Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Camera
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... or away from the film. To view an object for composing nearly every camera has some kind of viewfinder. One of the simplest types is a screen that is placed on the back of the camera and replaced by the film in making the exposure. This time-consuming procedure is avoided in the modern 35-mm single-lens reflex cameras by placing the screen in a special housing on top of the camera. Inside the camera there is a movable mirror that bounces the image from the lens to the screen for viewing and focusing, and then flips out of the way when the shutter is tripped, so that the image hits the fi .....
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Internet Gambling
Number of words: 653 - Number of pages: 3.... to your house and you hook it up to your computer. The only reason gambling laws exist are so politicians and government officials can make more money. It's all about power and control.
Many people still fear gambling on the Internet because of safety issues. They fear a hacker might break in and just keep letting himself win. Companies fear the Internet because they might come in too late and saturate the market with companies. It could become the same thing as what happened to Atlantic City. The companies that run the gambling can also cheat by writing in the programs to deal more 21's .....
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The Origin Of Humanity
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... the age of the fossils.
Which can then be examined and placed along a timeline. The time periods
show slight differences in bone structure showing what is hypothesized to
be the human evolving.
Evolving from what though? The theory of evolution states that
creatures change overtime to suit their surroundings. This is called
environmental adaptation. The more a creature can adapt to it's environment
the greater chance it has of living and show an increase in population
called survival of the fittest. A theory developed by a scientist nammed
Charles Darwin who had conducted extensive .....
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Money And Information
Number of words: 4719 - Number of pages: 18.... adapted to the worldwide potential of globalisation. Although globalisation has led to the blurring of the distinction between economic crime and organised crime residual elements remain. The global network has made economic crime more lucrative, more anonymous, and therefore less risky. The focus of this essay will be on the part that European countries play in facilitating global computer crime and the role and motivation of corporations and individual actors within a European setting.
In order to present this essay with some element of clarity it is necessary at first to distinguish .....
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Number of words: 594 - Number of pages: 3.... the storm center, for the same reason that the air swirls
around a tornado center.
As this air swirls in over the sea surface, it soaks up more and more
water vapour. At the storm center, this new supply of water vapor gets
pulled into the thunderhead updrafts, releasing still more energy as the
water vapor condenses. This makes the updrafts rise faster, pulling in even
larger amounts of air and water vapor from the storm's edges. And as the
updrafts speed up, air swirls faster and faster around the storm center.
The storm clouds, moving with the swirling air, form a coil.
In .....
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Who Is Raising The Chindren
Number of words: 488 - Number of pages: 2.... of children is watching more hours per day than any generation before it. In order to achieve higher ratings and a larger audience, television is pushing the limits of behavior and morality. When children are left with television as their main influence, a child does
not receive a proper sense of reality. The examples of adult behavior they see are distorted. Violent behavior, disrespect for others, and authority are glamorized by the entertainment directed toward youth. Television is a convenient way to keep a child busy, but without a parent around to monitor what is being watched, .....
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Young Voters Showing Apathy
Number of words: 872 - Number of pages: 4.... presidential elections with 38.5 percent voting in the 1996 Clinton-Dole showdown, it is still worrying that not even half the eligible voters in that age group exercised their right to vote. The 60s, on the other hand, saw more than half of 11 million young voters, taking to the polls. We clearly have a lost of interest in politics among America's young adults. Most young adults today would rather watch MTV's "The Real World" than the evening news. For many young adults, especially those in school, too many other events are more important than voting. The top priority of most student .....
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Fine Automobiles (persuasive)
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... much of what the cavemen of the past thought about, such as the sun. So, now that the sun is no big deal, what is? The eye catching object is the automobile. That is man's current attraction, even if that attraction lasts for a split second.
Today a car is practically a necessity, not an absolute one, yet with the nature of work it has a definite play in modern life. Cars are safer than ever before. With crash safety devices such as multiple airbags and crush zones to ensure survival it's tough to think of purchasing a less safe automobile. Despite the flashy appearance of some of the p .....
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Facts That Lead To Poverty: Th
Number of words: 1879 - Number of pages: 7.... These were witnessed by thousands of people through TV, radio, newspaper, journals, etc. “In the early 1980s, the mass media dramatically brought us the picture of hunger from Africa – starving children, skin and bone, with their bloated bellies, too weak to even stand up.” (Warnock p.1) At the same time, people living in more developed countries or wealthy states are enjoying different kinds of delicious meals and dumping whatever they don’t like. Why would this happen? Can we refer this to the government or economical policies that rise the problems? To furt .....
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Evolution Of Profanity
Number of words: 1433 - Number of pages: 6.... probably one of many reasons that his works
were and are so popular. "Shakespeare pushed a lot of buttons in his
day- which is one reason he was so phenomenally popular. Despite what
they tell you, people like having their buttons pushed" (Macrone 6).
Because his works contained so many of these profane words or phrases,
they were censored to protect the innocent minds of the teenagers who
are required to read them, and also because they were blasphemous and
offensive. Almost all of the profanity was removed, and that that was
not had just reason for being there. .....
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