Inca Empire
Number of words: 3101 - Number of pages: 12.... America. Incas’ expansion ended with the Spanish invasion led by Francisco Pizarro in 1532.
The Incas were the greatest indigenous civilization of the Americas. Within 100 years they had build a powerful empire, stretching the entire length of the Andeas, at a distance of more than 5,500 km. It was probably the greatest empire of its time life anywhere in the world, if we imagine that they had built a road system that extended some 30,000 to 40,000 km, unrivaled until the invention of the automobile, they possessed great skills in medicine, and they had a fully controlled social, p .....
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Confucianism, Daoism And Legal
Number of words: 1210 - Number of pages: 5.... a prominent ruler of the time who was willing to adopt his various concepts. Unfortunately, Confucius died in 479 B.C.E., before such a change ever took place. However, he succeeded in winning over a handful of devote followers who continued his legacy and Confucianism later went on to become one of the most influential thought systems of Chinese history. Of his followers, Mencius and Xunzi became the most renown. Since Confucius did not succeed in completing a manual of his views, these followers had to derive their own interpretations of the system which now formulate, the Analects. .....
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Number of words: 4476 - Number of pages: 17.... the temperature is slowly raised during the 30-35 hour period. After kilning, the result is finished malt, with soluble starches and developed enzymes. These grains each have a different and distinct flavor depending on how long they are cooked in the kiln. (Porter)
After the malting, the grain is ready for milling. Milling is the cracking, and crushing of the grain. This procedure is controlled carefully so as to break the grain while keeping the husk as large and as intact as possible. Milling allows the grain to absorb the water it will be mixed with later as the water will extract sugars .....
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The Indians Of The Pacific Northwest
Number of words: 1590 - Number of pages: 6.... a war that pitted his and other saltwater tribes against those of the Green and White Rivers. (1) He was considered to be Duwamish since his mother was the daughter of a Duwamish chief and the line of descent passed matrilineally. This was sometimes the case when fathers died while their son's were was still young and the mother would return to her tribe to raise the children. The Duwamish lived on the Duwamish River and various islands across the Puget Sound. Seattle was married twice, his first wife Ladaila, died after bearing one daughter, Kiksomlo, known as "Angeline". His second wife, Oi .....
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World War 2
Number of words: 787 - Number of pages: 3.... already sending Jews off too concentration camps to
meet a horrible death.
I believe that Hitler was one of the greatest causes of World War 2.
Although there are many other reasons, he was definitely one of them.
Another reason was the Treaty of Versailles. This was the treaty that was
signed at the end of World War 1. This treaty outlined the rules that
Germany must follow because of their defeat by Britain and France. Many
Germans were angered by the treaty, for most of the rules in the treaty
were unfair and Germany lost a great amount of wealth. One of the cruelest
reasons for .....
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Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... to
earn his doctoral degree in medicine.
Although Nostradamus was very interested in medicine, he began
reading books about the occult and took a fancy to predicting the future.
In 1550, he published his first book which contained prophecies for the
coming year. The almanac proved so successful and accurate that he began
publishing them annually. After several years, Nostradamus developed the
idea of writing a complete almanac, entitled Centuries. This book came to
consist of prophecies ranging in time from his present to the end of the
world. In Centuries there were one .....
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The Progressive Era
Number of words: 2175 - Number of pages: 8.... child labor and limited women's working hours. This act soon became a model for other states. During this time many children went to work full-time out of necessity. Wages in factories were low, they worked long hours in horrible working conditions. It took many years to get laws passed. The Illinois Factory Act was the first. State legislatures eventually passed laws banning or restricting child labor. It was not until 1938 that the federal government passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. This law banned employment for children under 16, and prohibited children under 18 from operat .....
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Causes Of The American Revolut
Number of words: 1041 - Number of pages: 4.... and political liberty.
One of the first of many seeds of the American Revolution was the Stamp Act. This act forced the colonists to purchase and use specially stamped paper for all official documents, deeds, mortgages, newspapers, and pamphlets. Passed in 1765, the Stamp Act was designed to raise revenue in order to pay for not only the over 140 million pounds of war debts left over from the French and Indian War, but also for a share of the cost of maintaining a permanent force of 10,000 British troops to prevent conflict between the colonists and the Native Americans. Also in 1965, th .....
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Civil War
Number of words: 2411 - Number of pages: 9.... and events between the winter of 1864-65 and the surrender of The Confederate States of America. All of this will most certainly illustrate that April 9, 1865 was indeed the end of a tragedy.
In September of 1864, General William T. Sherman and his army cleared the city of Atlanta of its civilian population then rested ever so briefly. It was from there that General Sherman and his army began its famous "march to the sea". The march covered a distance of 400 miles and was 60 miles wide on the way. For 32 days no news of him reached the North. He had cut himself off fro .....
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The Assassination Of John F Kennedy
Number of words: 3411 - Number of pages: 13.... developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any additional evidence that may hereafter come to light ... to make such further investigation, as the Commission finds desirable. In less than one week they found that a 'lone nut' killed JKF.
At no time did the Warren Commission seem to consider the basic legal rights of Oswald - innocence until proven guilty, the right to legal representation, or the right to cross-examine witnesses and evidence against him. There is no way that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin. Firstly the paraffin test of Oswald's hands and his right che .....
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