World War 2
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... as much as or less than the average person about WWII. First off, I was not aware that the war actually started in Europe, I thought that the start of the war started when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. I did not know that the Japanese also bombed placed such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaya. I was not aware of all the islands taken over by Japan. The Japanese took over the Philippines and many other small islands to expand their territory, and to push the Japanese back the US had to literally jump from island to island. During the Holocaust, I knew that most or all of th .....
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Cold War Paper
Number of words: 1202 - Number of pages: 5.... warfare in history. The atom bomb would later serve as America's greatest possession. Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union had always distrusted the American and English intentions. Because of Stalin's aggression and attitude pertaining to Soviet influence on Europe, the postwar stance on Russia had turned into a standoff. This became the origin of the Cold War. The Cold War, seen as a battle between communism and capitalism, was "in reality a more complex struggle over a broad range of ideological, economic, and strategic issues." (Henretta, 868) Over the next several years the Unit .....
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History Of Arabic Music
Number of words: 1219 - Number of pages: 5.... The cities of the Islamic empire, from Spain across North Africa and throughout the Middle East, boasted many fine musicians. These early musicians were often composers and poets as well as performers. Although the major writings on Arab music appeared after the spread of Islam in the beginning of the 7th century, the music tradition had already begun. Before the spread of Islam, Arab music incorporated music traditions of the Sassanid dynasty (224-641) in Persia and the early Byzantine empire (4th century to 6th century) and of sung poetry from the Arabian Peninsula.3 Arabic-speaking sc .....
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Sports In Canada In The 1920s
Number of words: 257 - Number of pages: 1.... The twenties were Canada's golden age of sport. Many
sports, such as hockey, football, and baseball, were becoming all
professional. The sports heroes of the decade were amateurs. They often
came out of nowhere to capture the headlines, medals, and world records.
The greatest multi-sport hero of that age was Lionel Conacher. He
played hockey, football, baseball, and lacrosse. On the day of the 1921
Grey Cup, he played in the city baseball championship, and hit a triple in
the last inning to win it. Then he drove across town and scored 15 points
in the Grey Cup, as the A .....
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Civil Rights
Number of words: 4623 - Number of pages: 17.... 150 years ago that Blacks were considered so inferior that they were held as slaves. African Americans have fought hard against the overwhelming racist powers to earn the rights that they have now. To say it has been a battle for is an understatement. It has been a hard fought war. A battle implies one fight, one clash. But it has taken fight after fight for African Americans to earn their freedom and equal rights. After earning freedom from slavery, Blacks fought for more than one hundred years to be considered equals in society. That struggle reached its climax during the1960s, when the b .....
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Sixth Sense Movie
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... he brings a sadness to his character’s detachment that supports the entire production.
The movie The Sixth Sense is made in a very unconventional way. The end really changes the sequence of the movie. The end of the movie finally makes the whole movie understandable. There is a very strange flow in the sequence of the plot. In my opinion, the very last scene should have been at the beginning, but how would the movie have ended?
The pace of the film was very fast. One scene moved fast right to the next. There were many scenes that could not even follow because they ended to soon. .....
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History Of The Civil War
Number of words: 2415 - Number of pages: 9.... the happenings and events between the winter of 1864-65 and the surrender of The Confederate States of America. All of this will most certainly illustrate that April 9, 1865 was indeed the end of a tragedy. CUTTING OFF THE SOUTH In September of 1864, General William T. Sherman and his army cleared the city of Atlanta of its civilian population then rested ever so briefly. It was from there that General Sherman and his army began its famous "march to the sea". The march covered a distance of 400 miles and was 60 miles wide on the way. For 32 days no news of him reached the North. He had c .....
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Number of words: 881 - Number of pages: 4.... BC) is often considered synonymous with geometry. ’s works have been so influential that they serve as the basis for most geometrical teachings for the past 2000 years. His works supercede all other works of its kind. ’s interests in spatial knowledge lead him to detailed definitions, postulates, and axioms that are used today. Data is a collection of given measurements and postulates that collected. Data expresses that lines, angles, and ratios can be given in magnitude; rectilinear figures may be given in species or form; and points and lines may be given in position. ’s 94 p .....
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Austria Ottoman Report
Number of words: 783 - Number of pages: 3.... To stop this Joseph met with Francis Deak, a Hungarian leader.
In their Ausgleich, or compromise, Austria set up a new type of government, a dual monarchy. Joseph controlled Austria as an Emperor, and he controlled Hungary as a king. This eased a lot of the troubles from the more organized Hungarians, but it still left 3/5 of the people disenfranchised, or without voting rights. Austria and Hungary would have different politics, but they would have the same military and advisors.
Ottoman Empire was known as the Powder Keg in the Balkans because it was made of very different groups including .....
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Marlow VS. Willard
Number of words: 1104 - Number of pages: 5.... He was looked at because of his strong history in the military. The history of both men was important for each of them to go their perspective missions.
The surroundings for each man were unique. While both Marlow and Willard had to put up with natives, they had crews that were different. While Marlow had a crew with mostly natives, Willard had a crew of American soldiers who were serving their country. Willard’s crew was comprised of mostly young men who had no idea what they were doing. “Come on all of you big strong me,” writes Joseph McDonald, “Uncle Sam needs your help .....
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