The USA Becoming Less Democratic Prior To The Revolution
Number of words: 1327 - Number of pages: 5.... rose only by 2%, but the numbers of men registering, voting, and being elected to town offices all rose by at least 13% (Doc. G) Since a larger percentage of the population is being involved in the electoral process, the town is becoming more democratic. Freedom is a characteristic of almost all successful democracies. Evidence of expanding religious freedom in Weathersfield is found in a law enacted by the Connecticut assembly in 1770 (Doc. K). The law says basically that no Protestant person can be penalized for not attending church. Although this freedom was restricted to Protestants, .....
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Picasso At The Lapin Agile - Dramatic Criticism
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... most attractive aspects of the script is its ability to ask the same questions of the audience that it does from one character to another. For example, the owner of the “Lapin Agile”, Freddy attempts to stump Albert Einstein with a mathematical problem that the audience couldn’t have enough time to equate. This style of fast paced dialogue and action fills the entire script from the opening line, adding humor and wit which is only emphasized by the close attention to details.
In the set design, we first see the use of layering, with a large cyclorama that has been painted onto a piece .....
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Colt Revolver: Inspiration From A Ship’s Wheel
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... gas for a profit.
In 1835, he went out to France and England to take out a patent on his new invention, then in 1836 he got an American patent.
In 1837 he tried to to interest the U.S. Government into adopting this sidearm for military use, however they declined, stating that they were satisfied with what they had already. Colt however, was a master salesman. He knew that he had a great inverntion on his hands. To show just what he had, he packed a bundle of pistols into a bag and visited a battlefield, the best place to demonstrate killing power. That was the Seminole Indian war in Fl .....
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The Three Great Compromises
Number of words: 487 - Number of pages: 2.... houses, one being the House of Representatives and the second
being the Senate, with the Senate being the stronger of the two houses. The
House of Representatives was based on each state's population, that is the more
people in the state the more representatives that state would get. The Senate
said that regardless of the state's population each state would get two
representatives all with equal say.
The 3/5 Compromise was mainly about slaves. The issue in this compromise
was should slaves be counted for determining representation for each state? The
North did not want them to be .....
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Civil War 4
Number of words: 1142 - Number of pages: 5.... were in the Union. They could not get out. The south decided to form it’s own country. The Confederate States of America.
The North would not let them go. They felt that the south was a part of the union forever. At the time of this whole uproar within the country a lawyer named Abraham Lincoln had been climbing the political ladder. He who believed in what the north stood for. He was a Congressman and very anti slavery. He helped make up bills that to abolish slavery, but they never got passed . Many southerners did their best to keep Lincoln out of the White House. They fe .....
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Emperor Constantine I
Number of words: 1752 - Number of pages: 7.... had four sons: Crispus, Constantine II, Constantius, Constans.
Constantius, his father, was in charge of the Roman Province of Britannia. When Constantius died at York in 306 CE, Constantine, who was at his side, was immediately proclaimed emperor by the army. However, it took many years of political struggle and actual civil war before he could consolidate his power. Constantine finally became the sole ruler of the Roman Empire in 323 CE when he defeated the eastern Emperor Licinius.
Of Constantine’s major accomplishments, the most important was his recognition of the Christianity. In .....
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I, Tituba Black Witch Of Salem
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3.... They felt as if she didn't know how to be one of them and that she was not truly "black". We take from these examples that racism isn't always felt from someone outside of your race but it can be felt the same if not even more heartfelt from with in your race.
Religion isn't really something you practice in Tituba's vocabulary; she has formed her own beliefs that have been instilled in her by her mother and Mama Yaya. When Tituba first walks into her new mistress's house, the mistress asks her husband John Indian if she is a Christian. He lies of course, but in his heart she knows .....
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Civil War
Number of words: 1701 - Number of pages: 7.... individual states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good banking and currency system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South felt these were discriminatory and th .....
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Slavery - Southern White Slaveholder Guilt
Number of words: 3169 - Number of pages: 12.... guilt. However, certainly not everyone takes this direct an approach. James Oakes makes a good point in recognizing that guilt is not always starkly obvious. "Guilt is the product of a deeply rooted psychological ambivalence that impels the individual to behave in ways that violate fundamental norms even as they fulfill basic desires."1 In other words, guilt creates such inner turmoil that a guilty man will deviate from normal behavior. In this case, we will have to show two things. First, a slaveholder is committing detrimental actions (to himself or his family) that show he is in mental d .....
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The Toltecs, Aztecs, And Mayans
Number of words: 573 - Number of pages: 3.... an early age, women at
about 16, men at about 20. Warfare was considered a religious duty by the
Aztecs. They fought not only to enlarge their empire but also to take
prisoners to sacrifice to the gods. The market place was a major center of
Aztec life, more than 60,000 people visited it daily. They had no system
of money, they traded goods and services for other goods and services. They
had no pack-animals, a nd as a result, they themselves had to carry all
their goods over land. The end of the Aztec empire came when the Spaniards
came. The first time the Spaniards were mistaken for re .....
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