Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Homophobia Fear Or Hate
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... the full range of people's negative beliefs about the gay community.
Many people think that homosexuality is a crime agaist nature; anyone who practices it is sick, crazy, immoral, sinful, or wicked. Research has found out that there is no greater incidence of mental illness among lesbians and gays than among heterosexuals. Homophobic people might think that gays and lesbians do not contribute to society. If they did research on it they would find out that gays and lesbians have made major contributions to all aspects of society. There are gays and lesbians in all typed of professions in .....
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Pre-paid Calling Cards
Number of words: 1228 - Number of pages: 5.... a method of reducing vandalism of pay phones and are widely used overseas. In the United States, prepaid phone cards hit the market in the early 1990's, mainly as promotional items. The direct marketing of such cards to consumers is recent, but has grown at a staggering rate.
Today prepaid phone cards are produced by hundreds of companies, ranging from major telephone companies and credit card issuers to extremely small start up businesses. The cards can be purchased in small denominations (typically, $5 - $20) at most major transportation facilities such as airports, at many convenience stor .....
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New Years 2000
Number of words: 959 - Number of pages: 4.... how humanity will see its own destruction. Very detailed descriptions include famine, flooding, earthquakes, and celestial phenomenon. However, the turn of the millenium has many extremists worried that the world will end shortly and people are finding many “predictions” in everyday life. People have predicted enormous tidal waves, volcanoes, high winds, flooding on both sides of our continent, and many other “end of the world” scenarios. Perhaps the occurrence of these predictions is not just chance and the end of man is coming soon. Luckily science provides .....
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Chocolate History And The Growing Of Cocoa
Number of words: 376 - Number of pages: 2.... cocoa beans were neglected.
It was his fellow explorer, the Spanish Conquistador Don Hernan Cortes, who first realised the commercial value of the beans. He brought cocoa beans back to Spain in 1528 and very gradually the custom of drinking chocolate spread across Europe reaching England in the 1650s.
The London Chocolate Houses became the fashionable meeting places for the elite of London society to savour this new luxury beverage.
The heavy import duties which had made chocolate a luxury that only the wealthy could enjoy were reduced in 1853. Chocolate and cocoa became within the reach .....
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Stress In Relation To Police W
Number of words: 1589 - Number of pages: 6.... stress of competing in athletic contests often works in your favor by stimulating performance. In police officers, stress can make the difference between injury or death, and going home at the end of the shift.
Police work, by its very nature, calls for an incredible amount of continual stress. The demands on police officers to show greater restraint has been increasing over the years has increased the effects of stress on police work. The police organization is very important in the lives of its officers and often creates stress unwittingly. Orders and regulations tend to sound oppressive i .....
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Clothing Or Concept
Number of words: 510 - Number of pages: 2.... clothing. In fact, they aren’t just socializing, but are also playing strip poker. This is where the sex appeal comes in; “Hey, wear IZOD clothing and you’ll be in this situation too—half naked women, beer, and more fun than you can handle.” Yeah right. Reality check! Although consciously we know this to be untrue, this concept is what the ad inscribes into the reader’s brain, and is what the reader walks away with - a pretty sleazy deceit.
IZOD’s ad also promotes not only immoral acts, but a theme that is damaging to society. Firstly, it promotes immoral acts by making a .....
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Money Laundering--The Process
Number of words: 362 - Number of pages: 2.... from the authorities and to then transform it into other asset forms; for example: travelers checks, postal orders, etc.
The second step, layering, is the first attempt to conceal or disguise the source of the ownership of the funds by creating complex layers of financial transactions designed to disguise the audit trail and provide anonymity. The purpose of layering is to disassociate the illegal moneys from the source of the crime by purposely creating a complex web of financial transactions aimed at concealing any audit trail as well as the source and ownership of the funds.
The thir .....
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Number of words: 1348 - Number of pages: 5.... kinds of spirits. In the spirit realm, a Shaman can gain knowledge in order to help in healing, and other matters at hand. He is a spiritual advisor, and a healer of both
physical and mental ailments.
A destined Shaman is typically clued in to their destiny by various forms of suffering. The most common clue is an extended illness for which there is no apparent cure. During this time of suffering, the chosen person has dreams, visions, and journeys to the spirit realms, and are usually accompanied by a guild spirit. This spiritual guild commonly informs the ill person
of their fate to .....
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Essay 2
Number of words: 491 - Number of pages: 2.... This is saying how he feels that the chains that the kids wear are frightening. He feels that the sound of their chains dangling together is intimidating. When people who wear chains run the often make a loud noise and if you wear more than one, which most people do, it makes an extremely loud noise which can be demoralizing. Clearly, the sound of the chains clanging together is a threatening sound.
The people who listen to punk rock music are a reoccurring theme of peril. The threatening force of punk rock is extravagant when James Joyce says; “They come out of the sea and run shouting .....
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Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... the display of the product can be more interactive with the potential customer. For instance, ¡§Frame It¡¨ has the capability to be able to show these ceramic plates or mugs they sell in a three dimensional presentation of the product. These mugs or plates when advertised on the web could be rotated as if one is looking at it in the store. This allows the customer to get more thorough information about the product without having to go to a store. "Frame It" effort to provide this increased interaction for customers with their web product is notably a desire to cater to the custome .....
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