The Dreyfus Affair And Its Cause
Number of words: 1008 - Number of pages: 4.... innocence, such
as, his wife and brother; Golgar Demange, a highly respected devout
catholic; and even Captain George Picquart.(5) George Picquart was one of
the main figures in the unravelling of the Dreyfus affair, he was the
officer asked by his supervisor to look into Dreyfus's motives. Picquart
found many flaws and peculiar things,in his research and in March 1896
another letter which they called the "petit bleu," was intercepted by
French intelligence. This puzzled Picquart, an investigation was now to be
ordered on Esterhazv, who's name was found on it. Esterhazv, a captain of
regi .....
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JFK - Assasination
Number of words: 1966 - Number of pages: 8.... the mob before the assassination because he thought his agents would become corrupt, and because Castro knew about the conspiracy against him. Hoover even told his agents that if the Mafia caught them, they would be fired and would be treated as a renegade (5: 84). The government didn’t approve of the crack down on the mob that was in America. Teddy Kennedy loved busting the Mafia. People like Jimmy Hoffa. Even Frank Sinatra became close friends with Teddy, even made trips to the White House (3: 12-18). But just like his brother John, Robert was also killed (3: 105). After the assassinati .....
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How Has Film Influenced Lifestyles And Human Behavior In The
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... escapism for most. People were out of work, but they did manage to find money to go the movies. Even during the darkest days of the Depression, movie attendance was between 60-75 million per week. The balancing act for film making was to both reflect the realism and cynicism of the Depression period. They also provided escape entertainment to boost the morale of the public by optimistically reaffirming values such as thrift and perseverance.
During The Golden Age of Hollywood, movies were under strict enforcement and censorship. Film studios submitted their films for review and if .....
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Female Slaves And Their Famili
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3.... women, since they "offered a degree of personal fulfillment." One slave woman, Mary Colquitt, remarked that her grandmother and mother had often stayed up late sewing clothes for the children, saying, "Dey done it 'cause dey wanted to. Dey wuz workin' for deyselves den." (Jones, 29) Ironically, this work caring for themselves and their families also benifitted the slave owners, since healthy slaves meant that the masters could get more work out of them, and thus make more money when the crops were harvested.
The family was important to most slave women, and they had ways of making sure that t .....
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Orphan Trains
Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4.... (the , 1). The reaction to the were both positive and negative.
The main reason for the was not to necessarily help the children but to clean up the streets. The children were treated horrible. They were forced to join in gangs to survive and live on the streets. These children were also known as "street Arabs". Children are still being neglected and abused. The film" Violence in American Tradition" shows a case form the late 1980's. The case involved Lisa Steinberg and how she was murdered by her father. The viewer has to wonder why this wasn't prevented. After watching "" the vi .....
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Persian Influence On Greco-rom
Number of words: 2631 - Number of pages: 10.... Persia, the biggest empire to exist up that time, was the "world power," controlled the way of thinking of the time, and placed a deep mark into not only Greek thinking and culture, but also the "Western" idea and life. Many people do not realize it, but much of today's culture can be found in ancient Persian literature, art, and architecture.
Much has been made of the Greco-Persian Wars, and rightfully so. The Greco-Persian Wars were a series of wars between the Persians and the Greek coalition. The number of victories favored the Persians by far, however, the one event that matter .....
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Civil Rights 2
Number of words: 1367 - Number of pages: 5.... that the only way that they would get equal rights for black people was to prove that they really wanted them. These civil rights workers, for example, showed that they really did care by joining various civil rights organizations and engaging in Freedom Marches. These Freedom marches were very organized, and they occurred all over the United States, which proved that black people wanted the same rights as the white people had. Anne Moody, and many other young people, joined the civil rights movement because they felt a change was needed and that it was their duty to fight for equal rig .....
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Absolute Truth
Number of words: 879 - Number of pages: 4.... whole life would have been in vain. He knew that if he didn’t escape, he would die and would orphan his two children, however no matter how much he loved
them, he wouldn’t contradict his teaching by doing wrong. Even though Socrates wasn’t perfect, he would always make a conscious effort to do right. Breaking out of jail would be blatantly wrong, and he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Adolf Hitler is directly and indirectly responsible for more deaths than almost anyone in history. Over six million Jews alone were killed because of his death camps. In The Plo .....
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The Legalization Of Marijuana
Number of words: 595 - Number of pages: 3.... use was still sold and bought, but people where doing it illegally. The 21st amendmnet repealed prohibition and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with pot. Pot should be heavily taxed to increase this countrys revenue. The same countrys that make medications would also make pot, so the quality would be assured, containg no posions or toxins. Sterile needles would be readily at the corner drug store. these could be taxed as well because the user will be assured of clean drugs.
Making drugs legal would reduce the great amount of money spent on law enforcement each y .....
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Human Rights In Tibet
Number of words: 1831 - Number of pages: 7.... warfare that followed. Sources also say that up to 260,000 have died in prisons and in labour camps (Tibet Support Group UK 3). Also, 200 unarmed civilians were killed during non-violent protests between 1987 and 1989. Overall 1,200,000 Tibetans have died since 1959. That is roughly one fifth of the population of Tibet (Office of Tibet 1). That does not include all of the deaths of Tibetans during the Chinese invasion, and all of those who froze to death trying to flee Tibet.
The Tibetan people who survived the killing were denied what most consider primal freedoms. One of which is .....
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