Cinema Paradiso
Number of words: 1129 - Number of pages: 5.... alive she is unable to provide him with the male role model that every small boy needs. It is as if her soul died with the disappearance of her husband, Toto’s father. Without someone to look up to, Toto, continually gets himself into trouble. This remains true in many families across the world, that without the ample support of both parents, many children find themselves lost.
Toto's father leaves Italy to fight in World War II when Toto is very young and has no recollection of his father. Alfredo knows that an adult male role model is missing in Toto's life. In one scene, in which Tot .....
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America: One Nation
Number of words: 1463 - Number of pages: 6.... The Truman Doctrine was written to deter the Red spread from Greece. This Doctrine “committed the United States to permanent European presence (Lecture 28, D4).” This meant the U.S. would need to keep a strong military at hand. The Government sought to maintain its’ military dominance, and further the development of the atom bomb. Thus a nuclear age began.
Before the war, the American people were unsettled by the Great Depression. Unemployment was high. But the Second World War brought a lot of people into the work force, including women. While the men were at war, the women we .....
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The Mission
Number of words: 554 - Number of pages: 3.... who first came to the top of the water fall in order to capture Indians for slave, was later one of Father Gabriel’s closest followers. Captain Rodrigo’s penance or self-punishment was to carry a huge bag of armor up the hill and over the water fall. Once he got to the top they cut it off and threw it down freeing him from his former life and making him “eligible” to become a Jesuit priest under Father Gabriel. Father Gabriel who would die for what he believes, while Rodrigo would renounce his ways in order to fight the Spanish.
Father Gabriel died a peaceful man, while Rodrigo would .....
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Architecture 2
Number of words: 694 - Number of pages: 3.... demands that an architect go out on the actual building site to supervise construction. This is a minor inconvenience to the architects, but on a general scale, architects have extremely comfortable surroundings that promote less stress among them. Often, and more so nowadays, architectural firms are adopting CAD programs, or Computer Aided Design as the main tool for designing buildings. It provides an easy to use interface over the previous pencil and paper method. As a result, CAD software is growing vastly in usage and many colleges are now offering courses just in CAD.
Often, arc .....
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Durham Cathedral
Number of words: 1412 - Number of pages: 6.... Durham was one of the most important northern outposts of the Normans, who had begun construction on the cathedral shortly after their victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The Norman prince bishop William St. Carileph, who had been exiled to France for some time, razed the older Anglo-Saxon church upon his return to Durham in 1092 to make way for the building of the cathedral that stands today. The cathedral itself was built fairly quickly. Construction began in 1093 and was completed in large part, as Bishop William had planned it, by 1133, with the two western towers added in 1 .....
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Origin Of The English Laguage
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... as England. The Anglo-Saxons had many religious beliefes that they also brought along with then to England. They belived in Pagan ways and thatlife was in the hands of fate. Each Anglo-Saxon tribe had a king whom was choosen by a Witan. Under the King were the Earls, then there wecond class which included freemen who owned land and could ingage in commerce. These freemen had surfs who would work the land and then there were the slaves or milatary prisoners. The Britons were affraid of the Anglo-Saxon's and fled to Wales. Some fled to Northern England now known as Scottland. This is were .....
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Ivan The Terrible
Number of words: 663 - Number of pages: 3.... to conquer lands that were essential for their location. Ivan IV had the challenge of facing three main Tartar enemies of Russia- Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimea. Ivan IV emerged victoriously as he established rule over Kazan and Astrakhan. The locations of these territories lied by a great source that enables communication and is essential for transportation and commerce. It is the Volga River that Ivan IV was able to obtain control over thus providing a step forward to the foreign world.
Energy and human spirit were drained once again when Russia waged another major war against the Livon .....
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The Firm
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... jail, who refers him to a detective by the name of Eddie Lomax. Later Mitch goes to the Caimans on a business trip and was set up have sex with a hooker that appeared to be in distress. While Mitch was gone Eddie Lomax was killed. When Mitch returns, Tammy, Eddie’s secretary is waiting to meet him to let him know about what had happened. Mitch then went on another business trip and is contacted by the FBI, they tell him everything that is going on and Mitch agrees to help them by copying files. After is busted Mitch and Abby moved to an almost deserted island in the Caribbean in hope .....
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Industrial Revolution
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... of unemployment for many nations. Before the revolution, jobs were very limited because work was accomplished through animal power and hand labor. Also many tasks required men with considerable skills which could only be accomplished through long hours of work and practice. In the past and in the present it could be clearly seen that the sprouting factories have brought high commands for individuals to function the births of new technology. Henry Ford’s assembly line for example required thousands of workers with minimal skills to meet the increasing demand of goods. Presently new adv .....
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Atomic Bomb 8
Number of words: 2459 - Number of pages: 9.... we have bombed military bases instead of cities? These and many other questions arise. Before these are analyzed, a brief background on the bombs and the tests are in order (O’Neal 47).
When a man from the Soviet Union successfully split an atom, the question of a bomb immediately arose. Einstein wrote a letter to President Truman stating that if a bomb was possible then the country to own it would have complete power. In light of this information, Truman formed an Interim Committee to research the topic and find out if it was possible. It was funded by Truman’s multi-million d .....
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