Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Misconceive’o By John Leo
Number of words: 749 - Number of pages: 3.... have noticed these before, so he makes clear definitions and comparisons. To the rest of the audience, those who had a hand in making the movie, he makes a plea not to redevelop these characters in future films.
Mr. Leo uses several analogies and examples in his presentation, and they are all tied to his thesis. He points out some images that strikingly resemble stereotypes that are commonly found in society today. He uses movie characters from Star Wars, such as Watto to support his claim.
Mr. Leo finds that “Watto, the fat, greedy junk dealer with wings, is a conventional, crooked M .....
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History Of Gunpowder
Number of words: 1710 - Number of pages: 7.... gunpowder into grains, instead of powder, was
invented in the fourteen hundreds. In this method you would moisten it and
pound it into a cake. Then it was broken into small bits and put into a sieve to be
sifted. The pieces that came through the sieve were different shapes and would
not fit together well enough to pack tightly, so that careful packing of a cannon
was not necessary.
When a long-barreled, rifled cannon came into use, it became necessary
to slow down the burning rate of the gunpowder. Its swift explosive force would
often burst the barrel of the gun, causi .....
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Social Roles In Pyschology
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... 24 voluntary men who were divided into two groups: Guards and Inmates. Both groups were given uniforms to encourage their roles in the prison scenario. The subjects immediately began to take on rolls as to how they thought they should act. The prison had a much greater impact on all persons than could have been anticipated. The study was supposed to last 14 days, but due to extreme emotional depression the study ended after 6 days. In the spring of 1998, my Law and Government class had the opportunity to tour a New York State Prison. When we proceeded through the cellblocks, our tour .....
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"The Beats Generation
Number of words: 1319 - Number of pages: 5.... on to Allen Ginsberg and a friend named Jack Kerouac. Ginsberg, hearing Huncke use the word in the original street slang usage, felt that the word meant “exhausted, at the bottom the world, looking up or out, sleepless, wide-eyes, perceptive, rejected b society, on your own, streetwise.”
Kerouac was completely captivated by the mood and tone of the word ‘beat.’ He insisted that the word possessed a deeper quality and meant something spiritual and mysterious. That kind of beatness is what Kerouac was describing in himself and his friends. They were bright young Americans that couldn .....
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Fraternities: Hazed & Confused
Number of words: 1480 - Number of pages: 6.... and has since remained a scholarship honor society.
Throughout the nineteenth century, many new fraternities were founded, but none of these were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later, Sigma Phi and Delta Phi had been founded at the same college, constituting the so-called Union Triad which was, in a large measure, the pattern for the American Fraternity system. By the end of the nineteenth century there were over thirty general fraternities in this country (pg. 18). Today's fraternities still have all .....
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Standardized Testing As A War
Number of words: 500 - Number of pages: 2.... tests,is she a failure? Standardized tests try to inequitably equate every student in America, how can one test justify every student’s wisdom?
Life is a race against the clock. Just as a solider waits for his time to strike, the educational system is based solely on the amount of time in the classroom. Teachers don’t have time to teach. Students don’t have time to learn. Administrators don’t have time to solve problems. Just think of all the time squandered preparing for standardized tests, not to mention the time taking these tests. HSPT and the EWT are tests repeatedly .....
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Number of words: 1647 - Number of pages: 6.... in a relationship that there is a lot of love for them without engaging in sexual intercourse. Instead of sex something’s that people chose to do are, go for a walk on the beach, give each other a massage, have a snowball fight, or make dinner together. Touching may be okay as long as you don’t exchange body fluids. Sex is only okay within the boundaries of love, and with out love it just isn’t worth it.
There are so many responsibilities that go along with being sexually active especially when in a relationship. People have to remember that they must remain faithful to the pa .....
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Moses And Exodus Religion
Number of words: 1231 - Number of pages: 5.... us?" and the Lord heard this."(NIV) Miriam and Aaron were complaining in this passage. God was angry when He learned this. This is why He told them the definition of a Prophet.
Miriam and Aaron stood outside the tent along side of Moses. God summoned for Miriam and Aaron. It then says that He tells them what a Prophet is. This is the first time in the Bible that God actually tells us the guidelines of prophecy. The definition of this is found in Numbers 12:6-8. It reads:
"He said listen to my words: When the Prophet of the Lord is among you. I reveal
Myself to him in visions, I speak to .....
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Industry Research Comparing Th
Number of words: 977 - Number of pages: 4.... note that while the number of radio stations and the number of broadcast hours increased significantly between this period, the number of column inches devoted to radio listings actually decreased slightly from 162 to 160. The number of reviews for radio decreased dramatically over the period, dropping from 8 in 1949 to only 2 in 1954. The total amount of space devoted to radio in the New York Times for Sunday, May 15, 1949, was 210 column inches. For the same time in 1954, Sunday May 16th, the total space was 194 column inches.
During this period the number of television stations, 6, rem .....
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Is The Mind And Body Unified O
Number of words: 1624 - Number of pages: 6.... we do. Without a body, we would be unable to walk or run because of the lack of legs, or we would be able to draw or paint because we would have no arms. Our body allows us to live each day of our lives fully because it gives us the parts necessary to live and function. The big question though is whether the body can truly be considered a separate entity from the mind. Are the body and the mind unified or do they function separately? That is what we are going to try and determine now by looking at both perspectives with the help of Descartes and some of his philosophical ideals as well a .....
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