Sahure Ancient Egyptian Art
Number of words: 761 - Number of pages: 3.... surface, while statues that are in low relief rise minimally and appear to be flat. In this statue, Sahure, his throne, and the nome rise from the stone block that makes up the background and the base of the statue in high relief. This statue is a relief statue because it cannot be viewed from behind, probably because it was originally carved in to a block of stone in the wall of a temple and later removed by archaeologists.
The inflexibility of the poses of the figures in the sculpture provides another reason for the overall rigidity of the statue. In general, poses of less important peop .....
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King Arthur Versus Zeus
Number of words: 1198 - Number of pages: 5.... Both had prophesies of prosperity that led them into adulthood. When Arthur was born, Uther Pendragon, the leader of the Britons, killed a man and married his wife, Igrayne. Uther and Igrayne had one child, but not much longer after it was born, Merlin the enchanter took him away. Soon after, the boy was placed in the arms of Sir Ector, a noble knight. Later, the youth pulled the sword out of a stone that proclaimed that he was the king of all Britain. This young man would later on grow up to be King Arthur. Not unlike Arthur, Zeus also had a unnatural background. Before Zeus was bo .....
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Hostile Takeover Of The New Wo
Number of words: 2926 - Number of pages: 11.... should not be proud of. After every broken treaty, the Americans blamed the Indians for existing, despite the want of the Indians to simply live on their lands peacefully. The "Trail of Tears" was a great tragedy and many thought it would be the last now that all of the Indians were out of the eastern United States. But the U.S. government became land hungry and due to their idealism of "Manifest Destiny," the "Trail of Tears" was only a starting point on the path to the destruction of the Indians of the West. By 1850 gold had been discovered in California, and white settlers were heading We .....
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Ideal Nude
Number of words: 1033 - Number of pages: 4.... faces resembling Egyptian art were inspired by primitive African sculpture. Compare the female pose of the two centre and left centre with FIG 2-1, (taken out of a womens fashion magazine). The poses are very similar, I feel that this classical type of pose is still recognised to portray the female as confident. It is interesting to note Picasso has not included pubic hair on the women, this could be recognised as innocence, (where as pubic hair is portrayed as sexual dominance/power).
Greeks created the natural human image in art, their statues consisted of highly detailed and realistic f .....
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The Battle Of The Monarchs: Can Cathrine Really Be Worthy Of The Title Great?
Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... few few female monarchs. She was very involved in Russia's intellectual life. She sponsered andedited the journal Vsyaka Vsykaya in 1769 and also very concerned with the danger that may come to it. cathrine was also very influenced by western European thinkers and that people were born equal for some time. Louis the XIV ruled for seventy-two years, which is the longest of that time. He began rule at age five but began his complete rule of the throne at twenty-three. He believed in a strong monarchy because he believed that there would be great disorder without it. Both ruled a very strong t .....
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A Report On Japanese Culture
Number of words: 1046 - Number of pages: 4.... are set for the whole country: the requirement for driving there is fifteen, while the requirement for drinking is twenty.
Wearing any type of shoes while walking into someone’s home is considered a sin in Japan. It is even restricted in the case of some business establishments, and other places.
The rule of conduct in these cases is that you must leave your footwear at the door, and put on the slippers supplied just inside the doorway. The types of slippers often change from one season to the next. In the summer the slippers might be made of loose thin material, while .....
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The Extermination Of The Jews
Number of words: 306 - Number of pages: 2.... off the Jews Hitler thought.
The Nazis and SS, another Anti-Jew German group, referred to killing Jews and
exterminating their race and making Germany a dominate race of just Germans the
"special treatment" and the answer to the "Jewish Question."
After about a year or two 1.4 million Jews were killed by the Nazis or
in death camps. Hitler's ideas also spread across Eastern Europe. Germany's army
spread into the Soviet Union and the Netherlands. More Jews were killed there.
During the whole time period of the Holocaust as many as 5.8 million Jews died.
Just because the fact they were Jewish .....
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Louis XIV, The Sun King
Number of words: 1034 - Number of pages: 4.... authority in France.
Not since Henry IV had such a claim been made. Louis saw himself as God's representative
on earth, therefore, infallible. He oversaw roadbuilding, court decorum, defense,
and disputes within the church.
He had the support initially
of his ministers, then that of the French people. He had given France the image
it desired -- youth and vitality surrounded by magnificence. Louis won the
favor of the nobles by making it evident that their future depended on their
ability stay on his good side. This weakened the nobility, and would eventually
weaken France. .....
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Accounts Of The Holocaust
Number of words: 1237 - Number of pages: 5.... Special State Police (the Gestapo), the Storm Troopers (S.A.), and the Security Police (S.S.). The Jews were transported, in mass amounts, to different Concentration and Extermination Camps throughout Europe. Here they were forced into labor and exterminated when found to be useless to the Nazis.
To explain the cause of the Holocaust we must first look at the situation through the eyes of the Nazi party. They truly believed that the Jewish population was the enemy and that annihilation was the only way to rebuild Germany. Dr. Joseph Gobells, the author of The Gobells Diaries, and a membe .....
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Atomic Bomb 2
Number of words: 1194 - Number of pages: 5.... October of 1942 Groves went to California to meet with Robert Oppenheimer, one of the most brilliant scientists in the country. Groves informed Oppenheimer that he had been selected to lead the expedition on trying to invent the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer immediately started preparing by telling Groves that they needed an isolated area with one ringmaster(Oppenheimer).
General Groves was in charge of the military or security part of the project, while Oppenheimer was in charge of the organization of the scientists and ideas. At times, Oppenhiemer and Grooves had some nasty arguments ove .....
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