Number of words: 389 - Number of pages: 2.... at high pressure.
In the United States, the inventor Oliver Evans obtained the first patent on a steam carriage in 1789. In 1803, he built a self-propelled steam dredge, wich is regarded as the first self-propelled vehicle to operate over American roads. In France and Germany, meanwhile, attention turned to the development of the internal-combustion engine. By 1980, more than 300 million cars and 85 million trucks and buses were operating throughout the world, forming an indispensable transportation network. Germany’s Volkswagen sent its first shipments of autos, popularly known as Beet .....
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Slavery In America
Number of words: 1507 - Number of pages: 6.... order to communicate invented a language that was a mixture of all the African languages combined, called Creole. This language now varies from island to island. They also kept their culture, which accounts for calypso music and the instruments used in these songs.
Slavery was common all over the world until 1794 when France signed the Act of the National Convention abolishing slavery. It would take America about a hundred years to do the same. George Washington was America's hero. He was America's first president. He was a slave owner. He deplored slavery but did not release his slav .....
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Background And Emergence Of Democracy In The British North American Colonies
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... settlement was a trading post founded in 1607 at Jamestown in the Old Dominion of Virginia. Virginian colonists had the right, granted to them by The Virginia Company, to elect a colonial legislature, called the House of Burgesses. Since Virginia was the first royal colony, it was only fitting that they should lead the way with the first representative government in the New World. Other lawmaking bodies, not that dissimilar to the House of Burgesses, would soon pop up in other colonies.
The Pilgrims also pioneered the way to democracy. If the Pilgrims had settled in Virginia, where .....
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The Salem Witch Trials
Number of words: 1736 - Number of pages: 7.... spirits. Go tell the world, What Prays can do beyond all Devils and Witches, and What it is that these Monsters love to do; and through the Demons in the Audience of several standers-by threatned much disgrace to thy Author, if he let thee come abroad, yet venture That, and in this way seek a just Revenge on Them for the Disturbance they have given to such as have called on the Name of God.
Rebecca Nurse
Goody Nurse was a highly regarded, pious pillar of the community who unfortunately could not withstand the power of hysteria. There were many reasons that Rebecca was accused, but it was mo .....
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Dea Sea Scrolls Imperfection
Number of words: 1941 - Number of pages: 8.... because there is no proof of their true origin or their true authors, but certainly one can attempt to enlighten others with the hardships that are faced, even now, by the scribes who wrote them. In viewing the living conditions during the time that the scrolls were written and then comparing the conditions to those of today, one will have a much deeper understanding of what “hardship” means in the scribal world. Based on this comparison and a near-complete list of typical errors that plague current and ancient authors, one will not only see the types of difficulties involved with rep .....
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American Revolution
Number of words: 595 - Number of pages: 3.... but the main act of provocation to the colonists was the stamp act. The stamp act was protested upon the principle of "no taxation without representation". The stamp act was affecting virtually all the colonists, and restricted economic prosperity, thus it was protested by colonists. The Townshend acts were also a factor in the economic theory, Sam Adams had said "The parliament was taxing illegally!", most colonists agreed, and a boycott of British goods resulted. When the British passed the Currency act, this left the paper money worthless, and the colonists had to rely (economical .....
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Freedom In The United States
Number of words: 2281 - Number of pages: 9.... emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear.
I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes American's as arriving with nothing but dreams and building America with the hopes of finding greater freedom or freedom for the first time. He depicts how .....
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Slavery - Events That Effected Slavery
Number of words: 1995 - Number of pages: 8.... and piloted by an English man named Marmaduke Raynor. In exchange for supplies Jope sold more than 20 Negroes to the local authorities in the English colony of Virginia. These blacks came ashore 12 years after the founding of Jamestown. At first the Virginians liked white indentured persons who knew their language and their ways, compared to the newly arrived black slaves. Over time though, the black servants grew accustomed to the environment and were better than the white indentured servants. The colonists didn't approve, but because of the need for laborers for Tobacco the acceptance .....
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Causes Of Civil War
Number of words: 1814 - Number of pages: 7.... sovereignity, where the people have the right to decide if they want to be free of slave state, and he completely ignore the Missoure Compromise. The Compromise of 1850 stated that should be equal number of free and slave states. The Missouri Compromise said that any state above the latitude of 36 30' can not be a slave state. "Bleeding Kansas" was where people were fighting over the issue of slavery and cost many American Lives. The California Gold Rust occurred when gold was discovered in California and people rushed out to California.When California apply for statehood, it cause huge pro .....
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Austin Museum Of Art
Number of words: 723 - Number of pages: 3.... more informal gallery. The Dumont Gallery contained works from various photographers that were entered into a contest earlier in the year. Now the pictures were traveling around the state of Texas, and had even made a stop at the MSC in College Station. The pieces in the exhibit made visible the numerous ways in which art and photography can be presented. There were huge photographs, Polaroids, pictures developed onto clothing, series photographs, bound pictures, and a large amount whose methods of production could not be identified. There was one group of photographs done by the same .....
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