Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Automobile Racing
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... road and track racing ultimately led also to
different vehicle construction; four major types of racing cars are now built.
Pure racing machines, such as those used in Grand PrixFormula 1 and in Indycar,
are built for power and endurance at speeds of more than 320 km/h (200 MPH). In
the past stock cars used to be production automobiles modified for track racing,
but are built now solely for the purpose of racing. Sports cars used for racing,
such as rallies, may be either rebuilt production vehicles or pure racing
machines. Drag racers are cars built to accelerate rapidly to high speeds ove .....
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Sex Education --
Number of words: 1530 - Number of pages: 6.... in the American educational system in not the correct solution. Sex education is flawed in that it is ineffective when it comes to lowering teenage pregnancies and STDs because sex education programs leave out important information, teachers who teach it are unqualified, and because teenagers are more greatly affected by their parents, peers, and popular media than by their teachers.
There is a myth that sex education provides teenagers with good and important information. Sex education supposedly gives students the means to make responsible and wise decisions. Pamela DeCarlo, from the Ce .....
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Computers In Business
Number of words: 1011 - Number of pages: 4.... 1991. That's why it is important for companies to understand that they must think years down the road before spending thousands of dollars on the technology of today. The best way is to prepare for the future such as making sure your mainframe is upgradeable and contains at least 8 expansion slots, which should already be loaded with enhanced graphics cards, the necessary amount of serial ports etc.. Networks are everywhere in the world of business. A network is a series of computers throughout the company which rely on one or two fileservers. Or it can be used in long distance communicatio .....
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A Look At Wildlife Through The Eyes Of Tom Ulrich
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2.... like the very unsociable Toucan, and the wonderfully colored Macaw. Birds may be his passion, but Tom Ulrich captured many other great animals on film. There were huge cats such as the Cheetah, Lion, and the Leopard lying in the sun. He photographed Elephants, Elk, and a female Grizzly Bear playing with her two cubs. There were also remarkable shots of male Bighorn Sheep trying to prove themselves to the females by fighting each other. Every time their large heads with the long, winding horns would strike together, the sharp, brutal sound echoed through the minds of the audience. Th .....
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M&M's Are Better Than Smarties
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... to water when the shell is slowly crunched in between your teeth. The Smartie will never be able to have a tastier shell than M & M's. The chocolate within that scrumptious shell is magnificent. It just melts in your mouth, leaving a nice taste that excites your taste buds. The chocolate used for making Smarties is very bland, and it tastes like cheap chocolate Easter eggs. When you decide to indulge into a Smartie be shore that you don not hold then in your hands, because they will melt in your hands, and not in your mouth. When indulging in an M & M they just melt in your mouth, a .....
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The Play Years
Number of words: 772 - Number of pages: 3.... mountain problem illustrates this phenomenon clearly; that is, children who looked at three mountain peaks, designated by different colors, could not pick a picture representing the three peaks from a doll’s point of view. Instead, the pictures represented their own point of view.
Conservation problems also are characteristic of early childhood. Conservation refers the changing of an object’s outward appearance while its physical make-up stays the same. For example: Joe and Judy both receive a box of raisins each. Joe eats his from the box while Judy spreads hers out onto the t .....
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Number of words: 1334 - Number of pages: 5.... the 18th century, a distinct Irish nationalism began to evolve. From 1801 onwards, Ireland had no Parliament of it's own. It was ruled by the Parliament in Britain which consisted of the House of Commons and House of Lords.
Meanwhile, in the 1840's, a small group formed out of the Young Ireland movement. The leader, Thomas Davis, expressed a concept of nationality embracing all who lived in Ireland regardless of creed or origin. A small insurrection in 1848 failed, but their ideas influenced the coming generations.
This small nationalism was illustrated in the stories "Evelyn" and "A Painfu .....
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Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Number of words: 716 - Number of pages: 3.... their heads protrude. They usually receive no anesthesia during the tests. After placing the substance into the rabbits eyes, lab technicians record the damage to the eye tissue at specific intervals over an average period of 72 hours. The tests sometimes last seven to eighteen days. Reactions to the substances include swollen eyelids, ulceration, bleeding, swollen irises massive deterioration, and blindness. During the tests, rabbits eyelids are usually held open with clips, because of this, many animals try to break their necks as they try to escape. Acute toxicity tests, commonly called .....
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Do Not Judge A Book By Its Cover
Number of words: 669 - Number of pages: 3.... vain. However, these conditions are adapted to benefit both individuals as well as the community. Life requires varied aptitudes, diverse services, and miscellaneous types of people to carry on its affairs as life as a whole. Drawn by our natural tendencies to fall into peer pressure, in our feelings of inadequacy, we constantly seek to form exclusive associations or “cliques.” Within these groups, we should discourage any exclusion based on the wrong reasons such as appearances, which many people cannot drastically change. It is important to remember
that our harmony depends on ou .....
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The Greek-Trojan War In The Iliad
Number of words: 1891 - Number of pages: 7.... sky to stop Achilleus from attacking Agamemnon (Willcock). Andre
Michalopoulous confirms this action by quoting what Athena says to Achilles :
I came from heaven to stay thine anger, if perchance though wilt
hearken to me, being sent forth of the white-armed goddess Hera,
that loveth you twain alike and careth for you. Go to now, cense
from strife, and let not thine hand draw the sword.(65)
Achilles listens to Athena's request, and therefore he returns his sword
to its sheath, and withdraws from battle. Athena also assists Achilles in his
battle with Hektor. M .....
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