Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Paper About New Product, Bount
Number of words: 4513 - Number of pages: 17.... change in the lifestyle of Americans. With this focus on effectiveness and durability, Bounty will go into the new Millennium leading the toilet paper world.
Proctor and Gamble was founded in Cincinnati, OH, by William Proctor and James Gamble in 1837. Initially the company was started to compete with the 14 other soap and candle makers already established in Cincinnati, but around the end of the century, Proctor and Gamble dropped candle manufacturing altogether to focus on soap production. By 1890, Proctor and Gamble had increased their production to over 30 different types of soap.
Du .....
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Acient Mathematics
Number of words: 214 - Number of pages: 1.... no trace of
later mathematical concepts such as axioms or proofs.
The earliest Egyptian texts, composed about 1800 BC, reveal a
decimal numeration system with separate symbols for the successive powers
of 10 (1, 10, 100, and so forth), just as in the system used by the Romans.
Numbers were represented by writing down the symbol for 1, 10, 100, and so
on as many times as the unit was in a given number. For example, the symbol
for 1 was written five times to represent the number 5, the symbol for 10
was written six times to represent the number 60, and the symbol for 100
was written three time .....
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Number of words: 709 - Number of pages: 3.... income. When the firing axe starts to fall, seniority often determines who goes and who
stays. The more a single employee costs a business an hour, the fewer
employees the business can afford to employee an hour. This results in the dismissal of employees to compensate for a raise in labor costs, which
creates a smaller staff, which results in slipshod service. Although most
reasonable people would rather pay more for better service, the plain fact of the matter is that the service hasn't really gotten any better. The
service is better than it was when there weren't enough employee .....
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Boeing 700
Number of words: 2017 - Number of pages: 8.... advancement of technology the jet engine now had become more even reliable than the piston engine. The need for a jet engine powered plane was growing. Airlines still were looking for a plane that could cross the Atlantic Ocean without a refueling stop. The Lockheed Super Connies, a piston powered plane, were able to cross the Atlantic Ocean with out stopping on the eastbound leg, but they had to stop in Gander, Newfoundland to refuel on the westbound leg. The airlines desired a plane that could easily travel the Atlantic with out a stop. The piston engine just wasn’t going to do it, the .....
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Nuclear Weapons Are A Threat To All
Number of words: 863 - Number of pages: 4.... called a chain reaction will occur.
When this happens a fission explosion is the result. To form a chain
reaction, a certain amount of material is needed. This amount is known as
the critical mass. If the amount is too small it is known as a
subcritical mass. The critical mass of a material depends on its purity.
The materials used in making fission weapons are uranium and plutonium.
They are the only elements able to be used in making a fission weapon.
There are two different ways to make a fission weapon: the gun-type
method and the implosion method. In the gun-type method, two piec .....
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Pay For Student Athletes
Number of words: 1596 - Number of pages: 6.... spending money. But many are opposed to this new rule. Douglas J Lany writes that "the problem is that a $2000 check for a job, even if work is not part of the job description, can't compete with a $2000 check plus $10,000 in cash." He is saying that the problem is not the $2,000 job, but the $10,000 dollars the agents will give to athletes as bribes. He says the main problem is not students holding jobs but the agents bribing students. Even by having jobs this will not help the NCAA from sports agents.
Another proposed idea is to directly pay student athletes for playing for the co .....
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Soccer's Role Later In Life
Number of words: 639 - Number of pages: 3.... School and was able to experience great leadership by observing the senior captains. They not only knew how to play the game, but also what it takes to be a leader. This year, my senior year, it was my turn. I was voted captain of the team by my fellow teammates and given the opportunity to learn how to lead. I have learned it is not an easy thing. To have people follow you, you must first be confident in yourself that what you are doing is the right thing. Then you must show this not only by your words, but also by your actions. Good leaders live what they ask of their followers. .....
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Stress Reduction
Number of words: 769 - Number of pages: 3.... addressed, behavioral or even physical problems can surface. The behavioral category signs include: being late to work, poor appearance, and being accident prone are just a few examples of administrative problems. Legal problems are even more evident, such as, traffic tickets, indebtedness, and inability to
control violent impulses. As you can see, these signs of stress become more serious the longer
TSgt Adams/H-Flt/0805/pfa/19 Jul 97
they go untreated or reduced. Finally, is the physical category; possibly the most serious of all.
Stress not only effects the psyche of an individual, but .....
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If I See A Ghost Are My Senses
Number of words: 1659 - Number of pages: 7.... This will be done through the elements of perception. Perception, although being so complex, is the medium by which individuals receive information from the surrounding world.
Let us consider the situation where a person believes that s/he has perceived a ghost. This can be an optical illusion created by the classical example of shadows, or by sound (the wind) which when applied to them the Gestalt psychology we can understand how anyone of us can derive a form from the few elements perceived and rush to a conclusion. Gestalt psychologists have shown how humans use their interests to st .....
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