Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Maori Of New Zealand
Number of words: 542 - Number of pages: 2.... made it relatively easy for the English to accomplish their task. This
gave the Aborigine absolutely no respect from the English, and almost to this
day are they treated as inferiors, by the English. This was not the case with
the neighboring Maori's.
As stated before, the English eventually found their way to the south,
where the beautiful island lay untouched by foreign hands. They also found that
the island had a native populace just as Australia had had. But one thing was
very different from these natives. The English, thinking that this island was
also theirs for the taking, .....
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Feng Shui And Building Structures
Number of words: 1257 - Number of pages: 5.... to the Forbidden City, is the most amazing and extraordinary monument in Beijing. The temple's intricate interior structure is made entirely of wood. In relation to feng shui, the wood provides a natural and environmental atmosphere. In the temple stand four great columns, each distinguishing a season, which enhances the feeling of being surrounded by nature. The temple is fully enhanced with feng shui, pertaining to nature. Located at the top of "The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest's" simply cylinder-shaped structure's interior is the Imperial Heavenly Vault, rising on a marble terrace and .....
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English Gcse Media Essay
Number of words: 758 - Number of pages: 3.... looking up beyond infinity. So as space men are looked upon as top class people who have achieved many peoples ambition to look down on the world this what he is portrayed as in the advertisement. The two advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes by showing the men as successful, and fearless. One is a business man kyaking and the other is an astronaut. For males this is how advertisements reinforce gender stereotypes.
‘Givenchy’ stereotypes Women as elegant, perfect and classy as in an advertisement for a perfume called ’Organza’. The same stereotypical role is als .....
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Baseball And American Popular
Number of words: 1514 - Number of pages: 6.... my childhood. I remember a beautiful summer day. My dad and I arrived at the baseball stadium to watch the game. We walked up the concrete walkway inside the stadium. The concrete walls and floors made my surroundings drab and grey. Finally, we made it to entrance into the stadium. I came out of the dark tunnels into the bright sunlight. The first thing to catch my eye was the vivid rush of color. Underneath the fluffy white clouds and their deep blue canvas, I could look down and see players in vibrant red and blue uniforms warming up for the game. The well-watered grass on the field was .....
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Illegal Drugs
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2.... the community must also work together though in order for all of this to work. For instance; people should support school locker searches, random drug tests, and neighborhood watch programs. Implementing these programs may be hard at first, but with support people believe that they can help the drug problems in America.
Pros - If this choice worked as it claims, the crime rate would decrease. Since a third of all crime is commited under the influence of and a large number of people commit crimes to support their drug habits.
Cons - This approach wants 'zero tolerance' but the government can .....
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Drunk Driving(Interlock)
Number of words: 949 - Number of pages: 4.... drivers? Finally, does the program continue to be effective even after the interlock device is removed? (Weinrath)
Random sampling of Canadian drivers who had their license suspended between 1989-94 did the I.I.P. (Ignition Interlock Program). The sample was done with 994 offenders’ age 20 and up. 125 of them were female, 701 were male and 189 ignition interlock cases. The breakdown was 168 I.I.P cases and 826 drunk driving offenders for the comparison group. These tests were done in Canada and others were done in states of Ohio, California and Oregon. The problems for those tests were .....
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Abortion: Roe V. Wade
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... this interest becomes compelling at the point of viability.
Until a pregnant single woman, by the fictional name of Jane Roe, challenged the Texas criminal abortion law, the decision whether or not to terminate the pregnancy was left entirely up to the State. Justice Blackmun, along with six other justices, argued that the decision to abort should be available to the woman-but only up to a certain point during the pregnancy. In order to decide when the decision should fall from the woman’s hands to the States, the court resolved to divide the pregnancy into three trimesters. During t .....
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Advertising Of 1890 Compared T
Number of words: 904 - Number of pages: 4.... the day. Thus, a Sears And Roebuck catalogue from the 19th century offered Underwear For Fat Men with a line drawing a hefty, older fellow with a distended belly trying on a pair of longjohns (Sears & Roebuck, 1879, p. 6). In addition to such straightforward advertising, there were rules which limited the effectiveness of print advertising as a visual medium in many venues. Ads were kept in the back in the early 19th century, and only moved across to the front of magazines and newspapers in the 1890s. Line drawings and other artwork was introduced, but the copy remained relatively stai .....
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The Sinister Beauty Of Death
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... near and dear to you, so we should not take them for granted but cherish them while we are still alive. Moreover, her tranquil tone underscores the uselessness of running away from fate. Therefore, when He comes, we should be ready to step into His carriage and not be afraid. He is only a part of our lives.
Even though different people meet Him at different times in their lives, Death is inevitable. It is a phenomenon that will occur, whether a person wants it or not. Emily Dickinson suggests that when it comes, we should not indulge in fighting Him, rather, we should come along slowl .....
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Number of words: 1403 - Number of pages: 6.... what you feel right and not what society tells you is right. By doing this society will have a harder time to mold you into what it wants you to think. Another example is the essay “Walden” by Thoreau. In the essay he had moved away from society into a shelter type house to escape about a mile from the town. He wanted to live his life as simple as he could, so he had nothing but what he felt were the necessities. By doing this he found the divine within himself. You can only find the divine if you are one with yourself and separate from society. Finally there was an exert from “ .....
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