My Darling Clementine - The Ef
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... I think it's used merely as a pictorial element. A tool, to enhance a scene here and there with little relevance to the story line. This film did have very elaborate dark scenes but still not enough to put it under the label of noir as a whole. The difference is that here I belive that one of those "bright sunny day" sequences that I mentioned before would not look so out of place in a film like this. I agree that the western is one of our most traditional genres with John Ford it's most conservative directors. But the only western that I have ever scene that has ever pulled off the whole .....
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John F. Kennedy In Vietnam
Number of words: 1901 - Number of pages: 7.... divided into North and South Vietnam. North Vietnam came under the control of the Vietnamese Communists who had opposed France and aimed for a unified Vietnam under Communist rule. Vietnamese who had collaborated with the French controlled the South. For this reason the United States became involved in Vietnam because it believed that if all of the country fell under a Communist government, Communism would spread throughout Southeast Asia and further. This belief was known as the "domino theory." The decision to enter Vietnam reflected America’s idea of its global role-U.S. could .....
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History Of The Panama Canal
Number of words: 1011 - Number of pages: 4.... connected the two ports. The most important cargo was the gold mined in California before the transcontinental railroad was completed in the United States. It has strategic significance because of its location, acting as a gateway connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This allows for rapid naval deployment between fleets in either ocean. These two facets make the Panama Canal very important in the region.
LaFeber notes that Panamanian nationalism played a large role in the creation of the canal and, consequently, the cause for the area's constant instability. The first expres .....
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Francis Ford Coppola
Number of words: 570 - Number of pages: 3.... and insignificant, this type of shot would work well. Opposite a number of his films, in Apocalypse Now, it was important to some of the frames full. However, they still were not completed with excess objects, instead they were lavishly filled with the natural, lush greens of the Philippines. also uses dissolves in his works. In The Cotton Club (1984), this technique was used a couple of times, when both dancing and singing was being performed. His editing style proved continuous. It was neither choppy, nor disruptive to the viewer, which allowed for a more pleasant experience. .....
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Emperor Claudius
Number of words: 2566 - Number of pages: 10.... successes and failures that leads into the last phase of the Julio-Claudian line.
Claudius was born on 1 August 10 BC at Lugdunum in Gaul, into the heart of the Julio-Claudian dynasty: he was the son of Drusus Claudius Nero, the son of Augustus\'s wife Livia, and Antonia, the daughter of Mark Antony. His uncle, Tiberius, went on to become emperor in AD 14 and his brother Germanicus was marked out for succession to the purple when, in AD 4, he was adopted by Tiberius. It might be expected that Claudius, as a well-connected imperial prince, would have enjoyed the active public life customary .....
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The Conflict In Kosovo
Number of words: 690 - Number of pages: 3.... Survivors said they scrambled through debris. Firefighters doused the flames of Serbian homes. The direct hits caused almost unrecognizable ruin. NATO didn't expect any dead bodies but it was possible that one of the bombs fell short. NATO's overnight raids hit targets throughout Yugoslavia, including bridges, airfields, petroleum installations, police headquarters and air defense installations. They don't want to leave anything out. Search and Destroy. How much will it all cost ? Me and many others are concerned about this question.Nobody seems to know exactly how much the U.S. share of .....
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Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... while those from Asia generally entered through West Coast centers. More than 70 percent of all immigrants, however, entered through New York City, which came to be known as the "Golden Door." Throughout the late 1800s, most immigrants arriving in New York entered at the Castle Garden depot near the tip of Manhattan. In 1892, the federal government opened a new -processing center on Ellis Island in New York harbor. Although immigrants often settled near ports of entry, a large number did find their way inland. Many states, especially those with sparse populations, actively sought to attr .....
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The Black Panther Party
Number of words: 1526 - Number of pages: 6.... by a jury of
their peer group or people from their black communities, as defined by the
constitution of the United States." And their tenth point was, "We want
land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our
major political objective, and United Nations-supervised plebiscite to be
held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects
will be allowed to participate, for the purpose of determining the will of
black people as to their national destiny." With these ten points as their
fuel the Black Panther Party was ready to take on the nation.
In .....
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Women In Art
Number of words: 471 - Number of pages: 2.... all over his walls. Sanders asks questions referring to his experiences like why do these women feel it necessary to pose nude for other people? And why do women buy expensive lingerie?
As we look at the past and the present, the questions that Sanders asks can be answered in many different ways. One possibility that women like to show their naked bodies to others goes way back in history and we see that they think it is beautiful and a form of art. The next question he asks about the lingerie coincides with his first question of why women show their bodies. He sort of responds to his .....
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The Vietname War In "America's Australia: Australia's America" And "Into The Dark House"
Number of words: 1793 - Number of pages: 7.... hence its Title. In keeping with the main focus of the War,
American involvement, McMahon deals with this concept in fourteen tightly
written and easily comprehendable Chapters. This results in identifying the
problems and the outcomes associated with the War. The outcomes of these
problems associated with the War primarily manifested themselves on the
battlefield not in the sheltered walls of the decision makers.
D.J.Dennis's Vietnam diary takes an in-depth look at the effects of policy
on the battlefield focusing on the Australian Soldier . These four books
provide a comprehensi .....
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