D-day 2
Number of words: 1248 - Number of pages: 5.... area of coastline in western Normandy, form the Vire Estuary to the Orne, as the assault area for securing a beachhead, which would be code named Utah (U.S.), Omaha (U.S.), Gold (British), Juno (Aus.), Sword (British) (pg. 5). This area was relatively close to undamaged ports in southern and southwestern England, and was in range of fighter planes as well. The French ports of Cherbourg and le Havre were within striking distance as well as the railways and river bridges thought to assist in isolating the assault area from the main enemy centers of supply and reinforcement to the east. At th .....
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Utopia...Model Or Reality
Number of words: 1672 - Number of pages: 7.... believe that by providing the answer to the timeless question of overcoming man's inherent evils in such a way More creates a perfect society to be modeled after. Many of the ideals in More's Utopia are, as the name implies, based on ideal situations and not reality. They would work well in a civilization of automatons, but would be abolished quickly in a human situation. Nevertheless, we can apply the ideals held by the Utopians to our own societies since the ideals themselves are attainable even if a perfect society is not.
More seems to think that the seven deadly sins will be fairly e .....
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Number of words: 1297 - Number of pages: 5.... It was the world's first great
construction project; indeed, it was the world's largest building.
Djoser, the second king of the 3rd dynasty, hired an architect
called Imhoptep who for the first time constructed a tomb completely
of stone. Imhoptep is considered the preeminent genius of the Old
Kingdom. He assembled one workforce to quarry limestone at the cliff
of Tura, across the Nile, another to haul the stone to the site where
master carvers shaped each block and put it in place.
The Step Pyramid is a terraced structure rising in six unequal
stage .....
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Early African Societies - Hist
Number of words: 931 - Number of pages: 4.... Homo habilis to the rise of the Homo sapiens, and even the Australopithecus, scientists have learned a great deal about human existence. But yet, there is still a gap, a “missing link”, which bridges that gap between ape and man that so many researchers have yet to find.
The trellis theory argues that Homo sapiens came from the means of Homo erectus that took place in China. This theory is derived from the similarities between their teeth. The opposing thought, the “out-of-Africa” theory, states the transition to modern Homo sapiens took place only once and in Africa. Even the book it .....
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October Crisis/War Measures Act
Number of words: 1617 - Number of pages: 6.... were many causes for this frustration. The French Quebeckers viewed the English as in total control of the province, and saw them as the cause for the loss of so many French job positions. One stereotypical view was when a French worker would get fired, it was an English who laid them off. The inequality the French felt is an example of the emotions that sparked the separatist movement. The largest of the groups was the, “Rassemblement pour l’independence nationale (R.I.N.)”. Marcel Chaput and Pierre Bourgault formed this group in the September of 1960. They rallied significant .....
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Smoke Signals - Movie Analysis
Number of words: 797 - Number of pages: 3.... to worship Arnold even though Arnold left the reservation for a life in Phoenix when Thomas and Victor were only 12 years old. But Victor fumes with hostility toward his father for abandoning him and his mother Arlene. The boyhood scenes of Victor and Arnold show a man who loves his son dearly but who is also clearly possessed by his own demons. One minute Arnold is happily telling stories to his son, drinking his beer as they drive home, the next he's slapping Victor’s head for knocking over the bottle. Victor responds by alternately showing love and rage for his confused and violent .....
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Fort Pillow Attack
Number of words: 1288 - Number of pages: 5.... assault under the
command of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Confederate sharpshooters
claimed the lives of several key Union officers during the morning assault
on the fort. The losses included the commanding officer Major Loinel F.
Booth, and his second in command shortly after that. These losses created
a complete breakdown of order and leadership among the Union troops within
the fort. (251) During the morning engagement, the gun boat the New Era
was continually attempting to shell the Confederate forces from the
Mississippi, but with minimal success. The Union forces fought back
hear .....
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Atom Bomb
Number of words: 584 - Number of pages: 3.... essentially defeated and that we could win the war in another six months.
American military had an invasion plan for Japan ready even before the atomic bomb was tested. “The strategic plans of our armed forces for the defeat of Japan, as they stood in July, had been prepared without reliance upon the atomic bomb, which had not yet been tested in New Mexico. The Americans were planning an intensified sea and air blockade with intensified air bombing. The down side of the invasion meant serious casualties.
Many people had disapproved of the Soviet Union entering the war. Th .....
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Medieval Castles
Number of words: 1464 - Number of pages: 6.... who swept out of Arabia to conquer the Middle East, North Africa, and much Byzantine territory also started building such forts.
Western Europe, in the depths of the Dark Ages from the 5th through the 9th century, had no such works. But late in the 9th century, as local lords and kings began to consolidate power, castle building began probably in France. Once begun, castle building spread rapidly to other areas. But it was not until the 12th and 13th centuries, after the Crusaders returned from their wars against Islam in Palestine, that castles as imposing as those of the Byzantine or Is .....
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Analysis Of Rembrandt Joseph A
Number of words: 1718 - Number of pages: 7.... "But while Joseph was in the prison, the Lord was with him." This is the subject matter for which Rembrandt choose to do his representational painting by. The content of the painting all reveals Rembrandt's interpretation of the story
This is the account from the Bible of the accusation of Joseph by Potiphar's Wife. Rembrandt Van Ryn chose this particular story as the subject of his narrative painting completed in 1655, under the title of "Joseph Accused By Potiphar's Wife". Before researching this painting, I noted my fist perception of Rembrandt work of art. I realized through that as a re .....
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