Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Changing Office
Number of words: 290 - Number of pages: 2.... are currently being used in the office are desktop publishing and electronic mail.
Electronic Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing is the process of integrating text and graphics by utilizing computer software to produce professional-looking documents without using professional services. According to Wilson (1987, 29):
Desktop publishing has a bright future. Desktop publishing
enables people and businesses to develop their own
brochures, newsletters, and other documents at a fraction
of the cost and time expended sending the work out to a
professional graphics studio.
Since today .....
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The Global Logic Of Strategic
Number of words: 2591 - Number of pages: 10.... argument or reasoning behind Ohmae's opinion that strategic alliances, or entente, are the only way forward for all companies competing globally. "Globalisation mandates alliances, makes them absolutely necessary." (Ohmae, 1989). The author has supported this viewpoint, that globalisation makes strategic alliances necessary as vehicles for customer-orientated value, with four issues facing today's companies: 1. The Californization of Need; 2. The Dispersion of Technology; 3. The Importance of Fixed Costs, 4. Dangers of Equity.
The first issue, described by Ohmae as the Califo .....
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Euclidean Geometry
Number of words: 387 - Number of pages: 2.... but everyone is exposed to proof.
Politicians, advertisers, and many other people try to offer convincing
arguments. Anyone who cannot tell a good proof from a bad one may easily be
persuaded in the wrong direction. Geometry provides a simplified universe, where
points and lines obey believable rules and where conclusions are easily verified.
By first studying how to reason in this simplified universe, people can
eventually, through practice and experience, learn how to reason in a
complicated world.
Geometry in ancient times was recognized as part of everyone's education.
Early Greek phi .....
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Greed In Sports
Number of words: 770 - Number of pages: 3.... tossed Alomar. Orioles manager Davey Johnson along with Alomar went racing to home plate to argue the ejection. As Alomar was being pushed away by Johnson, he spit at Hirschbeck. Alomar was suspended for five games which was to be served at the beginning of the 1997 season, so he could continue to play in the playoffs. In my
opinion, this act was indefensible and warranted a stiffer penalty than a five-game suspension. Major league umpires threatened to strike during the playoffs due to Alomar’s behavior and inadequate punishment. I believe that the league did not suspend Alomar dur .....
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Viking Sailing Ships
Number of words: 307 - Number of pages: 2.... long. They sailed through the ocean mostly by the sails and not
much by rowers.
Early Viking navigators depended on the sun and the stars, but by
the 900's they developed a system to figure out which direction they were
sailing. They made a table of figures with the sun's midday height for
each week of the year, with using a measuring stick and the table of
figures a navigator could estimate the latitude of the ships location.
Over the years the Viking ships improved and so did their
navigation skills. The contacts with other countries increased and so did
the many talents of the Vi .....
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Being A Hero
Number of words: 1500 - Number of pages: 6.... perfect opportunities for Aeneas to display his heroism.
Without them, Aeneas would not be the hero he is. This gift does not come
without a price, though; he must endure the things heroes endure to become what
they are. Despite his accomplishments and the glory associated with his life,
Aeneas only achieves the status of hero through divine intervention, and this
god-given position causes him just as much grief as it does splendor.
Aeneas is the son of Venus. This fact alone brings about much of the
hero in him. Venus, a concerned mother, always looks out for her son. She does
ev .....
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Field Of Dreams
Number of words: 1067 - Number of pages: 4.... not discouraged and continued to persevere.
Ray Kinsella was called upon by forces left unknown to the viewers and himself to go on both a physical journey as well as a journey of the heart. After hearing voices proclaiming, "If you build it, they will come," Ray risked the economic and emotional stability of the family he loved dearly to build a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was highly skeptical, but eventually he realized the significance of his obscure calling. Upon the completion of the baseball field, "Shoeless Joe Jackson", the baseball player who had been his father's hero bef .....
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Number of words: 1205 - Number of pages: 5.... and anorexics are included (Baker 9). This disease takes ordinary, often very beautiful people and drives them to starvation for no apparent reason whatsoever. They do not even seem to realize the extreme danger that comes with not eating a balanced diet. These young people lose so much
weight that it makes them extremely fragile and sometimes causes death.
Death was very near to a girl named Patti, who suffered through for more than two years. She ate nothing but two cream-filled cookies a day for more than seven weeks. The first cookie was breakfast and lunch, and the second was .....
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Methods Of Therapy
Number of words: 2370 - Number of pages: 9.... caused by this area are in no way limited to mental areas; mental problems almost always cause physical ailments. When we think of therapy after an accident of some sort such as an automobile collision, we generally tend to term this physical therapy. Following a similar thought process then, would lead us to believe that there is a term for mental therapy, and there is, Psychotherapy. The text book defines psychotherapy as "a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that brings psychological principles to bear on influencing the client's thoughts, feelings or behavior to he .....
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Academic Attitude
Number of words: 980 - Number of pages: 4.... the
surface and explore the information in a deeper sense. In doing this, learning
does not become a habit. Rather, instead of memorizing material to perform well
on a test, or regurgitate it into a paper, the pupil synthesizes the information
presented, relating it to other things, hence, learning about the subject.
Information, then, is no longer strictly exchanged from teacher to student. It
allows the learner to open her mind, liberalizing it, allowing deeper thought
into the subject. Approaching learning with a free mind demonstrates quality
academic attitude.
It is commonly beli .....
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