The Effects Of Rap On Inner Cities
Number of words: 1842 - Number of pages: 7.... this day and age, of the biggest problems in America has become teen pregnancy. 68% of 18-year old have had sexual intercourse, while half of 17-year old have had sexual intercourse. To add to that, 6 in 10 girls between the ages of 18-19 become pregnant. While pregnancy rates among teens continue to rise, rappers continue to rap and call themselves “Playa’s” and rap about their, “bitches,” and sexual encounters. In a song titled “The B.I.G” Notorious B.I.G AKA Biggie Smalls says “Please don’t shoot up your guns, ‘cause one of these ladies will be havin’ my baby.” .....
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Impact Of Graphic Art On The French Revolution
Number of words: 961 - Number of pages: 4.... read necessarily understood the writings of Voltaire or Rousseau. However, many more
people could understand visual art. Although the French Revolution is usually treated as a
revolution of the poor, it is also important to take into consideration that it was not started by the
peasantry, but by the nobility and wealthy businessmen of the Third Estate. These were the people
who had the time and money to attend theater and patronize artists. These were the people that
came to the galleries to view David's works.
His works were of a new style, never seen before. The a .....
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Lyndon B. Johnson
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... the Democratic Party primary by only 87 votes. In 1953 he won the job of Senate Democratic leader. The next year he was easily re-elected as senator and returned to Washington as majority leader, a post he held for the next 6 years despite a serious heart attack in 1955. In the late 1950s, Johnson began to think seriously of running for the presidency in 1960. His record had been fairly conservative, however. The presidential nomination of 1960 went to Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Kennedy then selected Johnson as his running mate to balance the Democratic ticket. In November 1960 .....
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Slavey Then And Now
Number of words: 1097 - Number of pages: 4.... people to force them to do hard labor and mistreat them, or would one mention about the slavery that goes on in today’s society? What about the people who are forced to do hard labor like many years ago?
Many people do not realize it but indeed we do have modern-day slavery. What is today’s modern day slavery? There are several things that can be put into today’s slavery. This is one problem that is often over looked in today’s society. It may not have as much impact as it did years ago, but if we stop and think about it, this problem is still as harsh and crude as it was years ago. .....
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Roosevelt And The Great Depression
Number of words: 521 - Number of pages: 2.... It established principles whereby the government would by up excess crops to reduce the market and increase the prices and would most often simply burn or destroy the food. Also, the government paid those who voluntarily decreased acreage in production. Furthermore, it provided funds for loans to farmers to meet their mortgage payments. Unfortunately, the AAA was struck down by the US Supreme Court in US v. Butler in 1936, however, the program was a great success.
The National Recovery Administration, or NRA, also proved to be one of Roosevelt’s greatest New Deal plans. Designed to .....
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Breakup Of The Soviet Union An
Number of words: 2754 - Number of pages: 11.... A government that would never end, but find ways to cover-up its identity.
From the start of the Twenty- Seventh Party Congress in 1986, perestroika, Mikhail Gorbachev’s program of “economic, political, and social reconstructing, became the unintended catalyst for dismantling what had taken nearly three- quarters of a century to erect” (Perestroika). Conservatives have called it as a “public effort to subtly seduce the Western world to lower its guard” (Corpus), believing it was a disguise just to distract foreign nations. Liberals believe it that it .....
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Copper Triangle
Number of words: 947 - Number of pages: 4.... their fathers at the site and pick through the tailings for copper pieces of any value. These boys were often called young "picky boys". The young girls would stay at home with their mother and help with the domestics and looking after the kids. There were many cases when a mining accident occurred and father was killed. This would be a major economic loss and often when this happened, the women were lent pressing machines to help them earn money. If there was a young son he would be able to earn a little money working as a "picky boy" in the tailing heap. If their family was part of a .....
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Severan Copy Of Athena Parthenos And 13th Century Virgin And
Number of words: 1772 - Number of pages: 7.... particular piece is of Severan creation. The Severans came to power in the late second century. Marcus Aurelius¹ son Commodus succeeded his father in 180, only to inherit an empire that was becoming increasingly harder to uphold , and imperial order was being threatened. Eventually, he was assassinated , and the Roman world was thrown into civil discord. Septimius Severus emerged as the new emperor in 193 after proclaiming himself to be Marcus Aurelius¹ son. 2
The Severan¹s hometown was called Lepcis Magna, on the coast of what is now Libya. In the early third century the p .....
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Number of words: 697 - Number of pages: 3.... were all based on a written constitution. The Virginia House of Burgesses, established in 1619, was the first representative assembly in Colonial America, and was established with permission from the Virginia Company. The Mayflower Compact was the constitution for the Massachusetts Bay colony. It was written in 1620 while still on the Mayflower by the Puritans aboard to make sure that the non-puritans who sailed with them would not try to take over the colony. The Mayflower had landed farther north than expected so the non-puritans were unsure if the puritans had claim to this new are .....
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The Ottoman Empire: Focus On Society
Number of words: 672 - Number of pages: 3.... Empire.
While the Sultan invested wealth and the leaders protected it, the
majority of commoners, the rayyahs, had the task of actually producing the
wealth. The rayyahs had to pay part of their profits from industry,
commerce, and farming to the state in the form of taxes. Townsfolk,
villagers, and pastoral peoples made up the eclectic mix of the rayyah
class. The word "rayyah" literally translates into "the protected flock of
the Sultan".
While Ottoman society was clearly divided into distinct social classes,
these classes were neither closed nor confining, meaning that with the .....
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