Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Number of words: 2565 - Number of pages: 10.... composed of material substance, the basic framework for the
materialist position. The main figure who believed that material substance did
not exist is George Berkeley. In truth, it is the immaterialist position that
seems the most logical when placed under close scrutiny.
The initial groundwork for Berkeley's position is the truism that the
materialist is a skeptic. In the writing of his three dialogues, Berkeley
develops two characters: Hylas (the materialist) and Philonous (Berkeley
himself). Philonous draws upon one central supposition of the materialist to
formulate his argument of skep .....
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The American
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... rubble and smoke, death and fear. We weep at the tragedy; we weep without justice.
Do we strike? Bomb Afghanistan, bomb the Taliban, bomb countries that may have transgressed against us? There is our war! Do we not have the greatest power in the world? Our might is legendary. Our power, beyond challenge. Why should we entertain repose, even for a moment? Let us strike first and then consider!
Why find the Terrorist who wielded destruction on America? Are they all not to blame? Why wait? We know who they are; we know where they are. So, let us bring the mighty hand of America upon their .....
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Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... it was the changing society of the late 60's and early 70's that gave my mother the motivation to question tradition. I feel that in this situation it's not society in general that constructs gender but simply ignorance through tradition. In my mothers case it wasn't society at all but merely her families strict traditional values that tried construct her into the "traditional women" figure.
Even though many years have past since my mother has grown up and much has changed traditional values still play a part in how gender difference is created in society. In my own life my family has in .....
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Trends In Policing
Number of words: 2320 - Number of pages: 9.... York cop who was solidly supported by his alderman and assistant alderman could disobey a police superior with virtual impunity. So while the British were firing bobbies left and right for things like showing up late for work, wearing disorderly uniforms, and behaving discourteously to citizens, American police were assaulting superior officers, refusing to go on patrol, extorting money from prisoners, and releasing prisoners from custody of other officers...”
Needless to say that corruption became a big problem in American law enforcement. Probably the biggest factor that underline .....
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Decision Support Systems
Number of words: 822 - Number of pages: 3.... and determining the dedicated opportunities within a bid. NETWISE 3.0 are a decision support tool used in the analysis of profitability, pricing, and network balance. Companies were having a problem of having their carriers spend countless hours of manpower responding to single bid. NETWISE 3.0 addresses this issue by providing them with an enterprise software package that provides the with the same opportunities as the shipper. IDSC solved the problem of having the carrier determine how to price a lane so that it appears attractive to the shipper and yet still be profitable. During the .....
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Christmas Is A Good Holiday For Many Reasons
Number of words: 386 - Number of pages: 2.... enjoy
something that was given to them free. Also, people get to give gifts to their
friends and family. Giving gifts always gives people that warm happy feeling
inside. The most enjoyable part is seeing the gifts that people gave being
opened by the people receiving them. That always puts a smile on peoples faces.
Last but not least, people get to spend time with family. Some of the
family may not have been seen in a long time so it puts everyone in a good mood
to finally see them. Being with family is fun and helps make the holidays more
enjoyable. One thing that many families may f .....
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How To Create A Culture Of Pea
Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... this we can specifically improve each aspect and in the long run we will have created a much more peaceful society.
The first aspect of peace is the spirit peace, which reflects how we feel about ourselves and how we treat others. Peace is to smile at the world, taking good care of the animals, the trees, the lakes, and being aware of the environment. When we understand nature - and accept the fact that we are part of it - then there will be peace. We want a clean, balanced, and uncorrupted environment for our children to grow up in. We, as individuals of a whole, like peace because we lik .....
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Muckraking Newspapers And Maga
Number of words: 2106 - Number of pages: 8.... and those journalists that wrote in that style were known as muckrakers.
Muckraking was a new type of investigative journalism that had rarely been seen before. Instead of the soft-spoken commentaries that were so common, the new journalism was filled with hard-hitting, well investigated facts. Muckrakers investigated the corruption of business, politics, and the labor movement and spread it all in front of their readers. They weren’t there to make friends or to appease the people who held power in the U.S.; they were there to make a point. They were there to point out policy and .....
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A Room With A View Windy Corne
Number of words: 930 - Number of pages: 4.... leads us to believe that perhaps it does not have such high standards after all.
The physical interiors are just as different as their appointed names. Mrs Vyse’s flat is not described in too much detail, but just enough so that the reader has a clear picture of it in our minds. As mentioned above, the flat is proved not to have such high standards when Mrs Honeychurch reveals that there is a “thick layer of flue under the beds.” It is not a very pleasant place, as we see when “darkness enveloped the flat.” By contrast, there is so much light at Windy Corner that the curtains “h .....
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Clausewitz And The Nature Of W
Number of words: 4804 - Number of pages: 18.... science. As Clausewitz argued, the object of science is knowledge and certainty, while the object of art is creative ability. Of course, all art involves some science (the mathematical sources of harmony, for example) and good science always involves creativity. Clausewitz saw tactics as more scientific in character and strategy as something of an art, but the conscious, rational exercise of "military strategy," a term much beloved of theorists and military historians, is a relatively rare occurrence in the real world. "It has become our general conviction," he said, "that ideas in war are g .....
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