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Term Papers on Legal and Government

Agent Orange
Number of words: 684 - Number of pages: 3

.... Force veterans who were exposed to during the nine years that it was used as a defoliant and crop killer in Vietnam. Joel Michalek, the lead investigator in the study, told a Pentagon news conference that because studies have not yet explained a biological relation between dioxin and diabetes, the Air Force cannot say conclusively that wartime exposure to is a cause of diabetes. Still, he said, the latest results provide “the strongest evidence to date” that herbicide exposure is associated with diabetes. He said the Air Force knew as far back as 1991 of a statistical link between dioxi .....

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Norwegian Security Policy After The Cold War
Number of words: 3144 - Number of pages: 12

.... threat, when referring to Russian deployments in the far north. Such a threat is only a potential one and is not imminent today. Yet it has to be acknowledged that wars between nations and ethnic groups have hardly been abolished. As a result, it has become more difficult to identify the risk of armed aggression directed against Norway The risk would seem to reside in the escalation of a whole series of completely different political developments. For example, these eventualities could take the form of the emergence of a nationalistic dictatorship, or the development of ungovernable political .....

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American Violence
Number of words: 1907 - Number of pages: 7

.... had long been a crime in the United States, was decriminalized in 1971. Two years later, in the landmark decision Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court reaffirmed this situation by asserting that the right to privacy guaranteed in the Constitution includes a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy. Many groups that disagree with the Roe vs. Wade decision have attempted to reverse it or have turned to more violent actions (protests and other criminal outbursts, including murder). The changes in views and interpretations of laws have made America appear violent or peaceful. Morality and crime, what .....

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Cultural Diversity In Local Politics
Number of words: 3424 - Number of pages: 13

.... during this period. (Oliver and Johnson:57-94) Thus, on the eve of the twenty-first century, Los Angeles has one of the most ethnically diverse populations of any metropolitan area in the country. What does this ethnic diversity mean for multiethnic coalition building in the politics of Los Angeles County? Does the changing demography increase the opportunity for ethnic cooperation? Or, has the ethnic changes increased rather than decreased the prospects of interethnic conflict? Introduction After the 1992 riots, a clarion call was issued from all corners for the emerging multiethnic .....

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Significance Of The 2000 Florida Presidential Primary
Number of words: 1550 - Number of pages: 6

.... conventions, held in the summer before the November general election, formally nominate the winner of the primaries and caucuses. During the primaries, aspiring candidates for the nomination traditionally begin campaigning in the states that have the earliest primaries. As a result, voters in the states with early primaries receive exaggerated attention from the primary contenders and the news media. In many states, only a party's registered voters can vote in the party primary, which is known as a closed primary. Some states, however, have open primaries, which allow voters to wait unti .....

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The Rise Of Democracy
Number of words: 1027 - Number of pages: 4

.... the laws in ancient Rome. Back in these ancient times there were three very intelligent philosophers known as Pericles, Plato, and Aristotle. All of these men were teachers and gave some valid contributions to the idea of democracy. After both the fall of democracy in Greece and in Rome, democracy was put on a long hold, and did not come back into power for many years. During this time Kings became very powerful under the idea of divine right. Divine right was the belief that Kings had power to rule under the grace of God. After this long dormancy along came the first big step in the re .....

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The Need For Capital Punishment
Number of words: 607 - Number of pages: 3

.... : Is not one of the four fundamental objectives behind punishment retribution? The sentencing objective based on the principle of "an-eye-for-an-eye", which means that what one person has done to another should also be done to that person in return. Is that not justified, especially in cases of premeditated murder of another human begin, another life? Does capital punishment not act as a deterrent? Does it not threaten with an imposition of a penalty for the commission of an act considered wrong by society? What about segregation? Does capital punishment remove criminals from society s .....

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Something Happened! - The Sexual Harassment Suit Of The Nancy Hart And The Police Of City Of Peabody
Number of words: 1456 - Number of pages: 6

.... Must pass a prescreening exam by the Criminal Justice Council 5. Agree not to smoke on the job or off duty while employed by the city 6. Agree to random drug testing 7. Agree to keep their weight in proportion to their height A violation of any the above conditions would be grounds for dismissal from the Police Department without the right of Union protection. After the six new Police Officers graduated from the Police Academy, they were assigned to various shifts. They were to be evaluated and inspected while on a one year probation .....

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Kennith Starr Wasted Millions Of Taypayer's Money
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3

.... of tax payer dollars to investigate Paula Jones, one of two or three women whom claimed to have sex with the President of the united states. At this point in the show he was just poking around to see if he could find an impeachable offense, even though way back then people said that there wasn’t the two thirds needed to do soEvdently, Kennith Starr took it upon himself to spend millions of tax payer dollars to investigate Paula Jones, one of two or three women whom claimed to have sex with the President of the united states. At this point in the show he was just poking around to see if he .....

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Capital Punishment: Right Or Wrong?
Number of words: 1153 - Number of pages: 5

.... less likely to commit the crime. The saying, “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” comes into play here. For example, New York State has a “zero tolerance” policy for murderers. Since this policy went into effect, the murder rate has been cut in half. This is because the killer knows he himself will be killed if he committs the crime. Also, no one has been put to death in New York State since 1976. This proves that the death penalty can help prevent murders, and kill the murderers. It also proves that just because a state has the death penalty, people don’t get executed every o .....

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