Three Sisters
Number of words: 778 - Number of pages: 3.... life and others are pointless. Chebutykin seems to be an intelligent and pleasant man because of the way he treats other people and talks but now he has withdrawn from this and taken to alcohol. He feels like he is shallow yet he is included. Everyone thinks he knows a lot still and is useful but the fact is that he is not. Chebutykin suffers great pain when a woman dies because they think that he is a doctor. He also suffers when the people around him talk about history and literature and include him while he knows absolutely nothing.
Andrey is a coward who does not care about anyone else .....
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A Mafia Thing
Number of words: 921 - Number of pages: 4.... 100 years. The famous Al Capone, the Italian-American gangster of the Prohibition era, also known as Scarface because of a knife cut to his cheek. (Nash 79) He was born Alphonse Capone in Naples, Italy, and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He left school at an early age and spent nearly ten years "hanging-out" with gangs. In the 1920's he took over a Chicago organization dealing in illegal liquor, gambling, and prostitution from the gangster Johnny Torrio. (80) Convicted of income tax evasion in 1931 and sentenced to 11 years in prison, he was released in 1939. After obtaining syphilis, h .....
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Bacons Rebellion
Number of words: 638 - Number of pages: 3.... cause of Bacon's rebellion, but there were more.
There were three main causes of Bacon's rebellion, one of which were the poor relations between Native Americans, and colonial tobacco farmers, and their fighting, which I have already mentioned. The others were the heavy trade sanctions of England and the tyrannical actions of Governor Berkeley.
England was in a war in Europe with the Dutch and they were falling into a depression. In order to pull themselves out of their depression, they adopted a strict policy of Mercantilism. Mercantilism according to Webster's Dictionary is the doctrin .....
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George S. Patton
Number of words: 345 - Number of pages: 2.... daughter of a savage fighter nicknamed “Don Benito” who was very well known for once returning from a battle with Indians, with a basket full of the enemies heads. George Smith Patton Junior was born on November 11, 1885 in San Gabriel, California. Even though George grew up on his father ranch, he learned a lot of things. Here he was taught how to hunt, fish, sail, horseback ride and many things about agriculture. His mother was an excellent horsewoman who taught Patton, while his father read to him the works of Homer, Shakespeare and the Holy Bible.
All that Patton could learn from .....
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Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 861 - Number of pages: 4.... he decided to phone the Washington D.C. police. An undercover officer named Sergeant Paul Leeper and officers John Barret and Carl Shoffler intercepted the call while on patrol. Flashlights were noticed by a former F.B.I. agent. The F.B.I. agent named Alfred Baldwin calls and tells the police that there are lights on in the entire 8th floor of Watergate. So the three officers entered the building, surrounded the 8th floor partition, and in a few moments one intruder "Don't shoot-You've got us"! The intruders were then ordered up against a wall and the police notice that they had $1, .....
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The Industrial Revolution
Number of words: 2197 - Number of pages: 8.... century a series of inventions transformed the manufacture of cotton in England and gave rise to a new mode of production - the factory system. During these years, other branches of industry effected comparable advances, and all these together, mutually reinforcing one another, made possible further gains on an ever-widening front.
Economies prior to were based on cottage industries. Workers would buy raw materials from merchants, take it back to their cottages, (this led to the name) and produce the goods at their homes. Examples of the cottage industry were many textile products, .....
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Battle Of Long Island
Number of words: 526 - Number of pages: 2.... in the Flatbush Pass there were 1,000 troops, and to the right at Bedford Pass there was a force of 800 men with only 3 guns.
In the early morning hours on August 27, the Americans fired on a few British soldiers who were near the Red Lion Inn. A few hours later, the Americans were attacked by 200-300 British troops. These attacks started the battle. General Howe was trying to distract the Americans so that Grant could attack; the plan worked. This lead to a battle between Grant and Alexander. Though Alexander only had 1,600 men, he was smart to organize his men into the open, European style .....
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China And Japan
Number of words: 1034 - Number of pages: 4.... decisions the Emperor did not want to make. The Ming and Ch’ing had an organization of offices, at the top was the military, censorate, and administrative branch, below them were six ministries. They ran a Confucianism political system. These were also Chinas last Dynasties.
During the ruling of Ming, population doubled from 60 million to 125 million. Food supply was on the same pace. They had their fare share of epidemics. The great plague of 1586 – 1589 and 1639 – 1644 killed 20% - 30% of the most populated areas. Ming re-populated open lands by re-settling villages and exp .....
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The Regulators Of North Caroli
Number of words: 2814 - Number of pages: 11.... an assembly largely composed of eastern landowners. "Local"
officials in many counties, particularly in the western segment of the back
country were not local men at all, but friends of the royal governor, William
Tryon. These so-called "friends" often collected higher fees than authorized
by the law while obtaining tax money or divided a single service into many
services and charged fees for each. Lawyers who followed the judges around
the colony also fell into the same habit.
The citizens of Anson, Orange, and Granville counties were the first to make
themselves heard. In 1764, this .....
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Development Of The Civil War
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... of northern businessmen. Though most of tariff laws had been changed by the time of the Civil War, the Southern people still remembered how they were treated by the northern people.
In the years before the Civil War the political power in the Federal Government, centered in Washington D.C., was changing. The Northern and Mid-Western States were becoming more and more powerful as the populations increased. The Southern States were losing political power. Just as the original thirteen colonies fought for their independence almost 100 years earlier, the Southern States felt a growing need for .....
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