The Raid Of Dieppe
Number of words: 918 - Number of pages: 4.... secret papers were to be captured as well. The Allies hoped to destroy German defenses around Dieppe, such as near by air installations, radar, rail, harbor facilities, along with gasoline dumps. These were a few of the many things that the raid on Dieppe was to accomplish. "But the raid had gone all wrong as far as the plan was concerned"-a war correspondent.
was scheduled for July 1942. It was cancelled, and against the advice of some military planners rescheduled for August 19th, 1942. Six thousand men headed across the English Channel, during the early hours of the 19th. Five thousa .....
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The Good Friday Agreement
Number of words: 2796 - Number of pages: 11.... with a vengeance’.
Source 5 shows the outcome of Republican violence. The Republicans want to get complete independence from Britain and their reasoning was give us back our independence and we’ll stop the violence. They targeted Nationalist areas for shootings and bombings but this was with a difference. This was the Omagh Bombing that took place in August 1998. The difference with this and what Republican violence is usually about - targeting Nationalist areas - is that the majority of the people injured or killed were Republicans. I chose not to say Catholic because .....
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Bay Of Pigs
Number of words: 2295 - Number of pages: 9.... to all. The main problem with this is that one person who is very wealthy can be stripped of most of his wealth so that another person can have more material goods and be his equal. The main reason for the attack on Cuba was the change to communism. On January 1, 1959, Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista fled the country for the safety of the Dominican Republic (Goode, Stephen 75). Fidel Castro and his guerrilla warriors overthrew the old government dictated by Batista. During the next couple of weeks, Castro established a new government and on February 16, he was officially declared prem .....
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Number of words: 1451 - Number of pages: 6.... a job in a blackening warehouse with his relative James Lambert. After John Dickens was released, the family moved in with Mrs. Roylance, the person whom Charles had been staying with while his family was away. After much quarreling between John and James, the Dickens’ moved out and Charles began to attend school again. He became an independent reporter at Doctor’s Commons Courts in 1829. By 1832 he had become a very successful shorthand reporter of Parliamentary deputies in the House of Commons, and began work as a reporter for a newspaper. It was in the new house on Norfol .....
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Number of words: 1179 - Number of pages: 5.... Two students of High School, walked into their school and opened fire on students and faculty. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were armed with 95 explosive devices when they stormed in and began their terror. The explosives, enough to wipe out the school and hundreds of students, included 48 carbon dioxide bombs, 27 pipe bombs and 11 1.5-gallon propane containers. Most of the bombs did not explode. The two seniors also had seven devices with 40-plus gallons of flammable liquid and two duffel bags containing 20-pound liquefied-petroleum gas tanks. (USA Today, 1)
13 people were killed, whi .....
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The Hundred Years War
Number of words: 1532 - Number of pages: 6.... to form the first royal election since 987.
Philip of Valois was chosen as King Philip VI. The French overlooked
Edward the III for three reasons. One he was still a minor, two, his
mother was said to have disgusting character and a scandalous life, and
three the French declared, “It should never be seen or known that the
kingdom of France should be subject to the government of the king of
England.” At first Edward agreed to take an oath of homage to Philip VI,
but after conflicts in Guyenne Edward III contested the validity of his
declaration of homage towards the King of France .....
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Benedict Arnold
Number of words: 2545 - Number of pages: 10.... due to his betrayal of the American’s. As the Revolutionary War broke out, decided to volunteer to head over 1,000 men up to Maine. He asked for additional men from his companies to join the army. Arnold then became a captain in the Connecticut Militia. General George Washington had his favorites, which Arnold was among the very few. So, was sent on an infernal 500 mile march to Maine by Washington, also known as "The Rock". (Macks 72) and only about fifty percent of his original soldiers made it to the St. Lawrence River where they met up with General Montgomery. Their plan wa .....
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Beauty And The Beast
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3.... and was turned into an evil beast by a magic spell, and E.T. was from another planet, and had no intention of ever coming to earth or meeting Elliot. Both characters are very unique in the society in which they were thrust, and neither one has anyone like him to go to or latch onto for understanding and support.
Both the Beast and E.T. found one person on earth who accepts them for who they are. Although the Beast captures Belle, she learns to love him and understand his situation; she becomes his one true friend in a society which hates him for who what they think he is. Elliot disc .....
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American Values From Jamestown
Number of words: 335 - Number of pages: 2.... to became rich. The middle class made mone by buying at old english price. and investing in Europe products. Nobles were tied to fix lands. The nobles decided to do something.
The nobles closed all their land and this was called. The inclosure movement. The nobles then fenced in all their land. There fore peasants were forced to seek new work an a new life. The middle class had a investment to the new world. One promblem was the spanish controlled the seas.
England competed with Spain for the seas. Power hungry Prince Phillip II of Spain wanted more. In a hope to increase power he proposed to .....
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Indus Civilization
Number of words: 1375 - Number of pages: 5.... Valley. Today this theory is seen as largely incorrect. Knowledge about early plant and animal domestication in lands east of the Iranian plateau is still obscure, but the results of excavations at the important site of Mehrgarh, at the foot of the Bolan Pass, indicate that large settlements may have existed as early as the 7th millennium BC.
Two thousand or more years later sites in eastern Baluchistan and the Indus Valley were larger and more numerous; at some, like Kot Diji on the east bank of the Indus, archaeologists have found various distinctive ceramic objects, such as terra-cotta .....
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