State Constitutions In Colonial America
Number of words: 1033 - Number of pages: 4.... con their independence from Britain in October 1781.(Hakim, 71) The United States constitution was written shortly after the United states switched to a bicameral system of government, and it expressed the powers of the central government. As a result of this Each of the states also needed to write constitutions of their own.(Alderman, 109)
Each state has a constitution that sets forth the principles and framework of its government. Like the United states Constitution, each state constitution has a bill of rights.(World book, 347) A few states drew up constitutions before the Uni .....
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Artworks Review
Number of words: 640 - Number of pages: 3.... On the Hispanic man’s side there is a
small village in the background, and behind that is a set of volcanic
mountains. In between the set of mountains, there is a sun setting or
rising, and the scene looks very picturesque. The art work is
composed of both organic, and geometric shapes. An example of an
organic shape that is in the piece would be the cactus, and an
example of a geometric shape would be the bricks that make up the
wall, and the pyramids in the work. The artist used an very
interesting combination of colors when he created both sunsets or
sunrise .....
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Number of words: 3975 - Number of pages: 15.... so this was where enemy countries would most likely to try to invade the country. So this is where was to lie, to serve as a military fort. It was supposed to serve as a secondary base in companionship to another base located on the other side of Golden Gate Bridge. But with severe problems trying to build this other base, was to remain alone. "Out in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, the island of is definitely a world unto itself. Isolation is just one of the many constants of island life for any inhabitant on Island. It is the most reoccurring theme in the unfolding history of Is .....
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The Monitor And The Virginia
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... her ram made short work of the giant wooden targets.
The Union knew they had to build an ironclad of their own if they wanted to win the war, and so the Monitor was born.
The Monitor rode almost completely submerged, with the bare minimum of wood required, but with absolutly none of it showing. Unlike the Virginia, the Monitors hull was only a foot or two above the surface of the ocean. Centered on her hull was a two gun turret, complete with the ability to turn a complete circle. The guns in the turret were known as "Soda-Bottle guns" due to their unique shape, they were at .....
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Atomic Bomb
Number of words: 3011 - Number of pages: 11.... time. On this day at 8:15 A.M, the Enola gay- a B-29 superfortress opened its bomb bay doors over Hiroshima, at the time, a military center and the seventh largest city in Japan, and dropped a single weapon with a destructive capacity of biblical proportions. The crew on board and the team of scientists who developed the bomb were not sure whether the weapon would detonate. Nor were they sure what would happen if it did. In the split second in which a blinding flash of light told the crew of its success, approximately seventy thousand souls, who until that fateful moment, had been going .....
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How America Lost The War In Vi
Number of words: 610 - Number of pages: 3.... who believed that America should withdraw from the war to prevent further loss. Scholars discredited the president’s justifications for escalation. The war, they charged, was a civil war between the North and South Vietnamese, and not an effort by Soviet and Chinese communists to expand. Antiwar protests erupted across the nation, concentrated in college campuses. In the April of 1967, more than 300,000 people attended a demonstration in New York City. Later that year more radical demonstrations arose as antiwar radicals besieged a draft center in Oakland, California.
Such .....
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The History Of Stonehenge
Number of words: 1799 - Number of pages: 7.... was dug around 2750 BC with the use of crude
instruments such as bones and stones. This ditch was built with an earth
bank inside it. A ring of holes, known as the Aubrey Holes, were excavated
inside the bank(The World's Last Mysteries). The holes were shallow and
carefully spaced, and almost immediately filled in after being dug.
Archaeological studies have shown the Aubrey Holes never contained stones
or wooden posts; however there were a few instances where bones had been
inserted after the holes had been filled(The World's Last Mysteries).
Scientists have yet to find the meaning of the Au .....
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The 1960s
Number of words: 1432 - Number of pages: 6.... in the 60's.
What special events or figures were most significant to you? Name some of the social trends you took part in. Well, I didn't have any hero's or someone to look up to until later on in my 20's when someone invited me to Montreal to watch a folk singer called Pete Seager. From this time on, I became really dedicated and interested in music and this really influenced my life. I was a teacher than, so I didn't really take part in social events, yet there was a building north of Jarvis called Yorkville and teenagers would usually gather there to dance and have fun. I would occasionall .....
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The Contenders
Number of words: 1604 - Number of pages: 6.... for being amenable to slaveholders' interests, a situation
originating with Martin van Buren.
Buchanan's two major rivals for the nomination, Franklin Pierce and
Stephen Douglas, were both politically tainted by the bloodshed in Kansas.
Buchanan was untainted, since he had been abroad during most of the
controversy. Even so, he did not secure the nomination until the seventeenth
Fremont was best known as an explorer and a war hero. He surveyed the
land between the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, explored the Oregon Trail
territories and crossed the Sierra Madres into .....
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“how Important Was The Role Of
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... factories. Initially a mans job but before long 90% of the workers were women.
“ The courage of women in the munitions factories has never been sufficiently recognized. They had to work under conditions of real danger to life and limb, and what some of them dreaded still more, of grotesque disfigurement some of the pearls of the shell filling factories was toxic jaundice resulting from TNT poisoning. This turned their faces a bright repulsive yellow. The poor girls were nicknamed “canaries”. They were quite proud of this designation as they had earned it in the path of duty.” From the .....
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