Fireside Chat
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... dollars to banks, insurance companies, and railroads. Hoover’s last ditch attempt to help the economy was too little, too late. Our economy was in shambles and now we need someone to pick up those pieces.
As your newly elected president, my administration will work to relieve the suffering caused by the depression, creating jobs and stabilizing the economy. One of my first concerns is to restore the American people’s faith in banks. I am ready to shut down all banks and only re-open those that are stable. I have sent a banking relief bill to Congress that, if passed, will enable t .....
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Freedom In The United States
Number of words: 2280 - Number of pages: 9.... he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear.
I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He accurately describes American's as arriving with nothing but dreams and building America with the hopes of finding greater freedom or freedom for the first time. .....
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Sociology Of Movie
Number of words: 912 - Number of pages: 4.... by one of the king's soldiers. The outraged Wallace sought revenge, killing the solider and sparking a war against Longshanks. Wallace became known throughout Scotland as a patriot, fighting for his lost love and the freedom he never had. After many long and brutal battles William was captured, tortured, and killed. The cry of his death echoed around the world, and certainly on the battlefield. Soon after, his followers defeated Longshank's army and won there freedom.
Based on the movie and summary above, I have concluded that there are several social conflicts. The most influential bein .....
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Issues On Apocalypticism
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2.... such as the ones in Mathew :13 to teach faith to his followers. The parables were stories that used physical things that his followers could understand. Parables that Jesus used had special meanings which would teach a certain aspect of the religion to the followers. The parables that Jesus used were not for everyone. They were for those who chose
to listen and take the teachings to heart. Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is all around us and that we must decide to believe or not. The line of good and evil goes right through us and we must choose for ourselves. Jesus urged hi .....
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Standard Oil 1911
Number of words: 515 - Number of pages: 2.... rights law. The law stated that all citizens of The United States had the right to purchase, sell, or rent any territory that could be enjoyed by white citizens. Jones had sued Mayer because he refused to sell him a home because he was black. The Court decided for Jones saying the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery and gives to Congress to abolish the "badges of slavery." In the 1976 Runyan v. McCrary case, two black students had been refused admittance into two private schools in Virginia. The Court applied another 1866 law that stated all citizens of The United States had the ri .....
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Defense Of Slavery
Number of words: 1109 - Number of pages: 5.... of the northern economy was more corrupt than theirs.
When defending slavery the first aspect that one must look at is that slavery was the basis of the southern economy. To put an end to slavery without reimbursement for southern losses would have been crippling to their whole economic structure.1 Reimbursement was also practically impossible since slaves, being human, were able to reproduce like the rest of their white counterparts. Though slaves needed not to be paid for their work on plantations, money was needed to provide for their care. That means that the south did not have .....
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Reservoir Dogs
Number of words: 618 - Number of pages: 3.... started killing them. This was his way of regaining control of the situation. At the same time he was acting out this concept, he was actually totally out of control. He went fucking crazy in the store. He slaughtered the people lined up in the store like he was shooting clay ducks in a local carnival shooting gallery. I know this is a contradiction, but Mr. Blonde was a contradiction of himself.
He had double standards. He hated the cop just because he was a cop. He didn't recognize him as a real person. Mr. Pink and Mr. White confirm this at the warehouse when they discuss him shooting R .....
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Women Of The Civil War
Number of words: 2227 - Number of pages: 9.... She undertook at least two intelligence missions behind
Confederate lines “disguised” as a woman. She deserted in 1863. After
leaving the army, she worked as a nurse for the United States Christian
Commission. A short time before her death, she petitioned for a veteran's
pension. Two years later the pension was granted to her by Congress.
Some women did not dress up as men to fight. Southren women in
New Orleans despised the Yankee men that occupied their city. They spit on,
cursed at, and even emptied their chamber pots on Yankee soldiers whenever
they got the chance. .....
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Canada And Nato
Number of words: 678 - Number of pages: 3.... book showed NATO as being an organization that is very unorganized. It came across as though the countries involved did not respect each other’s thoughts and opinions. It dwells on the mistakes made by countries for example the United States, various other European countries. It made it seem as though NATO was in conflict within each other making the organization as a whole seem incapable of compromise and the defence of anything. At many points NATO wanted to vote the United States out of the organization but this obviously never happened. At one point it was a problem “about t .....
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Hieroglyphic Writing
Number of words: 455 - Number of pages: 2.... translated without difficulty, proved to be a priestly decree in honor of Ptolemy Epiphanes which finishes with a formal instruction that “this decree, engraved on a tablet of hard stone, in three scripts, hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek, shall be engraved in each of the great temples of Egypt”.
The honor of deciphering the hieroglyphs fell to two scholars, the Englishman Thomas Young and the Frenchman Francois Champollion who started work on it almost the same time and who were to see their efforts crowned by success. What Young achieved by instinct Champollion achieved by scientific .....
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