Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Issues Of Addiction
Number of words: 2679 - Number of pages: 10.... the sake of some other desired end. A casual user uses drugs or alcohol for increased enjoyment and to become more sociable. An addict, however, continues to use this drug for fear of returning back to "normalcy." The addict needs no reasons to take the drug; he simply uses it because it has become his way of life. (Seeburger 50-51). To the alcoholic, alcohol seems to be a necessity rather than an extravagance. He washes away his negative feelings with the drug, trying to somehow suppress the pain that has been placed upon him. In the beginning of the drinking, this myth seems to be .....
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Equality In Choice Of Marriage
Number of words: 705 - Number of pages: 3.... assumption that gay people enjoy the same civil rights protections as everyone else. There are also a lot of stereotypes about gay relationships, and even a great deal of misunderstanding of what marriage itself is all about.
The largest misunderstanding of gay relationships is the stereotype that gays are promiscuous, unable to form lasting relationships, and relationships they do form are shallow and uncommitted. There is no argument that gays do have these types of relationships, but the important fact to note is that the straight society does also. These types of relationships exist in .....
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Eleanor Roosevelt
Number of words: 1208 - Number of pages: 5.... was what lived for. There were many accomplishments made by this woman in social and political matters. For one thing, she spoke out for women to make them more equal to men. In 1928, she helped originate the nation-wide web of active units of Democratic women (Lash, 49). Eleanor believed that women could do just as much as men, especially in politics. The League of Women Voters was where she was "grounded in citizenship and government" (Benton, 237). Because of her experiences with men and other women, Eleanor had been able to make speeches and talk to other women about their rights .....
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Sports And Money
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... city. Many teams then, in return, relocate to other cities in search of more money and better facilities. This is no way to reward fans for years of loyal support. There are many programs, scholarships, foundations, etc. formed by many players and organizations though. These are good ways to give back to the communities that sustain them and use their grand salaries in a nice, resourceful manner.
Now the major appeal of playing in the “big leagues” is landing big contracts and getting endorsements; instead of a higher, superior level of competition. A prime example of this is .....
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Men And Women
Number of words: 750 - Number of pages: 3.... home, take care of the children, clean the house, and cook. Because society has always associated money with power, the person bringing home the money had the power. The man often makes the final decision on all household matters because he has the money.
The workplace is another place where are not equal. The most obvious sign starts at the top. Look at the CEO of the corporation. The majority of CEOs are men. Women, who serve as CEOs, are a rare sight. Another sign of the unfairness can also be found in the lower ranks. Men are often applauded for being assertive and giving orde .....
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Ahold In The Czech Republic
Number of words: 2353 - Number of pages: 9.... recently also active in Central Europe and Russia. Since the economies in Central European countries have just become more open and freer, Ahold has seen a promising business opportunity over there. One of the countries in Central Europe to which Ahold has already expanded business activities is the Czech Republic. Nowadays, Euronova, Ahold's subsidiary in the Czech Republic that specializes in food retailing, is the largest foreign investor in this country. Since the Czech Republic has a merging economy, many competitors are looking for capturing the Czech market. The thesis statement that w .....
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Is The Idea Of Doctrinal Devel
Number of words: 1864 - Number of pages: 7.... particular the veracity of the official doctrines issued by the Popes and the Councils. If a Pope has held that Matthew’s gospel was written first, then it is very difficult for Catholic theologians to argue that that isn’t true, and that Mark’s gospel, for instance, was in fact the first written. Within this essay I shall be looking at different approaches to the issue before going on to try and find the most convincing solution, should that be possible.
The history of doctrine in the early nineteenth century was seen by catholic theologians as being one of pure, unsullied teaching th .....
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Journalistic Integrity
Number of words: 2772 - Number of pages: 11.... care to avoid inadvertent error” (1). The society does not permit the deliberate misuse of information. Not only that, but “unethical practices of other journalists…should be uncovered and exposed” (2). The SPJ does contend however, that a journalist’s main interest should be the public’s right to know (2). Lastly the society states that if there is any miscommunication between the public and journalists, the public should be “encouraged to voice their grievances against the news media” (3). The SPJ, along with other organizations such a .....
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Number of words: 973 - Number of pages: 4.... from environmental threats to health while the poor usually cannot.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has called poverty the world's biggest killer. It has been shown that being poor increases one's risk of ill health. Poverty also contributes to disease and death through its second-order effects; poor people, for example, are more likely to live in an unhealthy environment. Many of the world's poorest are unable to secure even the bare necessities for a healthy life such as food, water, shelter, clothing, and health care.
Globally, one of the major causes of ill health is malnut .....
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Expert Systems In Health Care
Number of words: 345 - Number of pages: 2.... likely antibiotic regimens to be effective and the cost of the prescription for each one.
Altough,the system was extremely rewarding and expanded to include other cases involving antibiotics, some criticisms were made against it. It was stated that the system was unwieldy and that physicians had to enter much information, which was useless.
Of course, the best answer came straightly from the physicians, who highlighted many important benefits of the AIC. The 88% of them believed that the use of AIC was very simple and they would recommend it to other colleagues. Another 85% stated that the .....
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