Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Australopithecus Afarenis
Number of words: 400 - Number of pages: 2.... dating, scientist discovered that Lucy lived 3.2 million years ago.
Lucy, with a height of 3.5 ft. and a weight of 60lbs, was a full-grown adult. She had a wide face that resembled an ape more than a human did. Her forehead was low with a osseous browridge and a level nose. The hominid had a forward prominent jaw with broad canines and incisors. Lucy is thought to have an omnivorous diet of mostly meat. The angle of her hips showed specialists that Lucy was bipedal, but did not walk with as much ease as modern humans. She walked with a slight waddle. Scientists also believe she was .....
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Childhood Is The Kingdom Where
Number of words: 967 - Number of pages: 4.... lines of this poem are very true. "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things" (1,2). I think what Edna is trying to express is that when you reach a particular age you don't just start being an adult. Being an adult is not something you just wake up one day an decide to be.
In the third and fourth lines she writes, " nobody dies. Nobody that matters, that is" (3, 4). I feel she is stating here that the chid is inoocent from adult feelings. When your a child death does not have a real meaning to you. She writes, " .....
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Tequila And Agave
Number of words: 681 - Number of pages: 3.... (the national drink of Mexico) and later distilled twice and aged to
make tequila.
Some of the other products that are made with the sap include soap,
tortilla flavoring, a chemical for stunning fish, a vitamin mixture for
livestock, and a chemical to enhance the whiteness of the pulp in paper
Agave is actually a monocot in the Sisal Family, Agavacae. There
are 12 genera and 400 species that make all sorts of products from sisal
hemp (rope like fiber) to medicines and drinks such as tequila and mescal.
They are flowering plants that have rosettes of large succulent .....
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Personal Writing: College
Number of words: 502 - Number of pages: 2.... to that, I
was subject to separation from < > college. Well, now a decision really
had to be made; it was time for me to make a choice.
My parents told me to think about other colleges and to think
about other things to do instead of college, but I knew that < > was
right for me. They often suggested that I go to community college for a
semester or two and make sure that I was doing something that I wanted to
do. I had attended the community college in my area during my last year
in high school to take some extra courses, and I truly detested the place.
I really did not want to go any .....
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History Of Basketball
Number of words: 710 - Number of pages: 3.... not to small
space. The first basketball game ever was played with a soccer ball and two
peach baskets used as goals.
Naismith made a set of thirteen rules for his new "basketball" game:
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never
with the fist.
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on
which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man running at good speed.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be
used fo .....
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The Filipino Americans
Number of words: 148 - Number of pages: 1.... California's fruit and vegetable fields. Hard work and little pay was the common denominator of their American experience; many were the subjects of racial prejudice and even mob violence. Despite discriminatory legislation aimed at them, by joining together in labour unions and other cooperative ventures Filipinos were able to improve their standing in America and promise a better future for their children. In recent decades, the Filipino- American community has been energised by a new type of immigrant, well-educated professionals--doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and engineers--whose numb .....
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Australias Exchange Rate
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... shares or property here, overseas firms setting up branches here or expanding them, and those who pay us for various services, such as repay loans. Those who have Australian dollars and want to use them to buy foreign currencies provide the supply of Australia dollars. These include Australians who want to buy imports from overseas, Australian tourists going overseas, Australian banks and firms lending or investing money overseas, and Australians paying for various services from overseas, repaying loans and paying interest on loans.
There are a number of factors influencing the demand for .....
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Writing Process
Number of words: 586 - Number of pages: 3.... “The most effective way I know to improve your writing is to do free writing exercises regularly” (Elbow 62). Because I am not one to write in a journal everyday, I cannot personally agree or disagree with his comment. I do believe that the more you write, the better you become. I do see that people who write often also do better in their English classes. Elbow also says, “The main thing is that a freewriting must never be evaluated in any way; in fact there must be no discussion at all” (Elbow 63). I don’t agree with him. The only way for someone to improve .....
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Transcendentalism: The Philosophy Of The Mind
Number of words: 1016 - Number of pages: 4.... also think
the spirit is what controls your physical side (Halverson 431). Some
transcendentalists say the world has no beginning in time, everything takes
place according to the laws of nature. The same people think there is not
necessarily an absolute Being who causes the world to be (Frost 42).
Transcendentalists think nature is a product of the mind, and without the mind
nature would not exist (Santayana 42). These ideas come from the Romantic
traditions which originated in England. The Romantics believed in spiritual
unity of all forms of being, with God, humanity, and nature shar .....
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Snoring Annoying Or Dangereous
Number of words: 465 - Number of pages: 2.... snore. Nothing short of taped evidence is enough to convince them, and in some cases it's not. It almost appears that snorer's have a genetic trait to deny their snoring. A comparison of their sleeping habit to a forest being clear-cut is always taken too personally. Your heroic suppression of your desire to smother the snorer's sleeping form is never taken with the deserved appreciation. The frustration is enough to grab your pillow and smother the snorer for their stubbornness.
Thirdly, and lastly, it is very difficult to find help when the snorer finally admits that they have a proble .....
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