The Slave Trade
Number of words: 356 - Number of pages: 2.... was not feed or cleansed properly. Many captives died from the inhuman conditions on these voyages. Who had control? England gained control of under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, and managed the shipment of slaves to Spanish colonies. As the colonies gained independence from Spain, they outlawed slavery, and soon slaves were most in demand in North America, particularly on plantations. Few were fortunate enough to be house servants; most performed menial labor in the fields. How did it end? As far back as the mid-1500s, Jean Bodin, a French political philosopher, condemned the institu .....
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Designing A Video On Demand Server
Number of words: 2265 - Number of pages: 9.... SCSI-2 drives configured as a striped logical volume using standard Widows NT system tools. To further increase transfer speed, a 64MB hardware disk cache will also be used in the system. Arrays of optical drives will also be employed as secondary storage. The VoD Server will be linked to an array of Uninteruptable Power Supplies (UPS) capable of supplying 10 minutes of backup power.
Similar servers were tested in this configuration with multiple client access and was able to saturate the network with 150 clients playing MPEG1 and 2 streams. The effective network usage was 25 Mbits .....
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British Imperial Regulations D
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... helped keep money within British control, but also increased both England’s and the colonies’ merchant marine. Further laws were passed, but none that imposed strict regulations on the colonies. In fact the colonies received advantages from the mercantile system of England. As colonies of England they had the rights of Englishmen. They also had some opportunities of self-government. As compared economically to the average Englishmen of the time, the average American colonist was more often better off. In some markets, such as tobacco, the colonies had great advantages. Al .....
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Ancient Civilizations
Number of words: 491 - Number of pages: 2.... The Romans thought that this would keep any one person from gaining too much power. The most powerful governing body was the senate. The senators elected two consuls each year. The consul’s jobs were to supervise the business of government and command the armies. They could only serve one term, which was one year in length. Julius Caesar overthrew this by having the senate name him “Dictator for life.”
Greece was one of the most powerful civilizations of its time. The Athenian government evolved from a monarchy into an aristocracy. A monarchy is when a King or .....
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Number of words: 1877 - Number of pages: 7.... 1650-1660 and they were there to ensure that the mercantile system that existed stayed. It was mainly to prevent the Frenchmen and Dutch from receiving American goods. The acts limited American shipping to be via Britain. The British had to receive all American goods and them their merchants would sell the goods to other countries, but America could not. Any goods that were to be imported to the colonies had to be passed through British middlemen, where a tax was added so that Britain would profit. America was also forbidden to produce goods or grow crops for profit. If they were to do t .....
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A Tale Of Two Murders
Number of words: 1491 - Number of pages: 6.... internal turmoil. Therefore, "The punishment comes not from a church, a law, or even from society: it comes from some inner compulsion of the evil-doer
himself who suffers...Thus he has willed his crime and he wills his retribution" (Davidson 189). Both characters take the lives of the men in the stories with little regard, "These characters are themselves god-players" (Davidson 189). In "The Tell-Tale Heart" the narrator confesses to the unsuspected police to receive his punishment, " in this respect the god easily passes into the devil and becomes his maker and his slayer both"(Davids .....
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Benedict Arnold
Number of words: 3573 - Number of pages: 13.... a prosperous ship owner, merchant, and trader. (Lake Champlain) Within days, Arnold became very interested in the war once again and joined the American Army. All of the battles Arnold commanded over showed immense courage and bravery, but he was soon known as America’s greatest traitor due to his betrayal of the American’s. As the Revolutionary War broke out, decided to volunteer to head over 1,000 men up to Maine. (Lake Champlain) He asked for additional men from his companies to join the army. Arnold then became a captain in the Connecticut Militia. General George Washington had h .....
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Causes Of The American Revolution
Number of words: 1025 - Number of pages: 4.... subjects in these colonies, owe the same allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain that is owing from his subjects born within the realm, and all due subordination to that august body, the Parliament of Great Britain." This statement can be used as a addition of the entire document that the Stamp Act Congress had initiated. The statement depicts the colonists has having to be submissive and servile in the view of Great Britain, this policy angered the colonists very much, and was another component of the transition of the colonists' rights and liberties.
When the Declaratory Act was passed in .....
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Rise Of Communism
Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4.... his throne to a provisional government. Lenin headed the second of the two revolutions in which he overthrew the provisional government.
Over the next few years, Russia went through a traumatic time of civil war and turmoil. The Bolsheviks’ Red Army fought the white army of farmers, etc. against Lenin and his ways. Lenin and the Bolsheviks won and began to wean Russia of non-conforming parties eventually banning all non-communist as well as removing an assembly elected shortly after the Bolshevik’s gain of power. Lenin’s strict government, however, was about to get a lot stricter wi .....
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Desert Flower
Number of words: 1324 - Number of pages: 5.... her. In describing her remarkable journey through life, Waris demonstrates examples of a masculine culture with elements high uncertainty-avoidance, and her own individualism amongst such a collectivistic society.
Waris’s description of life in Africa is a perfect definition for a masculine culture. She explains, “Women are the backbone of Africa; they do most of the work. Yet women are powerless to make decisions.” She recalls a story of how her loving mother permitted her to be butchered, because of a traditional African ritual to please African men. When she was five yea .....
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