Saddam Hussien War
Number of words: 1802 - Number of pages: 7.... independence in 1963. Furthermore, Hussein claimed that Kuwait had illegally pumped oil from the Iraqi oil field of Rumaila and otherwise conspired to reduce Iraq's essential oil income.
By invading Kuwait, Iraq succeeded in surprising the entire world. The USA ended her policy of accommodating Saddam Hussein, which had existed since the Iran-Iraq war. Negative attitude toward Iraq was soon a worldwide phenomenon. The United Nations Security Council passed 12 resolutions condemning the invasion. The ultimate decision was to use military force if Iraq did not withdraw unconditionally by J .....
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Harry Truman And The Atomic Bomb
Number of words: 706 - Number of pages: 3.... Roosevelt’s mind but the bomb would be used when ready. On Truman’s orders, the B-29 Enola Gay piloted by U.S. Army Force Col. Paul W. Tibbets dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The date was August 6, 1945. Tibbets had named the plane after his mother the night before the attack. The Bomb was named Little Boy (Dark Blue in picture), exploded approximately 1,800 feet over Hiroshima, Japan with a force equal to 13,000 tons of TNT. Immediate deaths were between 70,000 to 130,000. Fat Boy was the second nuclear weapon used in warfare. Dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, on A .....
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The Chicago Fire Of 1871
Number of words: 545 - Number of pages: 2.... hose cart
was the first to reach the scene. They were soon joined by the "Little Giant"
engine company. A neighbor ran to a drug store to turn on an alarm but the
alarm failed to work. The court house watchman had given wrong directions but
later tried to correct his mistake, but the alarm operator was eating dinner
so she refused to correct the mistake. The fire engines went about 1 mile
south of where the fire was. By the time the problem was resolved ,a number of
hose carts and fire engines were fighting to keep this fire under control, but
the wind had spread bits of bur .....
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What Were The Main Failings Of The July Monarchy ?
Number of words: 1002 - Number of pages: 4.... february demonstrations there was nothing to impede the seizure of power by a small group of Republicans in Paris. Republicansim was the only political faith that appeale to the crowds in the streets of the city. The heterogeneity of this government by popular demand was to be a source of the weakness but a certain unity existed as far as the majority of it’s members though politically Republican were socially conservative.
Popular pressure nevertheless forced the new government to introduce measures which in the context of the period were radical: universal male suffrage, a reduction .....
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Civil War Timeline
Number of words: 1354 - Number of pages: 5.... 6/7, 1862 - Confederate surprise attack on Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's
unprepared troops at Shiloh on the Tennessee River results in a bitter
struggle with 13,000 Union killed and wounded and 10,000 Confederates, more
men than in all previous American wars combined. The president is then
pressured to relieve Grant but resists. "I can't spare this man; he
fights," Lincoln says.
April 24, 1862 - 17 Union ships under the command of Flag Officer David
Farragut move up the Mississippi River then take New Orleans, the South's
greatest seaport. Later in the war, sailing through a Re .....
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History 2
Number of words: 1264 - Number of pages: 5.... think that history is just merely boring facts and do not find any significance behind the historical events that have happened. People who actually find history boring do not realize how much our ancestors have done to get us where we are today. Many also do not recognize the importance of history and how it has evolved. The young should appreciate that history is a part of how the people and events of the past have gained so much freedom for all of America. I particularly never appreciated history. I always thought that it was boring and just facts that I needed to know to pass a class .....
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Quebec's Quiet Revolution:
Number of words: 1076 - Number of pages: 4.... and the beginning of
Medi-Care. For these programs, the Quebec Liberals had to struggle with
Ottawa for a larger share of the tax dollars.
One of the greatest reforms was the modernization of the entire
school system. The Church used to own the schools of Quebec. Most of the
teachers were Priests, Nuns and Brothers. They provided a good education
but Quebec needed more in business and technology. Lesage wanted a
government-run school system that would provide Quebec with people in
engineering, science, business and commerce.
With the new freedom of expression, lots of books, pla .....
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Hebrew, Greek, Japanese, And H
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... power. The human's role in this creation story is to multiply and rule, whereas, humans in the other stories are ruled by the gods or humans are not even mentioned at all. This story is like the other creation stories because they all mention a heaven and earth in some way.
Next, the Greek creation story contained many gods. The first god was Chaos. Gaia (Earth) was next and was a place for all of the immortals who lived on Olympus. Tartarus lived in a deep hole inside Earth. Eros was the most good-looking of the immortals. Black Night and Erebus came from Chaos. Night had Aether an .....
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National Socialism
Number of words: 1181 - Number of pages: 5.... before all brave.” The mobilization of the people and resources, for the purpose of making war, were believed to be the means of preservation and advancement of German society. These ultra-nationalistic attitudes and beliefs resulted in widespread German enthusiasm with the coming of war in 1914. As expressed in a German newspaper, The Post, “Another forty years of peace would be a national misfortune for Germany.”
With the armistice that took effect November 11,1918, the Great War had come to an end, four long years after it had begun. The German military machine had lost th .....
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Bird Flu Crisis In Hong Kong
Number of words: 2832 - Number of pages: 11.... And H5N1 belongs to the vision of influenza A.
What is H5N1? H stands for hemagglutinin (HA), which is a viral protein. It will cause the red blood cells to stick together. And N is the viral protein too, which is called neuraminidase (NA). In an influenza virion, there are five hundred spikes sticking out from its lipid envelope in which 80% of the spikes are HA and 20% NA. HA helps the virion get into host cells and NA helps the offspring virions to get out. The two virions together are responsible for the viruses¡¦ability to cause the disease. (Cited from http://www.synapse.ndi .....
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