Auschwitz-concentration Camp
Number of words: 881 - Number of pages: 4.... do exactly as they were told, they would be beaten,
deprived of food, or shot. From time to time, they would be assured that things
would get better (MicrosoftEncarta).
The daily meals in Auschwitz consisted of watery soup, distributed once
a day, with a small piece of bread. In addition, they got extra allowance
consisting of 3/4 ounce of margarine, a little piece of cheese or a spoonful of
watered jam (Internet: Auschwitz Alphabet). Everyone in the camp was so
malnourished that if a drop of soup spilled prisoners would rush from all sides
to see if they could get some o .....
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Film Marketing In Australia
Number of words: 386 - Number of pages: 2.... local audiences.
The cultural American domination is reflected in the high box office returns on American product in cinemas everywhere.
Australian filmmakers think that marketing and selling of a picture is a dirty exercise and that someone else should do it. Researching target markets and market testing are foreign and not preferred by Australian filmmakers yet this may be necessary in order to achieve cinema attendance.
Some actors in Australia make it clear from the beginning that they don't do publicity, however some actors say there isn't enough publicity for actors involved in fi .....
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The French Revolution
Number of words: 368 - Number of pages: 2.... was life's blood to the peasants.
Dickens imaged the aristocrat as if he were a constant masquerade,
burying all internal traits with external garnishments. In his description
of the Monseigneur's "fancy ball," he first presents this notion. The
Marquis St. Evremonde proved to be one of those who concealed any inner
affections, when he ran down the son of Gaspard. His arrogance toward the
lower class was especially apparent in this episode, and seemed to
represent the attitude of all of the upper class toward the peasants.
The time of the Revolution was a time of true affluence and pow .....
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The Pilgrims
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2.... the natives indians.
When they first settled, the settlers had NOTHING except what they had
brought with them on the boats. They did not have many weapons, tools, or
medical assistance, but the settlers were strong willed and persistent, and
they survived. Most of the settlers were self reliant, and in top physical
condition. They built small houses to conserve time, as the winter was
The indians taught the people how to do many things. The settlers had
brought over the concept of farming, and the indians taught them how to tap
maple sugar, farm the new land, make .....
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Cuban Missile Crisis 3
Number of words: 1369 - Number of pages: 5.... Khrushchev finally agreed to dismantle and remove the weapons from Cuba and offered the United States on-site inspection in return for a guarantee not to invade Cuba. Kennedy accepted and halted the blockade. However, the question that is debated over the issue is whether or not JFK got lucky or if he was tactically smart and made the correct decision. Many historians believe that
President Kennedy played a dangerous game of brinksmanship in the Cuban Missile Crisis and we were just lucky that the Soviets shied down while others believe that the actions of the Soviets influenced and .....
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Number of words: 1977 - Number of pages: 8.... the AOP won. What circumstances changed to enable the AOP to transform a long string of defeats into a great victory? The odds were certainly against them in many ways. The AOP had become accustomed to losing a dangerous thing for any military unit where life and death depends, to a large degree, on the confidence of its officers and troops. Fresh from two devastating defeats within the past six months, the AOP was chasing a seemingly invincible fighting machine. A machine with the confidence, and the leadership, to continue its winning ways. To heighten the odds against the blue underdogs, t .....
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Environmentalism In The Sixtie
Number of words: 578 - Number of pages: 3.... also tried to advocate the conservation of energy, so that the cleaner but less effective ways could be manipulated to produce more energy.
Despite many efforts to keep the environment clean, some 200 million tons of pollutants were filling the air each year, and clean air in many cities had been replaced by smog. The earth, air, and water were deteriorating as construction of highways, malls, and housing developments caused the destruction of fertile, irreplaceable farmland. Disposal of wastes was another dilemma to be dealt with. Burning could release poisonous gases into th .....
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British Appeasement
Number of words: 2292 - Number of pages: 9.... criticising, praising, and waiting. With the pressure of the world on his shoulders Chamberlain proceeded cautiously not wanting the tensions to explode. Historically, Britain had followed a foreign policy of appeasement and not getting involved with the rest of Europe. Thus the word "appeasement" applies to the policy pursued in the entire inter-war period to avert war. In the 1920s, Britain appeased Weimar Germany with the aim of achieving justice, and paid the price of reducing reparations and treating Germany as an equal. In the 1930s Britain appeased Hitler's Germany with the ai .....
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Constitution 2
Number of words: 1094 - Number of pages: 4.... commerce and interstate trade. Third, government lacked the money and power to provide an adequate national defense. Traders and commercial men found their plans for commerce on a national scale impeded by local interference with interstate commerce. The currency of the states and the nation were hopelessly muddled. Creditors everywhere were angry about the depreciated paper money which the agrarians had made and were attempting to force upon those from whom they had borrowed specie. Poor, small landowning farmers could not sell or trade goods that they produced on their land to other s .....
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Just War Doctrine And The Gulf Conflict
Number of words: 1244 - Number of pages: 5.... tenet disallows justifying war for the purpose of economic gain, land
acquisition, or strategic position. If war is to be justly initiated just cause,
usually humanitarian, must first exist.
3. Right Intention - This relates to the tenet of just cause. Just
cause must be followed by right intention. It would be unjust seek a goal
devoid of the just cause.
4. Proportionality - Also in relation to just cause is the tenet of
proportionality. Proportionality must exist between the cause and the decision
to go to war. For country (a) to initiate a total war with country (b) bec .....
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