Whitewater Vs. Watergate.
Number of words: 2067 - Number of pages: 8.... and testimony suggesting that this cash was obtained illegally from the federal government and never paid back. As for Watergate - though it was revealed by the Senate Watergate committee as an unprecedented abuse of presidential power that was extremely dangerous to the country, it is remembered 25 years later as a strange and unsuccessful burglary in the Watergate office building by people linked to the reelection committee of Nixon. But Watergate was so much more than a political burglary. The Senate hearings showed Watergate was composed of constant criminality by the Nixon White Ho .....
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Direct Mail Marketing
Number of words: 1843 - Number of pages: 7.... to target us with.
Although direct mail, or as we call it “junk-mail” somehow finds its way to our homes and businesses.
In order to understand direct-mail advertising, I will be discussing this unique form of advertising in a broad area. Among them are: what direct-mail advertising is, the historical development of the direct-mail advertising, different methods and types of mail, the future of direct-mail advertising, and the internet’s use of and impact on direct-mail advertising.
Direct Mail
Direct-mail advertising is a form of medium used by direct marketers, it is .....
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Number of words: 1833 - Number of pages: 7.... to be bewitched, or have a Charm upon them, being burned, she came to
the fire and seemed concerned." (P.20) Hale included neither of these charges in
his list of the evidence presented against Jones, but suggested that the crimes
had to do with her medical practice. She was accused of having a "malignant
touch," Hale noted, and her medicines were said to have "extraordinary violent
effects." When people refused to take her medical advice, he added, "their
diseases and hurts continued, with relapse against the ordinary course, and
beyond the apprehension of all physicians and surgeons."(P. .....
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The Punic Wars 264 BC -- 146 BC
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... fought mainly at sea, around Sicily. Carthage was more
superior in this field of fighting. This is because they had fought at sea
before and the Romans did not. Also the Romans did not have a navy. When
the Romans finally started a navy, this reflected in their fighting. For
many years the Carthaginian people were more successful. This is because
they were under the power of Hamilcar. On March 10, 241 BC this would all
change, at the battle of Aegates Island. The Romans beat the Carthaginians
so bad, they appealed for peace. Many things came out of this war. One was
that Rome learned how to c .....
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Arhurian Romances
Number of words: 1379 - Number of pages: 6.... woman. Once a knight chooses his woman, she thought of as his chattel, or property. He can do what he pleases with her and she must listen to him or possibly be killed. He respects and loves her as long as she is loyal and faithful to him. If someone were to interfere in his or her relationship, they would fight ‘til death or until someone begs for mercy. The knights fought for the most beautiful and did what they pleased with them. They fought for them if necessary to keep respect for themselves and for their maiden. This is what the chivalric ideology was based on and so t .....
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How Many Arguments Does Berkel
Number of words: 1914 - Number of pages: 7.... correct in his own opinions, but that he has laid out a clear path to the arguments that Berkeley has given us. The arguments' names for the remainder of the essay will be the Continuity argument and the Independence argument (Bennett calls this argument the passivity argument, but for purely aesthetic reasons alone, I prefer to call it the independence argument). First of all, the continuity argument may be found, albeit in controversy, in §48 presented by Berkeley:
For though we hold indeed the objects of sense to be nothing else but ideas which cannot exist unperceived; yet we may not h .....
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Nuclear Warfare
Number of words: 1305 - Number of pages: 5.... the bomb had on the lives of the millions of Japanese that lived within a twenty mile radius of the city. We can see what happened to the second generation: children born with severe informities such as sixteen fingers and three arms; children born with cancer; and children with mental and physical handicaps. The radiation of a bomb doesn’t always cause instant death, but it is a lingering experience. Japanese people, thought to be healthy, got cancer in later life, and had dis-formed children. Consequently, we must not be swayed by advocates urging us to further develop and expand nucl .....
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Terrorism In The US
Number of words: 1079 - Number of pages: 4.... least. The Congressional
Research Service warns that terrorists are not those acting on behalf of
established governments or militant organizations, but are motivated by
religious zeal or greed (Stanglin 1). Kroll and Associates is a New York
based, security consulting firm which is currently debating whether foreign
or domestic terrorism poses the greater threat (Morganthau 1). With the
recent horror stories reflecting the victims of the Unabomber and the
bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, Americans would have to say
that domestic terrorism is the greater threat at this .....
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Rasputin The Mad Monk
Number of words: 1341 - Number of pages: 5.... Rasputin's powers to the arts of the Orientals, which he had picked up along his travels. Many groups in Russia wished Rasputin dead, because they could not logically interpret his actions and could not rationalize his power. He was seen at this time as a sort of "Devil's Advocate", because no one believed that a Holy Man could posses such powers. His methodology was not that of the time period he lived in, and just as it is today, people fear what they cannot understand in rational means. Though Rasputin was a savior for many, he was looked upon by the majority of Russian peoples as .....
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Number of words: 909 - Number of pages: 4.... beyond private first class because his superiors him lacking leadership qualities. After Germanys defeat in 1918 he returned to Munich remaining in the army till 1920. His commander made him the education director, with the mandate to immunize his charges against pacifist and democratic ideas. In September 1919 he joined the national German worker's party, and in April 1920 he went to work full time for the party, now renamed the national Socialistic German workers (Nazi) party. In 1921 he was elected party chairman with dictatorial party.
Organizing meeting after meeting terrorizing .....
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