Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
The Sir Thomas More Circle
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... practical reform were in tension with the humanists' positions as members of the political establishment. They were also courtiers. Nevertheless, let me turn briefly to the humanists ideas for reform as these were put forth by members of . You might at some point wish to consider More's Utopia in this particular historical context.
First and foremost, perhaps, the members of the More circle vigorously supported the general humanist trend away from scholasticism and towards making rhetoric the basic subject of the educational curriculum; and for models of rhetoric they turned (as Petrarch had .....
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Object Oriented Programming
Number of words: 277 - Number of pages: 2.... has been around since the late 60's. These advances allowed programmers to write fairly complex programs relatively easy using such languages as C and Pascal. However, once a program reached a certain size it was just too complex to manage. In 1980 at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, Bjarne Stroustrup developed a new programming paradigm. (2) His new concept was built on structured programming and incorporated a few new powerful ideas. Some of the more noteworthy include Classes, Polymorphism, overloading, and inheritance.
C itself is a powerful language to begin with. C++ .....
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Number of words: 1792 - Number of pages: 7.... all (Sheler 2). People have geared towards a more eclectic background on their “spiritual journey to meet our own personal need” (Sheler 2). Throughout history, humans have been through a gradual accretion rather than one “sporadic event” after another (Tattersal 58). It is only in the United States that this debate is such a conflict. Humans have an impulse to look unto a higher being rather than a human leader who has faults similar to their own. The higher being [God] should be one of pure perfection. It is the development or creation of man which is what is so intriguing, .....
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Sumthn Called Music
Number of words: 696 - Number of pages: 3.... in other clubs but it was usually rejected due to the controversial and offensive subject matter that they used in their music. The Fugs refused to change their style because their originality was really all they had going for them. The band did however manage to influence other bands to go punk.2
More and more bands in New York started to follow this new trend of underground music. The styles of these spawning bands followed the obscene and offensive style of the Fugs. Bands such as Dave Peel and the Lower East Side and Velvet Underground were bands that were greatly inspired by the Fugs .....
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American Families
Number of words: 1824 - Number of pages: 7.... family and the nation's future to a state of crisis.
It is starling that whether through their parents' divorce or never having been married, every other American child spends part of his or her childhood in a single-parent family. The increase in the proportion of children living with just one parent has strongly affected large number of children. By the time they reach age sixteen, close to half the children of married parents will have seen their parents divorce. For nearly half of these, it will be five years more before their mothers remarry. Close to half of all white children who .....
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European Union
Number of words: 1169 - Number of pages: 5.... In typical EU fashion, the compromise budget is mixture of give and take, but there are some clear winners and losers.
As the sun rose over Berlin, a compromise was finally foundMost consumers living in the European Union should be among the winners, as the price of many foods could fall in the coming years.
Spain, Greece, Portugal and France did quite nicely, defending their share of EU subsidies.
The big loser is Germany. The host government tried to get its EU payments reduced by 3bn euros, but for the talks to succeed the Germans had to settle for a cut of just 700m euros. .....
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The Rise Of Gladiatorial Combat In Rome
Number of words: 3289 - Number of pages: 12.... spectacles
they moved into amphitheaters. (2:83) As for the gladiators themselves, an aura
of religious sacrifice continued to hang about their combats. Obviously most
spectators just enjoyed the massacre without any remorseful reflections. Even
ancient writers felt no pity, they were aware that gladiators had originated
from these holocausts in honor of the dead. What was offered to appease the
dead was counted as a funeral rite. It is called munus (a service) from being a
service due. The ancients thought that by this sort of spectacle they rendered
a service to the dead, after they .....
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Sleep Deprivation And Business
Number of words: 2139 - Number of pages: 8.... members totally asleep.”footy In another report, “A Boeing 757 captain told how his forehead hit the control column on his approach to New York’s Kennedy Airport as the need for sleep became overwhelming.”footy Of course, the consequences of sleep deprivation in most cases will not be as severe as the in previous examples, but it does illustrate the importance sleep plays in job performance.
The lodging facility of the traveler is in the best position to reduce and alleviate the negative affects of jet lag. In order to provide the best possible service to the guest, .....
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High School Drop-outs: Cause And Effect
Number of words: 398 - Number of pages: 2.... their children the importance of
remaining in school and that dropping-out is detrimental to their future.
Sometimes teens drop-out because of a lack of fear instilled into them by
their parents. Many teens have little or no parental supervision. Coupled
with a lack of communication skills between parents and teens, the result
can be a lack of involvement with school.
There is an absence of effort put forth by many of today's students.
They seem quite lackadaisical and have no discipline when it comes to
their studies. Continual failure is often a prescription for tremendous
overload .....
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Ice Hockey Vs. Roller Hockey
Number of words: 777 - Number of pages: 3.... technique for roller hockey is basically the same as ice hockey, but the player slides a little before coming to a complete halt.
If a player happens to fall in ice hockey he or she just slides along the ice and most of the time it doesn't hurt, but in roller hockey if a player falls on the plastic floor, it is going to hurt. When players in roller hockey fall, they do not slide, it is more of a "bounce and roll" type of fall, imposing a greater risk of suffering an injury.
Another huge difference between ice hockey and roller hockey is the rules. An ice hockey game consists of five playe .....
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