Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Crime - A Game You Can’t Win
Number of words: 721 - Number of pages: 3.... jail terms, allowing three individual convictions to increase the sentence is a mockery of the judicial system. The “Three Strikes” law represents a faltering attempt at punishing violent criminals.
“We have increased the odds of incarceration,” said Dr. Morgan Reynolds, director of the National Center for Policy Analysis’ Criminal Justice Center. “Perpetrators know it is more costly to commit crime, and that acts as a deterrent”(Reynolds). In the State of Florida, the minimum prison term for a repeat rapist is 10 years. While this is an extensive time to remain locked away .....
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Immigration Reform
Number of words: 727 - Number of pages: 3.... social and economic problems of this country. Statistics from a Federation
for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) newsletter shows, “. . . the share of
immigrant households below the poverty line (29 percent) is much higher than the
share of native households that are poor (14 percent)--more than twice as high.”
Due to the large numbers of poverty stricken immigrants, they are more likely to
take part in means-tested programs such as AFDC.
Family reunification laws generally do not serve the purpose implied by
their name. These laws create a problem that researchers call chain migrati .....
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Veterans Day
Number of words: 332 - Number of pages: 2.... have the most important reason why we should always
respect our veterans, that is freedom. Without freedom, we could have half
of the things that we have now. We would have no respect, no rights, and
no happiness, In other countries, people don't have freedom, and they are
suffering and dying. Without freedom, we would have nothing.
In conclusion I just wanted to tell everyone what I feel is the
important reasons why we should respect our veterans.
I hope that everyone will now be aware of how lucky we are to live
in this country, to have people who care for us so greatly .....
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Teenage Pregnancy
Number of words: 1877 - Number of pages: 7.... birthcontrol. African-American and Hispanic teenagers are twice as likely to give birth as are white teenagers. Whites are more likely to have abortions. Teenagers who come from poor neighborhoods and attend segregated schools are at a high risk for pregnancy. Also, teenagers who are doing poorly in school and have few plans for the future are more likely to become parents than those who are doing well and have high educationsl and occupational expectations. Although the rate of is higher among low- income African-Americans and Hispanics, especially those in inner city ghettoes, the number .....
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A Civil Action Position Paper
Number of words: 1322 - Number of pages: 5.... from the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) thought they might have been contaminated by industrial wastes. The
two main defendants were the W.R. Grace corporation, a chemical and
manufacturing giant that built stainless steel equipment at a plant in
Woburn, and Beatrice Foods, another mega-corporation, which operated a
tannery there. Toxic chemicals from these operations, many thought, had
leaked in and contaminated the wells. The most serious of these chemicals
was a carcinogen called trichloroethylene, a solvent used to dissolve
grease and oil, which explained the leukemia.
In civil su .....
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Political Parties
Number of words: 2039 - Number of pages: 8.... parties could not exist because there were no elected officials. Parties began to emerge in Europe and North America in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when elected legislatures became a dominant force in government.
In the earliest decades in which existed, their memberships were quite small. In the United States and England, for example, most citizens were not allowed to vote. Party membership, therefore, consisted mainly of landowners, members of the nobility, factory owners, merchants, and other wealthy individuals By the third decade of the 19th century in the United States, an .....
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Number of words: 1325 - Number of pages: 5.... really wanted because he figured he could beat him pretty easy. Having both Houses of Congress being controlled by the opposite party, Nixon became very fearful of being a one-term President.
John Edgar Hoover was the leader of the F.B.I. at the time of the affair. Hoover was a legend in his own time and was very feared by many. Nixon said that he had a very close relationship with Hoover and that he supported him a lot. Hoover was said to be a man who you can really trust. Nixon knew that Hoover was very important because he would not let anything leak out that should not have. Ni .....
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Student Protest
Number of words: 752 - Number of pages: 3.... come and socialize. The stuff that is taught is all boring to me. It always seems as if I already know what is going to be said. So what is the point? To go and get a diploma that in all actuality is nothing but a piece of paper that could easily be made by me. Perhaps that is why I get myself in so much trouble here. I am not the only one students just get bored and try to heighten the learning experience. Try to make it more fun for everyone. Even though there may be those who don’t quite comprehend what is going on, they still enjoy the laughter. Who knows maybe they even learn a thing .....
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Alcoholism - Pros And Cons
Number of words: 1033 - Number of pages: 4.... smoke. Daily drinking increases the risk for lung, gastric, pancreatic, colorectal, urinary tract, liver, brain cancers, and leukemia. About 75% of cancers of the esophagus and 50% of cancers of the mouth, and throat are attributed to alcoholism. (Wine appears to pose less danger for these cancers than beer or hard liquor.) Smoking combined with drinking enhances risks for most of these cancers dramatically. When women consume as little as one drink a day, they may increase their chances of breast cancer by as much as 30%.
In the liver, alcohol converts to an even more toxic substance, .....
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Affirmative Action
Number of words: 1845 - Number of pages: 7.... was commended for
having done so. The racism did not end there. Discrimination was everywhere, but no
person had the means to address it as a problem, or fight to end it. It wasn't until 1862 that
a political figure formally acknowledged the problem.
The Emancipation Proclamation was addressed by president Abraham Lincoln in
1862. It was enforced in the beginning of the following year, stating "all persons held as
slaves within any state or designated part of a state the people whereof shall then be in
rebellion of the United States shall be then henceforth and fo .....
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