Asian Exclusion Laws
Number of words: 505 - Number of pages: 2.... and travelers (Chan). An unknown number illegally entered through the Canadian and Mexican borders and many others entered as “paper sons.” The act did not prevent Chinese immigration per se; it simply prevented most legal immigration.
The 1907-1908 Gentleman’s Agreement was the result of a conflict between the San Francisco school board and the Asian (particularly Japanese) community related to school segregation. President Roosevelt made an agreement with the Japanese government. In exchange for the school board’s allowing Japanese students to attend white .....
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Adolf Hitler The Final Solutio
Number of words: 1524 - Number of pages: 6.... Bavarian government and was imprisoned for 5 years. In prison, he wrote the famed autobiography, Mein Kampf, in which he stated his first publicly known anti-Semitic beliefs and his ‘Final Solution’ to the ‘Jewish Question’. While imprisoned, there was a worldwide depression as economic markets crashed worldwide. This would help Hitler because once out of prison he would use this to help gain power both for the Nazi’s and for himself politically by promising better things to come in the future. In 1933, while preaching in front of a large Nazi crowd, Hitler use .....
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Benedict Arnold
Number of words: 1172 - Number of pages: 5.... lived because the next year Margaret caught a disease and died. When the Revolutionary War began that year Arnold was already an experienced soldier. He had helped Ethan Allen capture Fort Ticonderoga. Then Benedict came up with a great idea to capture Quebec. This idea failed, but Benedict had already proven his bravery. He was then commissioned as a colonel in the patriot forces. He was one of General George Washington's most trusted officers. Benedict led his troops to the siege of Boston and Valcour Island and proved once again to be a bold and skilled officer. At the battle of Valcour .....
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Betsy Ross
Number of words: 839 - Number of pages: 4.... Ross. They wanted to discuss the possibility of her sewing the first American flag. The meeting was held in the back room of her home, and was kept very secret. During the course of the meeting George Washington presented Betsy with his idea for the flag. George Washington's idea included a six-pointed star (1. Encyclopedia Britanica). Betsy saw the need for a few changes in the idea including changing the six-pointed star to a five-pointed star. Washington disagreed because he thought the five-pointed star would be more difficult to sew. Betsy quickly changed his mind b .....
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History Of Punk Rock
Number of words: 1001 - Number of pages: 4.... like peace, racism, and nuclear war. Most punk is against
parental, musical, and political authorities. On the other hand
some isn't. Bob Mould of Husker Du talks about politics quite
frequently in his songs.
I don't write about politics because I'm not an expert.
Some bands find it very necessary to claim they're
politically relevant when in actuality they don't know
shit about politics. Not informing people is much better
than misinforming people. We're sort of like reporters
in a way. Reporters of our own mental state. Reporters
of the state of the air. Consciousness. Of the day. W .....
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What Is Art ?
Number of words: 1465 - Number of pages: 6.... goes depends on both the writer and reader. Literature, since it's inception has always been a form of communication, and good literature be it the prose of Trollope, poems of Blake, the plays of Shakespeare or even political propaganda has always had the sincerity of its creator. Throughout history, literature has been able to bring a social, or moral message to the people. And good literature has always been infectious, at times even igniting reform and revolution. Without a doubt, literature brings to the reader or audience a circumstance we are unable to experience in real life and th .....
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General William Tecumseh Sherm
Number of words: 1631 - Number of pages: 6.... aided him in becoming the second greatest Union general. Sherman was born into a large family in Lancaster, Ohio on February 8, 1820 (McPhersonxxx 731). His family had had a long history of political positions, although Sherman was always strong in his dislike for the such. 1829 proved to be an impacting year in his life, when his father died leaving his mother responsible for their ten children (Sherman 1). Sherman was taken in as an adoptive child by Mr. Thomas Ewing, a family friend (Sherman 1). This man proved to be an important figure in his life because his political influen .....
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Rise Of Superpowers After WWII
Number of words: 1287 - Number of pages: 5.... divergent origins.
Roosevelt's isolationism emerged from the wide and prevalent domestic desire to remain neutral in any international conflicts. It commonly widely believed that Americans entered the first World War simply in order to save industry's capitalist investments in Europe. Whether this is the case or not, Roosevelt was forced to work with an inherently isolationist Congress, only expanding its horizons after the bombing of Pearl Harbour. He signed the Neutrality Act of 1935, making it illegal for the United States to ship arms to the belligerents of any conflict. The act .....
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Number of words: 999 - Number of pages: 4.... East Timor) became the most important political force. It was an independence movement in the style of the 70s. Since shortly after the FRETILIN proclaimed the independence at the end of October the Indonesian military marched in East Timor and put down every form of resistance. During the first years after the invasion it got numerous armed struggles and the Indonesian military also take action against the civil population. Today the native population expresses their protest against the occupation of their country above all with political demonstrations.
On December 12th 1991 it c .....
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West Side Story
Number of words: 726 - Number of pages: 3.... plot of the film involves two race-based gangs fighting to rule the same strip of street on the West Side of New York City in the late 1950’s. The film teaches a valuable lesson; a lesson about how hate can kill a person and destroy the lives of his or her loved ones. The Jets, a white gang of teenagers led by Riff, and the Sharks, the Puerto Ricans who recently came to the West Side, are the two gangs vying to rule the same area on their block. The Jets immediately hate the Sharks because they are different and vice versa. The two gangs’ hatred is brought to a public level at a dance .....
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