Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Jump School
Number of words: 664 - Number of pages: 3.... I thought the running part was over ,but unfortunately the runs got
longer. The first tower was the Five Foot Tower. From this tower I jumped to the
ground and rolled away .The next tower was Fifty Foot Tower, a challenge just to
look over the edge. I was hooked to a parachute harness, that attached to a
cable. The cable ran down a slope to a hill about one hundred feet away.
Jumping out of the tower I raced along the ground till I came to the hill, where
someone stopped me. The final tower stood two hundred feet tall. Standing at
the bottom and looking up was enough to scare anyon .....
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Loophole Or A Conspiracy?
Number of words: 423 - Number of pages: 2.... will be out of the loop. The New York Times article reported that the software security breaches has been verified. This means that if one hacker has the knowledge of hacking through this loophole, then we are in great danger because everything you can imagine is stored in the computers and large databases. This article just proves my point on Microsoft's power to influence and danger our personal everyday lives. Did you know that there is a secret imbedded program called " The Hall Of Tortured Souls"? Yes, there is that secret program imbedded in the Microsoft's Excel 95. This program wa .....
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Number of words: 501 - Number of pages: 2.... the amount of games you bet on.
Some other forms of are
Each week you pick the winners(straight up ,no odds) and whom ever has the most right wins. In case of a tie you usually predict the score of your hometown team.
2 The 22 board ,it has 30 people and its a season long bet, each week so much is put in the pot and if its not won one week it moves on too the next weeks pot plus the amount normally put in. each person has the same team for every week.
3 You play a parley card in which case you pick the games (with the odds) or you pick whether or not a team will cover or else you pick t .....
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Why Aol Sux
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... at installing equipment -- that busy signals have become more common than an actual connection when dialing into AOL. In addition, if you do connect, you are condemned to use badly written AOL software to read and send email and to browse the Web. For a service that is still more expensive t han its competition, is the sacrifice worth it?
Censorship on AOL
The Internet is a place of free speech, where one can discuss any topic without fear of censorship or retalliation. This is not the case on AOL. Staff known as "Guides" regularly patrol the service, looking for members violating the Term .....
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Universal Love- Parting Withou
Number of words: 609 - Number of pages: 3.... the story within this poem; saying something during a time of pure hatred towards another that they will most surely regret in the future. They know that their feelings must be heard, but do it in a most inappropriate way. The woman, in a fit of rage wrote a letter to a soon to be ex-lover. She knew her mistake of writing such a harsh letter, but there was nothing she could do after she gave it to the postman, other than go to her father.
Ransom refers to the father as a “vaunting oak” to show that he is a steadfast and wise father. The daughter knows she can depend on hi .....
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Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4.... systems is allowing workers to expand their duties into more complex tasks. In the past, their time may have been completely taken up by responding to immediate needs within their companies. This meant manually
completing routine tasks such as preparing tenders and purchase orders. Now
they spend more time on planning and researching purchasing needs. This may mean working to establish relationships with suppliers that secure the best prices, services, and delivery options on all potential purchases.The purchasing manager usually handles the more complex or critical pu .....
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Communication In The Millenium
Number of words: 887 - Number of pages: 4.... technologies, such as the Internet, email, and video-conferencing, it would make most people back in the “good old days” stare wide-eyed and shake their heads in disbelief. How would one even begin to explain modems and servers and chat rooms to someone who had just bought a touch-tone phone? Yet, it was back in those “good old days” when things that we today consider necessities would have then been considered impossible.
So, what about communication technologies of tomorrow? Will they have us shaking our head and staring wide-eyed as our parents and grandparents did so many yea .....
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Racial Segregation
Number of words: 1906 - Number of pages: 7.... by and the influence of European colonists.
South African culture is segregated by race, African tradition and way of life is looked down by English colonists because they consider it uncultured and barbaric. With English control came English law, and with English law came English prejudices. Native Africans are effectively forced to live in an English society where only second rate jobs are available, and where they are always considered inferior. Many native Africans are constantly reminded of this and cannot do anything about it.
The protagonist of You Can't Get Lost in Cape Town is .....
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Urban Transportation Alternati
Number of words: 1934 - Number of pages: 8.... space vehicles and many variations of each of these bring human beings to every corner of the world and beyond. However, motorised transportation is not only used in long distance travel, most automobile transportation takes place within urban and suburban centres. As the rate of urbanisation increased over the last century, so did the use of automobiles. Now there are more than 540 million automobiles on the roads of the world with most of these being in the developed countries 1 . Unfortunately cars cause problems, especially when there are many cars in one area such as an urban centre. .....
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Intercultural Miscommunication
Number of words: 523 - Number of pages: 2.... words such as “gonna” and “hafta” seem normal to those who have spoke English their entire lives, however to a person who has just learned English, formally, these words would seem confusing. They are taught to say “going to” and “have to” and hence, making more room for misunderstanding situations between cultures. A sentence such as “we are in the same boat” would seem silly to a foreign person who had recently learned the English language. They would wonder how a boat got into the story and why they and the other person were the only two in the boat.
Colloquial l .....
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