Continental Congress
Number of words: 694 - Number of pages: 3.... making it impossible for anything to be passed if one state had any complain over them and the other states all agreed on it.
It is evident in Document B that after the Articles of Confederation had been passed, from 1784 and beyond; the gross income from exports to Great Britain had plummeted while the population of the United States continued to rise. By the late 1780’s, the states had fallen behind nearly 80 percent in providing the funds that Congress requested to operate the government and honor the national debt. The statistical chart in Document B shows that under the Articles of C .....
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Middle Ages Economy
Number of words: 645 - Number of pages: 3.... innovations could not maintain the productivity of frontier lands that again became
marginal or were abandoned entirely. The decreased agricultural output could no longer support
the same level of economic activity and, as early as the middle of the thirteenth century, the
economy was beginning to weaken. By early in the fourteenth century and continuing well into
that century, a declining population, shrinking markets, a decrease in arable land and a general
mood of pessimism were evidence of deteriorating economic conditions. This trend was far from
universal and it w .....
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Evolution Of Society In The Mi
Number of words: 970 - Number of pages: 4.... jewelry and clothes, “…you’d soon be able to support me, and buy your own jewellery, and have lots of money and servants and gorgeous clothes” (Turner, p. 39). Instead of women relying on men to subsidize their major needs, if women were unmarried or widowed, they began taking care of their own needs, “When he died, I sold his hammer and tongs and anvil for two minas, and that kept us going for a while. Then I did various jobs like dressmaking and spinning and weaving, to scrape together enough for us to live on. But all the time I was struggling to
bring you up, this was what .....
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Harlem Renaissance 2
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4.... even if you were black from
Jamaica or from some other places, the white majority still considered you as
"niggers". A race that is inferior and has no way into revolting against
the domination of whites. There were a lot of regulations and restrictions
that blacks faced during the time of slavery. Being considered a property is
one of the hardship that they went through. They were basically treated like
animals with no saying. They were sold here and there. There were also
times that a person would get separated from their family. That person will
never again see the .....
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Henry James And Daisy Miller,
Number of words: 2002 - Number of pages: 8.... lifelong rejection of intimate relationships. Combined with his already introverted personality, the injury contributed to the isolated environment that James surrounded himself in and forced him to find companionship in his writing.
At age 19, Henry James gave up schooling for good, deciding instead to become a writer. He began to publish his works and the tone for his works were set. James was highly influenced by another American writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and his work echoed with the same concerns "restraints that society places on the individual, and an interest in the way the pa .....
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British Chartism
Number of words: 585 - Number of pages: 3.... Charter”. It is best known for its “Six Points”, which proposed the following: universal manhood sufferage, equal electoral districts, vote by ballot, payment of members of Parliament, removal of the property qualification for the Members of Parliament, and annual general elections. The first five of these demands were granted (even though it took until 1918 to finalize the decision), but the sixth was refused because it stressed the radical infuence on the program. The Whig belief of the sovreignty of the parliament clashed with that of the radicals, who .....
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Slavery And The Underground Railroad
Number of words: 1501 - Number of pages: 6.... work.
Slaves turned to freedom for more than one reason. Some were
obsessed with being free and living a life where they were not told how to
live. Others ran due to fear of being separted or sold from friends and
family. Then there were some who were treated so cruely, that it forced
them to run just to stay alive. Since coming to America as slaves even
back as far back as when the first colonies began, slaves wanted to escape.
They wanted to get away from the situation they were forced into. Those
who were free were the "whites" who were somewhat separated in values. The
North, was .....
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Society During The French Revo
Number of words: 1707 - Number of pages: 7.... 2
the advent and unfolding of the conflict.” The French Revolution was caused by .....
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The Song Dynasty
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3.... and
metropolitan levels.
Only 200 out of thousands of applicants were granted the jinshi degree.
This was the highest degree and appointed on government posts. From this time on,
civil servants became China's most envied elite, replacing the hereditary nobles
and landlords.
The Song dynasty only extended over to the parts of earlier Chinese
empires. The Khitans controlled the northeastern territories and the His Hsia
controlled the northwestern territories. The Song emperors were unable to
recover these lands so they were forced to make peace with the Khitans and the
Hsi Hsia. They gave .....
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The History Of The Drumset
Number of words: 1037 - Number of pages: 4.... repertoire. For example, the dundun. The dundun is an hourglass-shaped, two-headed drum whose twin heads are laced together by thongs of gut or leather (Hart, 52). By manipulating the tension on these thongs a player can alter the pitch of the tone he is making, thus enabling the dundun to "talk", or produce tones that sound like words (52). This allows him to communicate with neighboring tribes (52). Americans took this idea and converted it into a single-head drum, constructed of brass, in which a foot pedal altered the pitch of the drum. This drum was first called the k .....
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