Albert Einstein
Number of words: 3249 - Number of pages: 12.... his family's financial status had gone from bad to worse.
Teenage Years and Graduation:
Einstein's relatives in Northern city of Milan in Italy, offered help to the family. At the time Einstein was at the age of fifteen when he decided to drop-out of high school and join his family to travel to Milan. However he was expelled from school by the principal; he (the principal) said:" on the grounds that his presence in the class is disruptive and affects the other students." Albert Einstein had become a dropout. In Italy he felt free for the first time. With nobody to guide every s .....
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Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... sometimes it was only made for funerary use (they would only use it for funerals.) The Egyptians thought that the jewelry would protect them on their way to the next world. Broad collars were the most popular neck ornaments worn in Ancient Egypt. Broad collars were worn in the Old and Middle Kingdom. My necklace is an example of a Broad collar witch was made in the Middle Kingdom, and belonged to a Princess named
Ita-weret from Dahshur. Broad collars were made with cylindrical beads or tubes strung vertically in rows in a semi-circular shape and the last row drop beads, and have 2 end piece .....
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A Summary Of Portugese History
Number of words: 1183 - Number of pages: 5.... Senhora das Virtudes" or "Santa Barbara". This first fort was a triangular in shape surmounted by a central tower. Sinhalese soon besieged the fort, and around 1524 the Portuguese dismantle it. The Portuguese kept an Agent in the Island under the protection of the Sinhalese King at Kotte.Giving up of Colombo was a mistake. The colony of Muslims merchants immediately attempted to win back their supremacy in the Kingdon of Kotte and to re-conquer the cinnamon trade. However, they were to be defeated by the few Portuguese still presents in the Island. The Mappillas (Malabar Muslims) that u .....
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Origins Of Communism
Number of words: 1534 - Number of pages: 6.... and other acts considered to be threatening to the Directory, Babeuf was executed in May of 1797. Babeuf was not forgotten though, others followed in his footsteps. Another 19th century French reformer, Charles Fourier, shared many of Babeuf’s ideas, but where Babeuf favored immediate political change, Fourier was for longer-term social reform. The Comte de Saint-Simon, another political thinker of that time, was similar to Fourier in many respects, although he valued a mixed society of capitalist thinkers and socialist workers which he believed would triumph in future French communitie .....
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The Spanish American War And Its Causes
Number of words: 466 - Number of pages: 2.... explosion on Spain and told McKinley to go
to war.
McKinley had decided to go to war even though Spain had given in to
America's demands. He didn't want to look like a coward to the American
people. He was also afraid that resisting war would cost Republicans
control of Congress in the fall elections.
The battle for the Philippines was very important to the war. This
is where Spain's fleet was. The US took it out. This was very important
because now, Spain only had its land crew. This was one of the factors that
ended the war.
The US military was far too small. However, there were many .....
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Lane Frost A Fallen Champinion
Number of words: 913 - Number of pages: 4.... 1983, he also received the "Rookie of The Year" runner-up. January 5, 1985, would change his life totally he got married to Kellie. In 1987, Lane became the youngest cowboy ever, at the age of 24, to win World Champion Bull Rider. In 1988, Lane took a challenge to be the first man of 309 to previously try to ride Red Rock for eight seconds (Mahrley 1-24).
Red Rock's owner and Lane had a deal that Lane would have eight chances to ride Red Rock for a large sum of money. Red Rock was born in Oregon, in 1976. He is named after a rock formation near the ranch. He started rodeo when he was two. Hi .....
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Fair Labor Act Of 1938
Number of words: 5592 - Number of pages: 21.... He warned: "Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, ...tell you...that a wage of $11 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry."2 In light of the social legislation of 1978, Americans today may be astonished that a law with such moderate standards could have been thought so revolutionary.
Courting disaster
The Supreme Court had been one of the major obstacles to wage-hour and child-labor laws. Among notable cases is the 1918 case of Hammer v. Dagenhart in which the Court by one vote held unconstitutional a Federal child-labor law. .....
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The Pyramids Of Egypt
Number of words: 991 - Number of pages: 4.... that
made the building of the pyramid a concern of the entire kingdom. Many
people would be called to duty to work on the pyramids and many would go at
will. It was found that the Egyptian people actually liked working on the
pyramids. Many youths would travel down the Nile to work on the pyramids
so that they could see the great city of Memphis.
Furniture and riches not to mention body parts of the dead king
were buried with him in the pyramid, so that in the afterlife the king
would be able to have all the comforts that he had in his life. Wives and
people of high standing in .....
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A Remarkable Woman Of The Earl
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5.... horseback, under a
flag of truce through the Confederate lines to her house in Virginia.
During his four years of service in the army, Captain Jackson came home to visit
his wife three times. On one visit, he only had time for dinner with her and had been gone
about fifteen minutes when the house was surrounded by soldiers. Once he came for a
visit overnight and at another time for nine days.
At the close of war, Captain and Mrs. Jackson moved to South Carolina two years
in the fall of 1865hey started West by ox teams, stopping in Bandera Couny, Texas, where
they remained until 1873. Mr. .....
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The Atomic Bomb And Hiroshima
Number of words: 2538 - Number of pages: 10.... was created in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It was created by a top-secret operation code named the Manhattan Project. Three weeks after the first test of the atomic bomb President Truman made the decision at a war time conference, in Potsdam Germany, to use the atomic bomb on Japan. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 destroying the city and killing and estimated total of 70,000 noncombatants. Three days following the Hiroshima bombing another atomic bomb, nicknamed “Fat Man”, was dropped on the city of Nagasaki. Following these bombings the Soviet Union launche .....
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