Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Chinese New Year
Number of words: 1367 - Number of pages: 5.... were farmers. Every day life followed the cycles of planting and harvest. The New Year’s festival was held after the fall harvest and before the start of the spring planting season. The Lunar Calendar, based on the moon, begins in a month with a new moon. The is the first day of the first month of the Chinese calendar, and it lasts for fifteen days until the full moon. Each year the holiday falls sometime between January 21 and February 19. This year, the is going to be on February 16.
Chinese people also developed twelve different animals to stand for each year. After twelve yea .....
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Number of words: 345 - Number of pages: 2.... a sport for a
different class of people.
You may ask why do we need to kill animals. A major reason is for
the balance of animals. If you have to many deer in a population, all the
plants would be eaten. Leaving mice nothing to eat. When mice die owls
die that rely on them for food. So you see when you kill a mouse you are
just balancing the food chain. It is important not to have to many of one
Maybe now you will think twice before you insult a hunter for
killing an animal. Hunting is a way of life. Hunting helps humans, and
animals. It is important that people are allowed .....
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Double Entry
Number of words: 814 - Number of pages: 3.... method, identify the advantages and why this method has survived so long.
The accounting system provides a basic framework for the analysis of business activities. I am going to go further detail about the accounting procedures used to account for the operations of a business during a specific period. The transaction is analysed and processed in five steps. (See Appendix 1) These steps in the accounting cycle enable the accountant to combine and summarise the net results of many business activities into relatively concise financial reports.
Step one, The transactions are analysed from .....
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Number of words: 958 - Number of pages: 4.... he had to do it.
Because most people are members of more than one group, and sometimes those groups have conflicting interests, a person who is relying on a group to make a decision will have a very hard time. I find it the hardest to make a decision when I am being pushed in opposite directions by different groups. My parents think I should go to bed so I can wake up for school while my friends think I should hang out with them later. Everyone is faced with these kind of decisions every day. When you are a certain age your parents can't make you do anything and so you are forced to make yo .....
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Purchasing A Small Business
Number of words: 2791 - Number of pages: 11.... a business of your own is not an easy task. There are many things to consider before the final decision is made. First of all, exactly what do you want to accomplish? To make millions of dollars, right? Or is it to have the freedom of being your own boss? Whatever the reason, you must be sure that it is something that you are ready to devote an exorbitant amount of time and energy into and that it is something that you really want. Otherwise, you might be stuck doing something that you hate. If you are ready to commit then you must ask yourself just how far will that commitment e .....
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How To Detail Your Car
Number of words: 1071 - Number of pages: 4.... removed dirt off of the car, not doing this will result in scratching of the paint when washing with soap. Second you should later up a nice bucket of car wash and with a knotted hair glove thoroughly scrub every inch of the cars paint and windows. If some of the dirt or squashed bugs from fast highway travel get some bleach-white car cleaner and with a bug pad apply the cleaner directly to the sponge and lightly scrub the car with the bug pad. Once again you must rinse the car off with the hose, you must be sure to remove every last bubble not doing so will leave your car with unsightly .....
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Number of words: 11319 - Number of pages: 42.... in diameter and made of about 25 panels of nylon or silk. Shroud lines, sewn into the panels' seams, connect to metal rings on the parachutist's harness. The parachutist wears the folded parachute in a canvas pack that flies open when he or she pulls the ripcord. Parachutists pull the ripcord about three seconds after they jump, to make sure they are clear of the plane when the parachute opens. Parachutists descend at about 5.2 m (about 17 ft) per second.
To date worldwide there are 540,000 skydivers and there has been 5,563,000 jumps made. To jump there are some thing one must know and do. .....
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Effective Ways Of Coaching And
Number of words: 3026 - Number of pages: 12.... in the communications process. Successful coaching is not a didactic process – one in which the manager instructs and the employee listens. It should be a process of mutual exploration and discovery. Coaching is a process designed to make the most of what both members know. The manager’s main tasking is to ensure that both sets of information are used.
In the second phase respect is what employees experience because of what the manager does. Respect results when managers encourage employees to give opinions and feedback during meetings, provide data and to offer objecti .....
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The Burning Of Chicago
Number of words: 626 - Number of pages: 3.... of Lake Michigan. By Monday newspapers from all over were reporting the caustic disaster. Many artists began illustrating the devastating effect of the fire. Alfred R. Waud and Ralph Keeler, boarded a train for Chicago to cover the story for Every Saturday. They arrived while the flame was still ablaze in some parts of the city. By midnight October 8 most of the city was engulfed in flames causing the sky above the city to dance with burning brands and hot coals stretching for hundreds of yards. The steady wind blew the amber colored coals to buildings still far from the swath devast .....
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The Disease Of Masturbation
Number of words: 1213 - Number of pages: 5.... masturbation as a disease. It states that “disease is a biological deviation from the norm that can be explained scientifically” (Charland). Masturbation has not been proven to fit into either category. Masturbation may have been a deviation from the norm at one point in time, but I do not believe that it can be explained scientifically. Englehardt’s article says that masturbation was the cause of such illnesses as blindness and vertigo. But how were these conclusions drawn? Were these conclusions scientific in nature or gathered according to the views
and values of the ti .....
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