Concentration Camps
Number of words: 1368 - Number of pages: 5.... largest concentration
and extermination camp constructed in the Third Reich. Located 37 miles west
of Krakow, Poland, Auschwitz was home to both the greatest number of forced
laborers and deaths.
The history of the camp began on April 27, 1940 when Heinrich Himmler,
the head of the SS and Gestapo, ordered the construction of the camp in
northeast Silesia, a region captured by the Nazis in September 1939. The camp
was built by three-hundred Jewish prisoners from the local town of Oswiecim
and its surrounding area. In June of 1940 the camp opened for Polish
political prisoners. By .....
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Michelangelo The Sistine Chapel Frescos
Number of words: 1455 - Number of pages: 6.... columns thatwere separated my wedges of wood. Maybe Julius has chosen the right man for the job
I sent to Florence for a number of assistance to help me with the fresco’s and thetechnique since I am somewhat hazy with the technique involved. I started my work onthe cartoons for the frescos. These 12 Apostles that I am commissioned to paint are soboring I must find a way around painting them in such a dull fashion. As we started to
paint the fresco’s I became very uninspired by the idea of the 12 apostles I was upset andconfused. I knew that this was not the right idea for the ceiling .....
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The Failures Of Affirmative Ac
Number of words: 1613 - Number of pages: 6.... federal
contractors “to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are
employed . . . without regard to their race, creed, color, or national
origin (Civil Rights).” When Lyndon Banes Johnson signed that order, he
enacted one of the most discriminating pieces of legislature since the
Jim Crow Laws were passed.
Affirmative action was created in an effort to help minorities
leap the discriminative barriers that were ever so present when the bill
was first enacted, in 1965. At this time, the country was in the wake of
nationwide civil-rights demonstrations, and racial .....
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Reasons America Declared War On Germany
Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2.... chose to do nothing violent about them at first; however, after a similar incident took place; Germany’s naval policy instigated him to declare war on Germany.
Propaganda was necessary to declare war on Germany, since a war without the public’s support would not have fared well. Although Americans were certainly upset at Germany’s naval policy, it was not enough to prompt popular support for a declaration of war. Propaganda, such as political cartoons, was used in order to get the public to advocate entrance into the war. Cartoons were used widely, giving Americans the impressio .....
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Cuba, Castro, And The United States
Number of words: 3356 - Number of pages: 13.... began to grow. Meanwhile the U.S. government was aware of and shared the distaste for a regime increasingly nauseating to most public opinion. It became clear that Batista regime was an odious type of government. It killed its own citizens, it stifled dissent. (1) At this time Fidel Castro appeared as leader of the growing rebellion. Educated in America he was a proponent of the Marxist-Leninist philosophy. He conducted a brilliant guerilla campaign from the hills of Cuba against Batista. On January 959, he prevailed and overthrew the Batista government.
Castro promised to restore dem .....
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The Coal Miners In France During The Second Empire
Number of words: 1986 - Number of pages: 8.... or goal towards which the
action is oriented. Third, there is a situation where the trends of
develop- ment differ from the end towards which the action is oriented. The
situation is composed of two elements; the conditions are that which the
actor cannot manipulate in accordance with his end, and the means are that
over which he does not have control. Finally there is a relation between
these elements; where a situation allows alterna- tive means to the end,
the course is selected from the normative orientation of the actor.
(Parsons, 1968: 44)
In order to account for the interrelati .....
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Coca-Cola - The History
Number of words: 2046 - Number of pages: 8.... script. Dr. John Pemberton sold a portion of the Coca-Cola company to Asa Candler, after Pemberton's death the remainder was sold to Candler. Pemberton was forced to sell because he was in a state of poor health and was in debt. He had paid $76.96 for advertising, but he only made $50.00 in profits. Candler acquired the whole company for $2,300(Coca-Cola multiple pages).
Candler achieved a lot during his time as owner of the company. On January 31, 1893, the famous Coca-Cola formula was patented. He also opened the first syrup manufacturing plant in 1884. His great achievement was large scal .....
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Christianity And Judaism
Number of words: 2166 - Number of pages: 8.... with the Hebrew Scriptures and the demands of Pharisaic Judaism." As He grew older, He was influenced by the teachings of John, a preacher from a nearby town. John explained that in order to pass from Earth to the Kingdom of God, one had to be baptized. Because of his teachings, John was executed by the State.
Jesus soon began his own path in preaching. He took much of John's preaching to heart, but Jesus set out to show that the Kingdom of God was present on earth. He showed this by performing miracles of healing and exorcism. Like John, Jesus was executed for his words. But he .....
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King Tut
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... next pharaoh. Ankhesenpaaten was one of the daughters of Akhenaten and
Nefertiti. Ankhesenpaaten married Tutankhamun. After the death of Akhenaten,
Tutankhamun became the next pharaoh at age 9. Since he became a pharaoh at
such a young age, he was not able to make decisions. Ay who was the father of
Nefertiti and Horemheb who was the commander in chief of the army was in charge.
Tutankhamun was taught many skills when he was young. He spent most of his
years in the palaces of Akhenaten, he was tutored in reading and writing. King
Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun unfortunately died at the .....
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A Statistical View Of European Rural Life, 1600-1800
Number of words: 1251 - Number of pages: 5.... Switzerland, Scandinavia, Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and
Hungary the yield ratios were very low, and from 1800-1820, they did not
produce wheat, rye, or barley at all. Countries like England and the
Netherlands had predictable weather patterns and were able to grow an
abundance of crops. The farther East a country was, the lower its yield
would be due to poor and unpredictable weather. The average European
peasant's diet was poor and not sufficient to human needs. Most diets
included bread, cheese, and butter. Meat and vegetables were rare and
eaten possibly twice a year. Most .....
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