cheese. Bakeries sold fresh bread daily, and small stands offered snacks. Most people also raised chickens and ate eggs regularly. Although the soil was poor for growing many types of grains, olive trees and grapes grew quite well in Greece and they still do today. Fish, seafood, and wine diluted with water were very popular food items. In some of .....
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Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... the bad side of things: People thought of life as short and full of suffering. There was very little medieval art that didn't have a religious theme, and most art was made by hired artists for a church, to teach people about there faith and encourage them to lead better lives so they could go to heaven.
The middle ages did not, of course, end abruptly. Some people still clung on to the medieval view of the world but slowly this view ended almost completely.
During the Renaissance period people became tired of the world view in the Middle Ages. To them, the feudal period had been a period of .....
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Impact Of Eliminating The
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... than a three-vote state, but has much more than 18 times more people in the state. It is clear that small states are at a great advantage under the Electoral College system.
Small states would also be at a disadvantage with the absence of the Electoral College due to the plain fact that candidates would have less incentive to campaign in those states. Under the current system, presidential candidates go to small states far less than they do to the states with greater electoral power. However, with a popular vote this phenomenon would be immensely magnified. Candidates would exclusively ca .....
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The Salem Witch Trials
Number of words: 3779 - Number of pages: 14.... With that statement, the religious movement called "The Reformation" began to spread across northern Europe. The Reformation led to the formation of a religious group called Protestants. In the decade that followed, many other reforms took place in the Church of England.
The Puritans, who had originally been part of the Church of England, greatly encouraged the reforms of others. They rejected the Catholic traditions and wanted to "purify" the church. The English king listened to their appeals, but many Catholic traditions remained in the Church of England. This disappointing news lead the .....
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Manhattan Project
Number of words: 1676 - Number of pages: 7.... discovering nuclear fission. The news came to the United States from Albert Einstein. Einstein found out the nuclear fission information from a German physicist named Leo Szilard. He then told it to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and urged him to start an investment toward atomic research. 3The research would then help construct an atomic weapon of mass destruction. Roosevelt was not especially concerned about investing in atomic weapon research because he didn't plan on getting involved in the War. When Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, Roosevelt entered the war and sent signif .....
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Atomic Bombs
Number of words: 1710 - Number of pages: 7.... could be built. On December 2, 1942, scientists working in a secret laboratory under the bleachers of a football field in Chicago achieved the first man-made nuclear reaction. An atomic bomb could now be developed. Many scientists and other skilled workers participated in the making of the first atomic bomb. However, only few knew what they were making. In 1944, after D-Day, a spy was sent to find how far the Germans had come in the building of the atomic bomb; He reported that they had given up in their attempt to make it (Smyth, 145). Still, despite scientists' pleas with the Presiden .....
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Cold War
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3.... fall to communism rapidly.
In the spirit of containment, strongly supported by President Harry Truman, was the main driving force behind the Korean War. Along with containment as a force was American Pride. After World War II and after Japanese occupation, Soviet troops moved in to North Korea, and the US moved in to South Korea. Each setup and supported its own government, and each government wanted unification on its own terms. The North Koreans were the ones to strike first, and the situation quickly involved US troops. Although originally winning the war easily, Gen. Macarthur ignored .....
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