D.h. Lawrence
Number of words: 1811 - Number of pages: 7.... but it was a strain, certainly on the family finances, and also on a delicate boy. He took the train to Nottingham at seven in the morning and didn't reach home until evening. Once again, he made few friends; Frieda, his wife, wrote that one boy who took Lawrence home to tea was horrified to discover that his father was a miner and refused to have any more to do with him.
Brinsley Colliery - source of the Lawrence family income.
Lawrence spent much of what today would be thought of as 'leisure time'(and there was precious little of it) helping his overworked, and beloved mother. H .....
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Construction Of The Great Pyra
Number of words: 1177 - Number of pages: 5.... he suggests that the pyramids were built with the “heave-ho” method. With the use of sleds made from wood that is easily imported from Phoenicia and rope, it is an acceptable theory on how the Great Pyramid was built. Wilson has also seen workers, using a single rope and pulley, move stones as the supervisor chants out instructions. One question that arises is how the builders were able to lift the stones into place. Wilson explains that during the construction of the pyramid, a ramp made of earth could be increased as the height of the pyramid increased. Once outer limestone bl .....
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Andrew Warhol Art Or Not Art
Number of words: 415 - Number of pages: 2.... began in 1962. These, included such items as Campbell's Soup cans, dollar bills, Coca-Cola bottles, and the faces of celebrities, can be taken as a comments on the banality, harshness, an ambiguity of American Culture.
The Campbell's Soup is one of the most famous and recognized paintings of Warhol. It was done in 1962 and is oil on canvas. "This painting defines his personal artistic repertoire of low cost consumer items. The soupcan is a mass market article of the American consumer and a recognizable symbol of Americans way of life." However, is this art or a duplication of a soupcan? .....
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A Comparison Of The Medieval And Renaissance Eras
Number of words: 1096 - Number of pages: 4.... window that was located on the front of the tower; and
squared-off exterior walls, which were a contrast to the usual rounded
exterior designs that people were accustomed to. Overall, cathedrals
during this time could have very elegant features due to the excellent
techniques of support and stabilization. Buttresses, simple extensions of
the cathedral wall to enhance support, and flying buttresses, stone
structures set away from the cathedral wall and attached at the top,
contributed to the excellent support that Medieval cathedrals experienced.
While architectural advancements during the .....
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Number of words: 1488 - Number of pages: 6.... was held in Athens for five days each spring. It was for this celebration that the Greek dramatists Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides wrote their great tragedies. Also, after the 5th century BC, Dionysus was known to the Greeks as Bacchus.
Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele. He is the only god to have a mortal parent. The birth of Dionysus began when Zeus came to Semele in the night, invisible, felt only as a divine presence. Semele was pleased to be a lover of a god, even though she did not know which one. Word soon got around and Hera quickly assumed who was responsible. Hera .....
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The Puritans And The Salem Witch Trials
Number of words: 3783 - Number of pages: 14.... With that statement, the religious movement called "The Reformation" began to spread across northern Europe. The Reformation led to the formation of a religious group called Protestants. In the decade that followed, many other reforms took place in the Church of England. The Puritans, who had originally been part of the Church of England, greatly encouraged the reforms of others. They rejected the Catholic traditions and wanted to "purify" the church.
The English king listened to their appeals, but many Catholic traditions remained in the Church of England. This disappointing news lead .....
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The Situation In Kosovo
Number of words: 1125 - Number of pages: 5.... not be ignored by any means.
But what about Kosovo? What about our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, and mothers that are being sent over there? Aren’t they just as important as the students at Columbine High? I would certainly say they are!
I think that it is noble, perhaps, to be concerned about a school shooting. It is something that has deeply affected a part of our country. However, this is a situation that will be investigated and put behind us. It is important, but again, what about Kosovo? What happens in Kosovo affects us as a whole, and has the potential to change .....
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A Report On Schindlers List
Number of words: 1294 - Number of pages: 5.... of his relationship with his father, and how his father left his mother. His mother is also described in great detail. Like many Germans in the south, she was a devout Catholic. She is described as being very troubled that her son would take after her estranged husband with his negligence of Catholicism. Oskar never forgave Hans, his father, for his abandonment of his mother , which is ironic considering that Oskar would do the same with his wife Emilie. In fact Hans and Oskar Schindler’s lives would become so much in parallel that the novel describes their relationship as “tha .....
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Deregulation Of The Airline In
Number of words: 1844 - Number of pages: 7.... with congestion delays in departure and arrival schedules reaching record numbers. Funds to upgrade the air traffic control system are available in the trust fund created to receive the tax applied to airline passenger tickets and the tax on fuel for general aviation. The General Accounting Office says modernizing the air traffic control system will cost at least 17 billion for just the first 5 years of the FAA¡¦s 15-year National Airspace System improvement plan. It is the NAS that provides the services and infrastructure for air transportation. Air transportation represents 6% of th .....
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Panama Canal
Number of words: 257 - Number of pages: 1.... from Colombia. The United States became vitally interested in
canal projects during the Spanish-American War of 1898. In 1902 the U.S.
Congress passed the Spooner Act, which was the basic law for the
construction of the Panama Canal. The law declared that the United States
had the right to build a canal on the land over the isthmus of Panama. Then a
revolution broke out in Panama, and independence from Colombia was
declared in 1903.
The United States wanted the land including the isthmus
Panama to build a canal. The United States had trouble getting this land
because it .....
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