Term Papers on Miscellaneous Subjects |
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... derived the Pythagorean Theorem. He quotes Proclos, a
commentator of Euclid's elements, "if we listen to those who wish to recount the
ancient history we may find some who refer this theorem to Pythagoras, and say
that he sacrificed an ox in honor of his discovery". If this statement is
considered as a statement of fact, it is extremely improbable, for Pythagoras
was opposed to the sacrifice of animals, especially cattle. If the saying is
considered as just a legend, it is easy to explain how such a legend might have
come into existence. Perhaps the original form of the legend sai .....
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Disposable Diapers
Number of words: 9414 - Number of pages: 35.... Despite the popularity of , however, many consumers are turning away from because they are not biodegradable.
Given this gap in the market, Bio-Diapers has been developed to provide ecology-minded consumers with an environmentally safe disposable diaper. This new line of biodegradable will feature all the elements that are popular among users of , but will include that added benefit -- biodegradability. The revolutionary new advancement in the disposable diaper market will attract consumers who are concerned about the environment as well as those consumers using cloth diapers and diaper .....
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Cultural Relativism
Number of words: 982 - Number of pages: 4.... is not logical, as the conclusion does not follow from the factual premise. The premise makes an assertion about differences in moral beliefs. The conclusion makes an assertion about the nature of moral facts or truths. In general, he argues, one cannot assume anything about what is or is not true about the world, from premises about beliefs about the world. A culture may believe that the earth is flat, but believing so doesn't make it so (nor does belief that the earth is round make it so). Nor does disagreement over the shape of the earth imply that there is no definite shape. This critici .....
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Image Audit Of Olav Thon Real
Number of words: 3025 - Number of pages: 11.... rental and other opertaing income for the first six months of 1998 was NOK 211,1 compared with NOK 178 million in the first half of 1997. The percentage of shares held by Mr. Olav Thon, did not change. The profit for the second half of 1998 was anticipated to be in line with the results of the first half-year.
? good maintenance and standard of the real estates
? Safe tenancy conditions – solid and secure real-estate management
? Flexibility regarding the size and situation of the premises
? Well established service apparatus, and good per .....
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Cn Tower
Number of words: 755 - Number of pages: 3.... in North America. An extra little tidbit you may not have known: It wasn't until late in the design process that the architects decided to turn the Tower into a Tourist Attraction.
These are the hard facts.
The was built by the Canadian National Railway.
Opened to the public on June 26, 1976
Official opening on October 1, 1976
Original cost: $63 million
Adjusted cost (1997 dollars): $250 million
Total construction time: 40 months
Number of construction workers: 1,537
Total weight of the Tower: 117,910 metric tonnes (130,000 tons)
Volume of concrete: 40,523.8 cubic metres .....
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Cellular Phone Hazards
Number of words: 360 - Number of pages: 2.... drivers are able to summon help in the event of mechanical difficulties or other roadside mishaps. Though more research is needed, previous NHTSA studies suggest is a primary or contributing factor in as many as 50 percent of all car crashes (Cellular phone research).
Besides being distracting to drivers, cellular phone radiation is also cause for controversy. Headway National Injuries Association wants mobile phones to be treated in the same way that tobacco is, with public health warnings required until their health effects are known. Some research has shown that use of a cel .....
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Media And Culture
Number of words: 2919 - Number of pages: 11.... to eat, what to wear, what to listen and what to watch. No matter how hard we try to avoid being influenced by these directives, only up to a certain point we can protect ourselves, and after that, no interpretive power can be helpful. Media, then leads us to a path that ends up in the same department store with our neighbor, with whom we have probably never talked before, but holding the same pair of socks or CDs, and we might never want to recall the TV commercial that had opened the gates of this path.
United States is the biggest economical power in the world today, and consequent .....
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Problems Teenagers Face
Number of words: 891 - Number of pages: 4.... of friends. As teenagers begin trusting and telling secrets to their friends, their relationship gains a sense of loyalty and obligation. When a teenagers finds him or herself thinking like a someone else it develops into a friendship.
If a strong bond occurs with someone normally of the opposite sex dating might occur. Dating is a very loose word which can mean many different things. It can mean going out in a group to have fun, going out in a group to get to know each other, or just two people going out to see a movie. After feelings have grown between two people they sometimes exper .....
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The Ideas Of A Moralistic Soci
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... like him less and less. He starts out as a simple minded man who just happens to be a braggart. However, as the novel goes on his personality becomes more and more objectionable, and when he throws in such statements as "your sister would have rather died than disgrace her family" (in speaking of Lydia’s elopement) we begin to down right detest him. The manner in which he approaches people gives us a very good idea of the type of character that Jane Austin is trying to portray. Take his proposal to Lizzy as an example. His uncouth approach to the whole matter gave us the most insight a .....
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The Existence Of God: Theories Of Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, And William Paley
Number of words: 2237 - Number of pages: 9.... today's world: The starving in
Third World Countries, the destructiveness of war, and especially the anguish of
losing a loved one.
In the Bible, a book meant to be the word of God, condemns such things
as murder, adultery and theft. I find it hard to believe that an all-powerful,
all-knowing, infinitely-good being that “created” this world and everything in
it would allow any of these things to occur. He would not only condemn them in
an ancient book, but abolish them altogether along with any other things evil.
If God is supposed to be the “heavenly father” wouldn't he want and i .....
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