Early Flight
Number of words: 2318 - Number of pages: 9.... received an assistantship at the Harvard Observatory. He later went on to teach mathematics at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. In 1867, when Langley was 33 years of age, he took the position of a director at the Allegheny Observatory. He then became a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pittsburgh. His main interest was solar activity and the effect that it had on the weather. In 1878, Langley invented the Bolometer, which is a radiant-head detector that is sensitive to the differences in temperature to onehundred-thousandth of a degree. This invention allo .....
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Hitler And The Nazi Party
Number of words: 795 - Number of pages: 3.... World War 1, but the thing that made them the maddest, is the punishment enforced on them as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. Such as redistribution of territory, reduction of Germany's fighting power and imposition of harsh conditions, which meant Germany had to pay 6600 million-pound to the Allies in 1921. Germany thought that the punishment was too harsh.
The masses in Germany were crushed by the problems that they had, especially the Treaty of Versailles, which left Germany in debt. The hyperinflation left a lot of people unemployed. People were looking for answers and someone .....
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Greek Theater 2
Number of words: 596 - Number of pages: 3.... The theatron surrounded the orchestra on three sides. Describing the theater of Dionysus, David Taylor writes, " The spectators seats were in a curving area, a little more than a semi-circle and slope down to the center" (Taylor 19). Even though all classes of people attended the theater there were reserved areas for the more prestigious, such as the king.
" The audience arranged in rows, looked out across a rounded orchestra" (Kennedy 1102). Because most of the early dramas were religious and required a sacrificial ceremony, a thymele (an altar or sacrificial table) was locate .....
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Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... they also opposed other groups of proletariats. This directly
contrasts the original idea of a united communism movement, as stated in the
Communist Manifesto: “The Communists do not from a separate party opposed to
other working-class parties. The have no interests separate and apart from those of
the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any secterian principles of their own,
by which to shape and mold the proletarian movement.” (pg.152) The last idea is
almost the direct opposite of the path taken in the communist revolution and of the
ideas of Stalin and Lenin. There were not on .....
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Andy Warhol And Pop Art
Number of words: 1723 - Number of pages: 7.... reaching the U.S. New
York City, often viewed as the epicenter of American popular culture, fostered the
growth of many of the most highly regarded pop artists, including Warhol,
Rosenquist, Segal and Lichtenstein. California, namely San Fransisco was
recognized as the Pop Art capital of the west coast (Bourdon, 1989, 12)
The subject of Warhol's work revolved around various American social
issues of the mid-century. As America exited from World War II and entered the
Baby Boom era, the culture had become decidedly sanitized. Some of this could
be attributed to th .....
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Jazz Movement In The 1960s
Number of words: 2304 - Number of pages: 9.... mind (Time Video)." As the country changed so rapidly, there were both high and low spots in history. For example, the country came together and watched as Neil Armstrong landed an American space craft on the moon, and his words "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" still can bring chills to those who watched live as he took his first steps onto the lunar soil. However, the country also suffered several great losses, and had some hardships.
The 60's were still a time of racial injustice, toward blacks and nearly all minorities. For some reason, the white Americans were able .....
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Kansas & Nebraska Act Resolved: The Kansas-Nebraska Act Was Fair
Number of words: 358 - Number of pages: 2.... degree parallel?
Would they have to leave their slaves behind and hire workers?
Also the federal government just marked off land that slaves could be in.
Slaves are considered property and you can take property anywhere. That is
unfair because then they would have to leaves all their slaves behind.
Lastly people needed slaves to tend their farm. If the government just
marked off land where people owned slaves and said that the state is now
free and no one could own slaves, what would the slave owners do. The slave
owners needed slaves to tend their farm and tend the crops, what would
slave .....
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Generation X
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... occasionally colliding, but as a whole not really traveling in any
particular direction.
It is my perception that the label of Generation X has come to be almost
exclusively condescending. I consider myself an avid reader of news
periodicals, Time, Newsweek, etc., which often deal with the generation
gap that exists today from the point of view of older generations. It is my
opinion that any time the term Generation X is mentioned in these
magazines, it is done in a way that makes us all seem like apathetic
Beavis and Butt-Head followers, who play too many video games and
spend t .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... another after that. After terrible experiences of being a slave in some foreign country and shipwreck, he settled for a while. However, this "settlement" did not last long, as he went on another journey. This journey absolutely turned his life up side down. He and his crew were faced with very violent storm, which in result washed him and himself only, up on the isolated island. Since then, he began his life as a king of the island. He built a home in the cave at the bottom of the cliff, he ate turtles and its eggs (page 64), and he tamed animals and breed them(page 56). It was much ea .....
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The 1960's
Number of words: 1771 - Number of pages: 7.... led by Reverend Martin Luther king Jr. carried over into the 1960s. But for
most blacks, the results were minimal. Only a small percentage of black
children actually attended integrated schools, and in the south, "Jim Crow"
practices barred blacks from jobs and public places (Ascher 21). New
groups formed, new tactics devised, to push forward for full equality.
White resistance, however, often resulted in violence. This violence
spilled across TV screens nationwide. The average, neutral American, after
seeing his/her TV screen, turned into a civil rights supporter (Ascher 36).
Blac .....
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