Term Papers on Legal and Government |
Our Living Shield: The First Amendment
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3.... idealistic than realistic. The First Amendment remained a
set of ideals which were not to be carried out during its first century,
then progressed to more realistic terms during its latter half of
During the first century of the First Amendment, the First
Amendment was paid a glance by all when it came to actually carrying out
the freedoms guaranteed by this amendment. For example, in 1794,
Pennsylvanian backcountry farmers protested a whiskey tax. The protesters
were not violent such as those of the previous Shay's Rebellion. George
Washington sent in a militia to .....
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The Canadian Government
Number of words: 3804 - Number of pages: 14.... depends on how
many people in Canada. MPs must be over 18, and not disqualified by law.
The House only has to meet once a year, but usually there's so much to do
they have to put in many months of work. Any MP can try to introduce a
bill, but the Cabinet usually controls the number of bills introduced. Most
bills come from the Cabinet, but the ideas can come from things like: A
senator, public servant, the media, party platform etc.
The PM chooses The Cabinet from fellow party members who have been
elected to the House of Commons. When choosing Cabinet members, the PM
must choose repre .....
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Drink Up - Drunk Driving Should Be Legalized
Number of words: 359 - Number of pages: 2.... choose not to drink. Currently people who have been drinking are
legally required to use some form of transportation other than them operating a
motor vehicle. This requires them to hang around where they are and get a ride
with someone else or wait or some public transportation. With the legalization
of driving while drunk the non-drinking population would not need to be bothered
by drunk people that do not have rides. Finally, this would help stimulate the
economy which may be in dire trouble. For example, with the removal of
restrictions on alcohol, many more alcoholic beverages woul .....
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The Context Of The Second Amendment
Number of words: 1031 - Number of pages: 4.... the right is corporate rather that
individual”(Hook, 30). Meaning that the right is giving to the state government
not to individual citizens. Others argue that it does give people the right to
bear arms, but only if you belong to a certain group.
This group is defined by the beginning preamble to the Second Amendment,
‘A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State'.
This preamble is set out to regulate the other half of the Amendment. What is a
militia? “[A] militia is a body of men enrolled for military service, and
called out periodically for drill a .....
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Affirmative Action
Number of words: 1237 - Number of pages: 5.... Since he is Asian, they could not hire him, because 50% of their
employees are Asian. Under the affirmative action, they must employ someone who
is underrepresented. This type of situation happens often. It is not the
qualifications, but the color of the skin that employers look for today.
Affirmative action is a step backwards. We are back to color and race
differences. We are all Americans and should be treated as so, not what
ethnicity we are. Affirmative action should be abolished solely because we do
not want to make the same mistake our society made in the past --- discrimina .....
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Should Quebec (or Other Provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights?
Number of words: 550 - Number of pages: 2.... is the greatest place for them.
Moreover, the Canada government will lose money if Quebec separates by
dealing with the separation affairs, like to help people in Quebec back to
Canada who do not want to separate. Separation also leads to the decreasing of
trade in Canada, and even the whole world. Quebec is a big trade market in
Canada. People will lose this big market if Quebec is no longer a province of
Canada. This will not only harmful to Canada, but also the separated Quebec.
Quebec separation is also a morality problem. In fact, it is part of Canada.
People in a .....
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Religion And Capital Punishment
Number of words: 3079 - Number of pages: 12.... show that capital punishment is not a just punishment but rather "morally acceptable" legalized murder.
The opening quote of this paper comes directly from the Holy Bible. It suggests to the reader that God did not make death and He doesn’t delight in the death of a human being, regardless of the cause. The Holy Bible is one of the best places to find information about death and how to treat capital punishment. In setting out the ten commandments, one of its best known passages, in the Bible it is stated that: "Thou shalt not kill." (Dt. 5:17). This is not a conditional statement. Ra .....
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Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4.... s because it is their job and belief to save lives, not end them. Opponents to believe "if left to run its natural course, (pregnancy) would ultimately result in the birth of a human being" (Scharz). Another argument against is that laws allowing will increase irresponsible pregnancies. This will lead to disrespect for human life and over-use of . Opponents to believe life begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Ergo, destroying an embryo or fetus is morally wrong and even considered murder. These arguments give good reasoning behind the need to abolish , however the counterpart al .....
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Capital Punishment: Is It Required
Number of words: 1997 - Number of pages: 8.... recent times opponents have shown the death
penalty to be racist, barbaric, and in violation with the United States
Constitution as "...cruel and unusual punishment." In this country, although
laws governing the application of the death penalty have undergone many changes
since biblical times, the punishment endures, and controversy has never been
Perhaps the most frequent argument for capital punishment is that of
deterrence. The prevailing thought is that imposition of the death penalty will
act to dissuade other criminals from committing violent acts. Numerous studies .....
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When Society Kills
Number of words: 886 - Number of pages: 4.... sentencing, which result
in explicit provisions for what constitutes aggravating and mitigating
circumstances. Defendants must have a dual trial--one to establish guilt or
innocence and if guilty a second trial to determine whether or not they
would get the death penalty. Defendants sentenced to death are granted
oversight protection in an automatic appeal to the state supreme court.
These constitutional safeguards translate into:
- a more extensive jury selection procedure
- a four fold increase in the number of motions filed
- a longer, dual tria .....
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