Calvin And De Las Casas
Number of words: 1827 - Number of pages: 7.... days the most important man in Noyon was a bishop whom Calvin's father was a secretary to. It was a factor that made his father decided that Calvin would get a religious education. At fourteen his father sent him to the University of Paris to be trained to be a priest by studying theology. He received a thorough conservative training in Catholic faith at this university. His fathers' affairs with the bishop fell out, again playing a part in Calvin's life. His father now felt that law would be more to his liking and he sent Calvin to the University of Orleans and Bourges.
Despite .....
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The Avant-Garde Architecture O
Number of words: 1304 - Number of pages: 5.... This firm is famous for its successful and rational solutions to a variety of design problems. They are responsible for many of the largest pubic and private construction projects in the second half of this century. Some of these projects include the East Building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library in Boston, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.
When French President Francois Mitterand “personally selected Mr. Pei in 1983 to design the Grand Louvre to give air, space, and light to one of the world’s most congested museums, .....
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Arab-Israeli Wars
Number of words: 1610 - Number of pages: 6.... against the
Arab Liberation Army in northern Palestine, Jaffa, and Jerusalem. British
military forces withdrew to Haifa; although officially neutral, some
commanders assisted one side or the other.
After the British had departed and the state of Israel had been
established on May 15, 1948, under the premiership of David BEN-GURION, the
Palestine Arab forces and foreign volunteers were joined by regular armies
of Transjordan (now the kingdom of JORDAN), IRAQ, LEBANON, and SYRIA, with
token support from SAUDI ARABIA. Efforts by the UN to halt the fighting
were unsuccessful unti .....
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The Causes Of The Civil War
Number of words: 1436 - Number of pages: 6.... Southerners compared it with the wage-slave system of the North. They said that the slaves were better cared for then the free factory workers in the North. Southerners said that slave owners provided shelter, food, care, and regulation for a race unable to compete in the modern world without proper training. . But after the American Revolution slavery really died it the North, just as it was becoming more popular in the South. By the time of 1804 seven of the northern most states had abolished slavery. During this time a surge of democratic reform swept the North and West. There were deman .....
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The Dropping Of The Atomic Bombs On Japan
Number of words: 1050 - Number of pages: 4.... would probably be ready for testing in the summer of 1945 led to concrete planning for the use the new weapon, on the assumption that the bomb when completed would work. By the end of 1944 a list of possible targets in Japan had been selected, and a B-29 squadron was trained for the specific job of delivering the bomb. [3] It was also necessary to inform certain commanders in the Pacific about the project, and on December 30, 1944 Major General Leslie Groves, head of the Manhattan District, “recommended that this be done”. [4]
After President Roosevelt’s death, it fell to Stimon to br .....
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Area 51 - Short
Number of words: 732 - Number of pages: 3.... science and technology have been made and developed there. To breach the perimeter could result in your death, because it is so top secret. It is reported that in order to avoid spy plane and satellite reconnaissance, most activities and experiments have been conducted underground. It is the experiments above ground, mainly test flights, that help to perpetuate the UFO stories.(Leiby Richard p.a1) In early 1947, officials at the Roswell Army Air Field collected the remains of what they initially reported to be a wrecked "Flying Disc." That predd release was quickly revised to say it was only .....
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Causes Of The Pelopenesian War
Number of words: 1309 - Number of pages: 5.... as a source of income, saw the Athenian support of the Corcyrain rebels as an act of aggression against the peloponnesian league (Sparta and her allies). The alliance made between Athens and Corcyra was also viewed as a violation of the peace treaty of 445 B.C. between the peloponnesian league and the Athenian league. Athens ignored all Spartan protest about its involvement in the Corcyrain campaign. Further feud was created between Sparta and Athens in 432 B.C. in Potidaea. Potidaea was a city that was tributary to Athens but Corinthian in blood. Tired of paying tribute to Athens the c .....
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The Congress Of Vienna
Number of words: 352 - Number of pages: 2.... to form a nation. Liberalism supported nationalism at that time
because it united people in a common cause. On the other hand, Conservatives
feared nationalism because of its threat to overthrow the traditional political
The goals of the Congress of Vienna were the Balance of Power, which
meant no nation would be too strong or too weak. Another goal was the Return
of Monarchs. Louis XVIII issued a constitution to return. The Congress of
Vienna wanted to redraw borders. The leaders payed little attention to the
people when redrawing Europe. The Prince Metternich system was a sy .....
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The Battle Of Little Big Horn
Number of words: 2730 - Number of pages: 10.... divided into seven tribes: Oglala's, Brule', Minneconjou, Hunkpapa, No Bow, Two Kettle, and the Blackfoot. Of these tribes they had different band. The Hunkpatila was one band of the Oglala's (Guttmacher 12). One of the greatest war chiefs of all times came from this band. His name was Crazy Horse.
Crazy Horse was not given this name, on his birth date in the fall of 1841. He was born of his father, Crazy Horse an Oglala holy man, and his mother a sister of a Brule' warrior, Spotted Tail. As the boy grew older his hair was wavy so his people gave him the nickname of Curly (Guttmacher 23). H .....
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Why The North Won The Civil War
Number of words: 2835 - Number of pages: 11.... residing in the seceding states (Angle 7). The Union also had large amounts of land available for growing food crops which served the dual purpose of providing food for its hungry soldiers and money for its ever-growing industries. The South, on the other hand, devoted most of what arable land it had exclusively to its main cash crop: cotton (Catton, The Coming Fury 38). Raw materials were almost entirely concentrated in Northern mines and refining industries. Railroads and telegraph lines, the veritable lifelines of any army, traced paths all across the Northern countryside bu .....
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